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Friday, March 23, 2018

United Prevailing Prayer - Changes Everything

Prayer is the indispensable element.   The air of an abiding life. 

Heart Seeds from Japan

To see movement and progress in the hopes of people, cities, nations, our own assignment, requires prayer, both corporate and individual.   

Personally, I see prayer rooting everything of value in the Kingdom of God.  

It rooted the Lord Jesus.  It appears to be essential to life, hearing and knowing the will of the Father for Jesus and the apostles he shaped.    

I expect myself, and all Christians actually, to be intentionally pursuing an abiding worship-filled life of prayer. 

  • A life of prayer that actually moves a couple mountains in their lifetime. my lifetime. 
  • A life of prayer tapping into the miracle reality of a faith that finds itself often confronted by the impossible.   

Not just a individual prayer life.   
Lost in the playground of Holy Spirit experiences, personal quests and endless encounters that don't translate into any tangible benefit for the Body of Christ, such a personal prayer life cannot be the fullness of the mission and purpose of Jesus Christ on the earth.  Certainly a brick in the roadway of kingdom progress, such wanderings need insight, wisdom and some faith action in the world of love.  If heaven conducted itself in such a way, if the character of God was like this, Jesus would still be in heaven enjoying the beauty of the Father and the fullness of the Trinity for himself.  Instead, love compelled him to come down from the Throne of Heaven and lay down his life in love.  Prayer is not an individual pursuit in the Kingdom of God.  It is an essential element of individual abiding and practicing of the presence, but it is not the fullness of Jesus Christ if left on its own.   The revelation of Jesus in his Death, Resurrection and Ascension to sit at the right hand of the Father as the High Priest of the Heavenly temple is proof enough that prayer leads us to service, love and sacrifice.  

Prayer is also corporate.  Centered with the family of believers, each one is called to overcome the world, preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, and disciple the Nations.  Not an individual mission.  A family mission.  A mission forged in community, communion and co-laboring with Jesus and the Saints.    

So, yes.  I have a few assumptions behind these ideas.  They could be called presuppositions.  That is ideas usually hidden behind the words we speak or ideas we put forth.  They are typically not out as part of the discussion.  They do undergird and hold up the ideas we typically put out in front.  

Assumption 1

To minister in the way Jesus did, we are most likely required to have the same commitment to prayer he had.  

What did that look like? 

Hebrews 5:7-9  
Cries, tears, reverent submission, suffering, obedience.  All the words we are unfamiliar with.  The sustaining teachings we have little experience in and the endurance we have little patience for.  What does this look like when such words are applied to prayer?  I'm not sure we speak this language.  

The description of this kind of prayer proves lots of time with the Father both in encouragement, insight, and empowerment for the mission of his Father's will.  That mission ultimately overcame death.  Imagine.  Jesus was a human person in all the ways we are, except for sin, and he was fully God.  The primary means of overcoming, or at least central to his mission victory, was prayer described by these words, cries, tears, reverent submission, suffering, and obedience.   

Can we categorize or characterize our prayer journey with these same words?  

So the weaknesses of our lives he understood by experience.  He overcame the world and remained the perfect sinless Lamb. But he experienced the weight, pain, intensity, tears, prayerful cries, of overcoming death.  The all around us, ever pressing in to inform and teach us, death.  The death that fills up minds and hearts while people live, death.  

And Jesus experienced the way of the Father's will right in the middle of the ever-present voice, teaching, character, mindsets, and threats of death.  

This was the life he had to lead based on that call and mission of the Father's will on earth.  In the conflict to overcome the world there was suffering.  Jesus obediently moved through the suffering with the support of the Father through prayer and in a life of continual strengthening in thanksgiving and intercession.  He did that through prayer as a core abiding reality, in Spirit and truth.  This led to prayers of tears, cries of intercession and supplications to overcome death.  

Prayer is powerful.  Prayer is the air of heavens victory in you and me. 

Assumption 2

To know the Father the way Jesus does and to grow in eternal life, requires the same commitment to prayer and intimacy Jesus had. 

Listening is key to getting hold of the Father's will.  Jesus spent morning after morning away in prayer.  So much so the disciples finally caught on and asked, "Teach us to pray".  

To walk in the Spirit, Overcome the World and see the unseen, requires a consistent dedicated persistent life of prayer.  To move mountains, hindrances, spiritual obstacles on the pathway to, "well done good and faithful servant", requires ever increasing prayer and growth in the language and power of God's presence.  

Paying without ceasing as I understand it, is continually abiding in the presence.  Translating prayer into the wisdom and revelation of the Holy Spirit.  All the time listening as we walk in those revealed steps.  Pouring out in service and love the grace we've been entrusted with from Christ.  That grace comes from his victory.  Gifts of overcoming power and love that he won for us.  With his own blood, he purchased for us abiding prayer in continuous and ever-expanding presence.  Such grace empowers us in his victory.  Prayer, listening, and writing lays the groundwork for a faith that activates this grace.  Prayer supports, under-girds, upholds, sustains, empowers, emboldens, encourages, and so much more than we ask or thing, empowers the grace we have received.   

I keep saying United Prevailing Prayer changes everything.  

So what does United Prevailing Prayer mean?

1. United -

Competition may be in American blood, its definitely in mine as a coach, but it's not in the blood of Christ.  Every member is vital to the victory Jesus is bringing.  Sons and Daughters must learn to exercise grace in faith and serve and love one another as Jesus did.  He laid down his life for us and so we should lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.   John 15:12-17;  I John 3:16

We have all kinds of activities that foster and promote the local church organization. Yet few of these offer partnership or co-laboring in unity with the wider churches or ministries around us.  

For the ekklesia, which is called to ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE SPIRIT, we appear to have less generous working unity than the world does in business, non-profit work or simple neighborly love.  Not good. 

Jesus entrusted us with a most incredible insight into his prayer life in John 17.  It gave us a window or picture of what and how he prays; his hopes and his victory on the Cross, in the Resurrection and as soon to be ascended, King.  

What he won for us, is how he prays for us.  

Unity and love among us, demonstrates to the world that he actually came (John 17:20-21).  Real tangible love among the brothers is completely attainable, if we position ourselves in Christ with his eyes for one another.  John 17:20-21  

Anything dividing us is a lie.  Poor teaching and worldly ambitions turn us away from the power of love and service to the ekklesia of our city and region.  Such ambitions?  Such dividing elements?   Are they for money and power.  James 3:14-18    

2. Prevailing - "prove more powerful than opposing forces. be victorious."  Oxford Dictionary.  

Prevailing prayer proves our overcoming strength in Christ.  This kind of prayer does not shrink back in the face of the need for a miracle. The impossible is expected to come along at any time.  These impossibilities are gifts from God, stages to prove the Gospel of the Kingdom to the impossible.  They regularly arrive when we set ourselves into the motions of grace and faith.  
Everything is easy when we simply admire the thought of overcoming the world.  When we are living in the reality and action of overcoming the world, we realize it cannot be done without prayer.  
The power of prayer mixed with patient endurance is a prevailing recipe. 

Jesus paved this path-Way.  Let's follow him into joy.  He travailed in prayer.  Believing that through the cross he would overcome death and defeat it forever.  And so he did.  

To prevail in prayer is to hit head on the obstacles and hindrances that will surely come as we seek to do the Father's will in the world.  

Prevailing prayer is the power that keeps on knocking, asking, seeking in the face of the impossible.   The breakthrough of God's amazing news in Christ, is found in prevailing prayer.  Prevailing prayer is rooted and established in love, the most compelling and eternal reality in the universe.  Prevailing prayer is the partner of HOPE.  It puts hope in motion.  Prevailing prayer is an act of faith.  It cannot be done without faith.  And so by nature, it abides in the "please to God" realms.  

It is impossible to abide in prevailing prayer, without compelling, clear, actionable faith.  

Prevailing prayer will overcome the drout and momentum problems we face in winning the world to Christ.  Prevailing prayer is walking in the Spirit by faith.  Prevailing intercessory worship and prayer are the foundation of every family and ekklesia.  Regions, cities, nations, advance in "every spiritual blessing in Christ" in prevailing and consistent prayer.  Standing on the promise and activating the power of continuous dialogue with God, is indispensable.  As prayer is indispensable, prevailing prayer is equally indispensable for the Saint on the mission with God.  Walking in the Spirit is walking in prevailing prayer both corporate and individually.  

Flowers in Rocky Desert Soil

3. Prayer -- in secret and in corporate
Secret praying is the root and foundation of abiding and walking in the Spirit (Matthew 6:5-13).  This Kingdom life cannot be done except for a vibrant and supporting intercessory prayer and worship filled life.  

The secret place is indispensable to knowing and activating the mystery of Christ in you the hope of glory.  

The Master was devoted to prayer.  We are called to the same way.  What appears weak is actually the greatest strength available to us.  Prayer moves mountains.  A mustard seed moves a mountain?  We have much to learn about the power of prayer.  

Prayer sustains the move of Christ in our hearts.  Prayer covers and upholds the holiness and truth of the Gospel.  Prayer opens the doors for the Gospel and removes the blinders of the enemy over groups of people.  We really should need no convincing, but the guts seem to have fallen out of the churches prayer life.  

Corporate praying...
Prayed Peter out of prison.  Corporate praying and worship busted Paul and Silas out of prison.   We need corporate, developing, intercessory worship and prayer to sustain and uphold the Saints in consistent walking in the Spirit and overcoming life.   

Prayer is the inexhaustible truth.  

The air of heaven. 

The vision that confronts the impossible. 

United Prevailing Prayer is an indispensable weapon.  

Friday, March 16, 2018

Christ is Leading a Spiritual Revolution - a New Heaven, a New Earth Revolution..

When we pass through fires of opposition from within the family to bring this Gospel of the Kingdom to the world...?

The best outcome when the fires die down is to fill our new perspective, direction, spiritual vision with LOVE and deeper abiding.  

Typically, we simply survive and go on in the mindset, values, survival modes we've learned.  Rather than embrace new and living ways with Jesus, we settle into old and dying ways of thinking and acting.  This is definitely the road to apathy and passivity.  Which in turn leads to indecision, prayer-less lives, loss of Voice in proclaiming the Gospel and doctrine focused postures.    

What is at the root of this?
The standard of walking as a believer in the New Testament is hard for us to articulate.  
Even more difficult, to translate it into our current culture, time, era and way of living.  

We have all kinds of "spiritual approaches" or values we bring forth as a package to explain the true meaning of being a Christian.  We do this in denominations, theological streams of thought, ways of worship and prayer.  On and on we go crafting "the real understanding" of living and breathing Christ as our Lord.  

A few assumptions I make that counter such a quest. 

1. Jesus said, unless you become as little children you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. 
Without the hunger an open heart of first love, seeing the Kingdom of God and acting in and through grace and will of the Father is not possible. 
Hay, wood, precious stones, are easy to build.  Requiring no prayer. The Mind of Man inspired, worked out and beautiful to the natural mind. Alternatively they are lacking spiritual realities, leading to the demonic.  James 3:14-18
These are Forms we expect without the power and presence of God.  Tragic.  (Isaiah 58; II Timothy 3:5: Matthew 7:21)

"Many who have the form of godliness are strangers to this power, and so are in religion worldly, in prayer mechanical, in public one thing, and in private another.  True godliness lies in spiritual power, and as they are without this, they are dead while they live."  

2. Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."  
If little children and the poor cannot grasp or walk in or easily and simply obey Christ with your "spiritual approach" it has most likely fallen off a few steps from the person of Jesus Christ.  The first and true test is the poor can do it and see the grace and glory of God change their lives.  This is the real Gospel of the Kingdom.  

3. We steward a mystery. (Ephesians 3:7-9).  Christ is leading a spiritual revolution for a new Kingdom and a whole new earth and heaven.  He's not keeping the old one.  But so often we do.  

One of the problems is, most of our "Value packages" are a step or two removed from the straight up words of Christ, the Apostles and or what they did and lived.  

I've heard many people excuse themselves from the intense demands of true worship and devotion to Jesus; from his terms of service.  In doing so, we move away from the Person Jesus Christ.  We move away from the grace to sustain us in his glory.  We move away from him, his commands, and his WAY.

The Book of Acts for instance has a huge assumption that is never succinctly stated.  
The author does not say, "ok, so this is exactly how the passion, love, commitment and devotion to Jesus looks in every time, season, nation, or people".  In fact, as much as we want such a statement, the New Testament writers understood the vast reality of Christ.  He is in all, through all, and all things were created for him and by him.  Every language, culture, tribe and nation finds its wonder and awe of God expressed in beauty and power through walking in the Spirit in their time, season, culture, family and nation.  Manifold wisdom is the glory of God.  Millions in obedience to the grace he handed out, acting in service and love as worship to the Master himself.  All in perfect harmony with the Fathers will.  Word to the wise.  Competition in the forms of Christ are ridiculous.  Jesus is not competing with himself or thrusting his highly valuable servants against each other to accomplish his will.  That's the mind of man in full motion.  Earthly, unspiritual, demonic.  
John 15:12-17 paints the Christ picture of our relationship to him and those he loves.  

So, this is exactly what you do to live out Christ in your family, community, culture or nation.

Oh, we want that so bad.  We want to have the idea, the value story, the truth.  In so doing we put ourselves in a way to miss the message of the New Testament.  Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life.  He is the value story written on our lives.  A person that is truth.  

A person can be known.  An idea cannot.  Jesus is the Truth Person.  Able to be known.  Able to be committed to and covenanted with.  Able to offer love and devotion to, we can build a life around who he is and how he works and moves in the world.  Our world.  The one we walk through every day.  

The simple minded just want to know how to get an A.  They are not interested in being transformed by the complete mystery of Christ in you the hope of glory.  

The religious just want to know the rules, boundaries, actions that get them by.  "Tell me what satisfies the rules and I'm good."  Nothing satisfies righteousness but faith in the Lamb of God; the righteous sinless one, whose blood satisfies the justice of God.  Faith in him satisfies.  Faith is not a set of ideas, doctrines or check list of "I believe that's".  It is a relationship with the Son of God that is founded in faith in his blood and hope for salvation. 
Yes, orthodox faith has truths about Jesus that are doctrines.  Undeniable core.  Its the miles of extraneous teaching and interpretations of spiritual values that confounds the childlike.    

It sounds something like this....
Jesus is the NAME and revelation that triumphs over every other name and nation.  Nothing in all of life compares or is remotely equal to knowing him.  He calls for that kind of devotion as a way of life filled with the supernatural Spirit of God.  Thrusting us on the winds of love and etnerity and bringing together in us heaven and earth.  

And of course, that is not good enough.  Or wide enough.  Or deep enough.  In fact words just cannot contain the mystery which is Christ in you the hope of glory.  And...yet, we are required to bring words of agreement and revelation as worship of the Lord of Glory.  Remarkable.  Simple.  Overwhelming.  True.  

The massive assumption of the Gospels, of The Book of Acts, of Paul is that Jesus is the First among the dead and forerunner of a new and living way.  Totally different from the world as we know it.  Completely different starting points.  A revelation.  The God Man among us. The mystery of eternal life now and in Christ forever.  

Its not a "addition way".  Religious teaching that enhances life as we know it. 

It is life as we don't know it.  A whole new starting point.  Christ Jesus.  

Part II will pick up here.  Next week.  

Get these two foundations in prayer!  

How's your 24?  
How's your prayer walk?  
Sowing into prayer is the greatest avenue for consistent joy in Jesus than any other thing out there.   

Take a new step into the depths and riches of knowing Jesus.  Pray. 

Start today.  5 mins listening to or reading the Scripture and Psalm 27:14 wait for the Lord.
Grab some time and steal away with Jesus.
He is remarkable to be around.
You will tap into the grace of God.
The Father sent Jesus to restore us to him and he is longing to know us in Christ.  (John 17:3)

1. 10 Keys to Praying with Power

2. 10 Keys to Sustaining Supernatural Life

3. Why is the Prayer House Empty?

4. Intimacy with Jesus Beyond Religion? 

Feedback?  Ideas?  

I would love to dialogue with you. 

Share your comments.  


Thanks for Reading!   

I love your comments. Ideas and thoughts.
Please share em.
Re-shares are great. thank U.

The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.   

Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you! With much love in Jesus 

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   --- 

Brother Jeff

Jeff Reynolds Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship