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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Come On Over - Google + shut down - we want to stay in touch with you

Global Kingdom Harvest Ministries wants to stay in touch with you. 

We've loved the connection and interaction around the ONE Desire blog
The blog will continue 
But our google plus account wont.


Come over to our Facebook account!

There is so much more coming as we build apostolic and prophetic foundations and bring the Kingdom Gospel to the nations - US, Japan, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Uganda. 

Global Kingdom Harvest 

Friday, February 1, 2019

Sometimes Wonder and Awe Slip Away

I wonder why....

I wonder why our prayers slip out of devotion and into robotic servitude? 

Why do Wonder and Awe come and go like waves and winds? 

Why, am I tuned into the wonder and awe of Christ one moment, 
and totally dull the next?

I wonder about the visitations, dreams and prophetic words 
that pierced my heart with awe and sparked intense encounter with God?

What do they mean? 
How do I steward them and understand them best? 

I wonder about the Christian life and how our passions fade, commitments wain, and love grows cold when we've tasted and seen so much of the love of Jesus? 

I wonder about times and seasons and the incredible waves that overwhelm with the awe of Jesus, seeing him in worship and prayer, rejoicing with the Saints in his presence and then watching people fall off, fall away, and wander into passionless devotion-less lives.  

I don't know about you, but I don't think 

this is what we were made for. 

Entering and abiding in the fullness of Jesus Christ - looks like more to me.  

Ephesians 3:20-21 
Exceedingly abundantly more - highest heights, mystery revealed, Christ in me, Spirit power manifest, overcoming the world, joy unspeakable.  

which means we are asking, seeking, knocking beyond our present sight, our present understanding of reality, hope, and love.....

And God in his awesome love and kindness  
does exceedingly more than that.  

The Revelation of The Book of Revelation - Perspective - Hope - Vision. 

Jesus rules and reigns as High Priest of heaven's temple - right now. 

Through excising faith we are called up and in, to join the crowd of witnesses in living testimony.

To live as living sacrifices,
smoking up the place with offerings and worship and tangible victory on the earth.

To bear witness to the NAME of Jesus
in the spirit of prophecy and
to bring with us the revelation of his grace
walking in the power of the Spirit by faith.

To live in agreement with

The 24 Elders,

Saints of every age from every Age
who see him face to face and gaze upon the fullness of the Son of God in glory.

This same Son we see in Revelation 1.  Colossians 1:15f...

I wonder at the lack of wonder. 

The enduring ability of humanity to completely miss the revelation of Jesus and his Kingdom. 
I walk in that lack myself.  
I repent when I do.  
I see him again and I can only repent and ask for his grace to sustain me and draw me deeper into his life, his ways and his love.  

I wonder at the "otherness" of our life in Jesus. 

Yet, I also wonder at the invitation and the "yes" of Jesus.  He welcomes any person who would receive him.  
Any person. 
Any condition

We have a ministry to the Most High

This is really where it all begins.  Honoring the Trinity God.  Agreeing with his ways, salvation, love, hope and Spirit in the world. Agreeing heart, mind, soul, strength in real time and with honest whole life connection.

First love is the Fireplace,

His House of Discovery of Old and New Treasures

             "All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him."  Col 2:3

Abiding in our inheritance in Jesus - always with him the goal

Gazing on the beauty of the Lord - is sheer joy

Waiting on his Voice - when he speaks our bodies shudder

Living as living sacrifices - each day putting up smokey rhythms of love and truth

Holy and pleasing - is how he makes us in his sight 

Friends with God - we know his business and carry it out 

Empowered by Grace through faith - we walk on water with the Spirit

In the Victory,
the Boundless, Abundant, Victory of Jesus Christ,
And in the measure of his victory
sown into each of us, grace, the overcoming power in us through faith,
so that we can walk by faith, shinning into the earth in Wonder and Awe.

Much love in Jesus.  
Brother Jeff

Get these two foundations in prayer!  
How's your 24?  
How's your prayer walk?  
Sowing into prayer is the greatest avenue for consistent joy in Jesus than any other thing out there.   

Take a new step into the depths and riches of knowing Jesus.  Pray. 

Start today.  5 mins listening to or reading the Scripture and Psalm 27:14 wait for the Lord. 
Grab some time and steal away with Jesus.  
He is remarkable to be around.  
You will tap into the grace of God.
The Father sent Jesus to restore us to him and he is longing to know us in Christ.  (John 17:3) 

1. 10 Keys to Praying with Power

2. 10 Keys to Sustaining Supernatural Life

3. Why is the Prayer House Empty?

4. Intimacy with Jesus Beyond Religion? 

Feedback?  Ideas?  

I would love to dialogue with you. 

Share your comments.  


Thanks for Reading!   

I love your comments. Ideas and thoughts.
Please share em.
Re-shares are great. thank U.

The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.   

Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you! With much love in Jesus 

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   --- 

Brother Jeff

Jeff Reynolds Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship