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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Defeat the Jezebel: Do NOT Use Worldly Weapons in Spirit War

You are in a spiritual battle. You need a spiritual response. You need power and weaponry to match and destroy the Jezebel deception. 

The weapons at your disposal are not the same as those carried in the world day to day. Spiritual battles are waged with the weapons of Jesus Christ.

The Jezebel wants you to fight with worldly weapons.  Don't.  In spiritual battles use spiritual weapons.  You are up against principalities, powers, rulers, and spiritual beings influencing people for spiritual and physical destruction.   You don't need a single worldly weapon to win this battle. You need a diverse assortment of spiritual weapons.   In truth worldly weapons should be completely avoided.

Worldly weapons bring worldly outcomes.  Spiritual weapons rooted and established in the victory of Jesus bring eternal victory and salvation.

It is vital that you know what worldly weapons are, and imperative you don't use them.

II Corinthians 10:4  Bible Insight   "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ…2 Cor 10:4

Worldly weapons are the weapons of the flesh. 
People with zero perception of Jesus wield these fleshly weapons freely.  Such weapons are part of normal life in this fallen world.  Life as it's known to all people;  the fallen life we all grow up in and learn to survive.  These weapons are everyday earthly ways of bringing our will to bear on others and the world around us.  People use these weapons to gain power, control and influence over each other.  Worldly  weapons find power in and work according to the fallen understanding of  humanity.  

Things like deception, violence, control, force, power, manipulation, politicking, lording over, terror, blackmail, these are worldly weapons.   

It is so important that you get a clear picture of such weapons in action and that you never use them against a Jezebel.  These weapons are the playing field of the Jezebel.  Couched in deception, flattery, and dependence these weapons form agreements the enemy seeks to cash in during a Jezebel attack.

Here is an example.

Defamation is a worldly weapon.  It is used to undermine a person and creates huge swaths of doubt.  Jezebel attacks typically include the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; expect and or look for slander or libel in a Jezebel attack.

Our weapons are not fleshly, carnal, earthly, un-spiritual or demonic.  They are mighty to pull down strongholds of every kind.

Redemptive Holy Spirit power works through grace and wisdom by faith (James 3:14-18). This is the kind of power Jesus brings to bear in the fallen world through the Cross, Resurrection and now as Ascended High Priest of the new and living way.   It is pure Holy Spirit power.  Rooted and established in the Love of Jesus, these weapons carry spiritual power and force against tangible darkness.  The power of Jesus' work on the cross, in the resurrection and as ascended High Priest and King of the Kingdom is effective power against every and all efforts of darkness.  This will be proven when all the "enemies are under his feet". (    The earthly weapons typically employed will have no effect on the tangible spiritual darkness of a Jezebel attack.

It is so important that we unpack this reality; Nothing can be done without Jesus (John 15:5).

The Jezebel wants to draw us into a fight using worldly and demonic weapons.
The reason? These are the very tools it uses to create bondage and destruction among the Saints.  These weapons generate fear.  But how?  Through agreement.  John Paul Jackson has noted that a person hosting a Jezebel spirit has made agreements with un-crucified flesh (Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit).  This is a open door to deeper agreements with demons.  The agreements are to the flesh, the mind of the flesh and demonic lies.  Doubt intertwined with lies and falsehoods are linked to the flesh and in turn demonic forces. The wounds of the flesh and the carnal mind's understanding can host the retaliatory action and deception of the Jezebel. 

An example, terror is a well known weapon used in the world today. Fear accompanies the threat of terror.  In fact the fear of what may happen is probably the core threat of terror.    Loss and uncertainty with the threat of violence creates terror and fear.  An environment steeped in threats, predictions of loss, reprisal and character violence continuously fuels fear.  Anything creating confusion or doubt about God or that undermines the victory we possess in Jesus, can and will be used as weapon by the Jezebel.    Threats and terror are core weapons this demonic spirit likes to employ, setting set up confusion and disruption, fear and doubt. 

Don't be the one carrying confusion, doubt, fear and furthering disruption.  This is not the environment of the Holy Sprint.

Spirit weapons are different.  (Ephesians 6:10)

The ARMOR of God is activated by faith, hope and love and fueled in continuous prayer. Founded in the overcoming victory of the Lord Jesus, the Armor of God is a powerfully effective reality in the Spirit.  The armor establishes a mindset of overcoming warfare when employed by faith in wisdom (James 3:14-18). Employed in such a way, you can anticipate a deeper and more healthy spiritual victory. When the Spirit is present people get set free, come alive and step into new life. The victory lies in bringing the Kingdom of God. Through the authority granted to you and I in this power, love and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, a whole new atmosphere can be established.

Victory = Welcome the Kingdom / Act in faith / through the power of Spirit

The greatest pressures in a Jezebel attack are felt emotionally and spiritually. When people are stirred up internally all around each other or in a community, the weaker links start breaking.  This in turn puts more pressure on leaders and those tasked with the care of the community.  They see it unraveling emotionally and they themselves can be equally overcome with a destabilizing emotional turmoil.  Jesus is our peace.  He is our rest.  Don't surrender your peace and rest in Christ.  Rather press into those spiritual foundations.
Emotional upheaval occurs as people are directly confronted in uncomfortable ways.  Spiritual upheaval occurs as the fabric of relationships built in divine authority are called into question.  These in turn cause a great deal of personal and corporate upheaval.  Those in the relationships of the community come under fire and emotional duress.  The shock waves go out wider and wider unless the situation is redeemed in divine wisdom.  This is in part why such spiritual attacks are so challenging.  Emotional balance and peace filled relationship networks are the normal way we function and live.  The Jezebel attack is a direct De-stabilizer.  For church leaders their entire network of friendships, vocation, church family, spiritual purpose and personal family can be thrown into complete upheaval.

It is vital to remember the Holy Spirit has already equipped you for victory.

The Saints at your disposal for council and wisdom are there to bring peace, healing, grace and encouragement. The spiritual support you already possess, that is healthy spiritual family,  needs to be drawn upon. But not for coalition building.  Rather for building you up in the Lord and receiving ministry.  Seeking out the word of wisdom and insight from the Spirit through healthy existing networks is vital.  These are the desired voices that can aid you in achieving total victory.

Set aside: Control, manipulation, politicking, talking with those outside the problem, slandering and pulling down.  
Don't use world weapons.  They only have the power to create worldly outcomes.  

In fact they bring the same damaging effect when used by you or anyone else.
Don't make the mistake of picking up these weapons. They will NOT bring about the glory God is seeking to establish.   The righteousness the Father is aiming for is greater discernment.  Discernment the Body will be called to grow up into as you walk in the Spirit; activating wisdom through Spirit power.  Spirit power in grace, hope and love is divine power the enemy cannot resist. Remember, Jesus stripped the Devil of his abilities. Now all he has is deception. Growing in discernment is the promise of walking as a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1-2).

Do not make the first mistake of being deceived into using the weapons the Jezebel has sown.
The enemies platform is built on lies, deception, fear and control. The Lord's platform is built on love, sacrifice, service and authority expressed in grace by faith.   Jesus is the victory, boundless and abundant.  Fall more deeply into him and see the glory he won and the healing of the nations.

This is a time to dwell richly in the word of Christ. Col 3:1-4
It is not a time to use worldly weapons.  Don't do it.  Release the freedom of Christ in stead.

Other articles on defeating the Jezebel Spirit

Overcoming the Jezebel Spirit

Does releasing People and Churches from the Jezebel spirit matter?

Hang in there.  

Often we start making predictions based on past failures when trouble lands.    We start predicting a negative future out of some of our bad memories.  
The awesome thing is God is not tied up by our predictions. 
He is creative.  In love with us.  And he is good all the way.  
Everything in his heart is to see us live forever with him.  
He has provided everything needed in the Lord Jesus and his perfect work. 
I have always been a bad predictor of the future....even when I think it turns out bad. 
God always sweeps in and something unseen re-writes the story.  
That is the heart of God over us.   
He re-writes it so we see him, grow deeper in love and learn to walk with him.
In turn he changes us inside forever!  

This is all worth it.  
Even the days when you are hanging on by the tips of your fingers and you see a 1000 feet of air beneth you.   He will catch you.
Or He will sweep in and bring something unexpected.  
Believe.  Believe.  Believer. 
Trust in the NAME of Jesus.  

Comments?  Ideas? Testimonies?  
Send those to me.  
Thanks for +1's and re-shares. 

More Posts on Confidence and Zeal...

Thanks for reading.  
The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you.
Testimonies?  Share em with me.  

With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you.  

Jeff Reynolds   ---
Brother Jeff

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