Sometimes everything falls down.
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James Ensor, Le Christ apaisant la tempête, 1891 |
Other times, annoying little problems just trail along behind me or hinder and complicate things in front of me.
Occasionally challenges and problems swirl together into a perfect little storm.
The one consistent thing seems to be....
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Jesus overcame the World.
I can take heart, trust him and live in joy.
I can have peace in-spite of everything it throws at me.
I like that promise.
I love that King Jesus.
The last 6-8 months of my life have had some interesting challenges. And at the same time some of the best opportunities to advance the Kingdom of God - ever. I had a curve ball job change. One thing ended, abruptly, and many new things began. We welcomed a new family member - Rak - our Thai foreign exchange son while we got used to our firstborn living about 2.5 hours away from home; our first to head out into the wild blue. My middle son totaled our paid off mini-van (he was ok and the other driver) on the way to a ministry night at a local church and God provided for a new vehicle. I had to rehab a property that our renters trashed. The list goes on.
But so does the most incredible grace and glory of God's presence, healing, prophetic encouragement, awesome unity, love and seeing God touch people's lives.
So, in the midst of all this I was praying one morning and had a waking vision.
I saw what looked like a tornado. Things were swirling around in the air. There were large objects caught up in the wind. The sky was dark and overcast and the storm was large.
Jesus was standing in the middle of the massive storm.
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As it swirled around him, every threat and fear screaming for
his attention. He was not touched by it.
He was not moved at all.
Joy radiated from his face. His eyes bright and full, spoke life and victory and triumph. He rested in the midst of the storm.
He didn't stop it either.
I learned something in this vision.
I typically hope that the Lord will end the trials and challenges I face straight away. I focus on that in my prayers and thoughts .
The vision opened my eyes to something.
Jesus meets the world on the worst terms it could throw at him. He redeemed it from that point. We are part of a Kingdom that overcomes the world. Yet we seem to know so little about doing that very thing.
I am realizing that may be due to my understanding of problems and difficulty.
Miracles occur when heaven meets the worst the earth has to throw at people and then completely changes the equation.
Peter responded to Jesus' request to "go out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch" with "Master. We've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything."
It all could have ended right there.
The previous nights labor defining everything for the morning.
Then, "But because you say so, I will let down the nets." Peter went on.
In the words and direction of Jesus there is incredible opportunity and availability for miracles. How many do we turn aside from just because we want the problem to end?
I realized....
1) My mindset regarding problems could use an overhaul.
2) The Kingdom of God meets each one of those problems face on. I have every resource of heaven to see a miracle and for others to see Jesus, when I carry his presence right into the storm. When I look for his coming in all circumstances.
3) There is more to life than eliminating our struggles for some utopia life that no one ever gets to have.
We are the people filled with a love and life that overcomes the world. Just like Master Jesus, we have every blessing and resource in the Father to see the glory break out where the world says doom and destruction. Let some glory out!
What do you think? Does it help to see Jesus right in the middle of the storm?
Comments? Ideas? Testimonies?
Send those to me.
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With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing! He's got you.
Jeff Reynolds
Brother Jeff
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