Jesus is all we need.
"Love is the canvas" Sonya Day |
This is not really the place we love to dwell. We like strength. Especially when we are exercising it and seeing the results we expect. That feels the flesh mind.
Jesus told the great apostle Paul that in his weakness the strength of God was perfected. That is a key word. Perfected. Made perfect. Telios. Completed.
The most amazing thing occurs when we run to the end of our rope and surrender in weakness. Jesus fills up everything. This is a true place of access and worship. Choose to worship and invite the Lord's strength when all you have is gone. The true heart desire of our soaring spirits is to be filled to overflowing with the Spirit. Right? This is one of the key pathways the Spirit leads us to. Weakness.
When we are in the crisis of weakness the opportunity is present for tremendous grace, love, insight, power and spirit infilling. The other kingdom, the one ruled by Christ and unfolding daily with his reign of love and power, comes alive in us with a source of strength and life that we cannot know otherwise. His kingdom power flows freely through our weakness. It is like a river that fills up every empty place; as long as we embrace it and allow that river to flow.
When we are spent, beyond ability, overwhelmed and personally unable to keep all the pieces in our understanding, then in power and grace the Kingdom of God fills our mindset, understanding and spirits with a peace that passes understanding, a revelation that goes to the eyes of the heart and a knowledge of the ways of God that will never be taken from us. We actually see multiplication at that point. We actually can experience the power of God within us right then. Total personal crisis is open opportunity for the power of Christ Jesus to flow freely within us.
Bloom where you are planted
Being in control, balanced and within our strength is highly over rated in this Kingdom of God we are part of. That seems to be more flesh mind driven than Jesus Spirit driven. So many people around Jesus were befuddled by him, thrown off by signs and wonders and the things he did and said. So wonderful it is to be near Jesus in weakness. HE will become our understanding if we allow him.
We need a mindset shift. A transformation. Like a butterfly, we need to emerge from the cocoon of our own control and surrender every fiber of our being to the one who can save us. His salvation jumps into our spirits and souls like a consuming fire and fills up every part of us. The more we believer at every stage the more he fills our weakness with his strength. Out of the flesh mindset and into the mindset of the Spirit. Christ in you the hope of glory.
Jesus was very clear....
"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Nothing happens in the Kingdom without the direct will of the Father, orchestrated in the perfect work of Jesus and activated by the power of the Holy Spirit. Beautiful.
What we get in the ways of God are beautiful connections with him forever.
Don't reject your weakest moment. Embrace them in the love of God and see what happens!
Welcome Jesus into that moment and see what he does to completely change the world around you and the world inside you.
What to do?
1) Embrace your weakness and ask the Lord to fill it with his strength. Turn away from always having to know everything and be up on everything. Trust the character of Jesus as you follow him. Repent of trying to keep everything under control. Of planning out everything so much that God has no voice in your life. Of controling everything to protect your heart or your life from others or even God himself. He is jealously in love with you. He wont let you stay like that very long....all up in your strength and having none of his.
2)Welcome the Holy Spirit. Let these kind of weakness moments be opportunity. Ask the Spirit to fill your weakness. When you are up against the wall emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally, ask him to fill you right then and right now with his strength, wisdom, love and power. He will.
3) Ask for love to fill every void. Jesus showed us what love was. It was to lay down our lives for our friends. The people closest to us should get the best rewards of His Kingdom love. The Kingdom works inside out. Family - Tribe - Nation. Let love fill you when you are washing the dishes or cleaning the toilet.
Bottom line. When you let the Spirit fill you in your weakest places you invite Jesus to dwell with you and in you in power.
Just a reminder. Our weakness provides a great opportunity for the world to witness Christ in us! Come Lord.
Comments? Testimony? I would love to hear from you.
Have an amazing time in the Lord. He is all we need.
Love in Jesus,
Brother Jeff.
Jeff Reynolds. Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship
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