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Friday, June 20, 2014

Looking for Jesus in Everthing But Jesus

 I feel like a madman in this pursuit.  My whole being feels the hunger for him.  The longing for him.   I am grateful that the life I am living requires the Father to move, act, commune and dwell with me for it to even work.  

 "Come follow me" Jesus said.  Those words seem lost in a sea of noise filled interpretations.  Thousands of meanings in every denominational corner of the globe.   In the quiet there is a still small voice to be heard.   

"...That their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.   Col 2:3

Luke 24:27

 I want to be on that road walk with Jesus.  "There's no place I would rather be". by United Pursuit

Jesus is called the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.  We know he was there in the beginning creating us and our world.   We know he will be there at the end of all things at the Great White Throne judgement (Rev 22).   History pointed to him in the voice of prophets and history points back to him in the story of visitation.    The Apostles framed their understanding of everything in light of Jesus and his work and mission.   And Jesus taught them to do this (Luke 24:27).   

But there is all this noise.  

There are some promises we can trust in.  

Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.  Matt 5:8

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.  Matt 5:6

And there is still so much noise, static, need for tuning.  
I am surrendering to something. A thought or mindset.   It says, "Jesus can be followed today just as he was on that Emmaus road."  Through the walk of the Spirit we can connect with him and be one with him in profound simplicity.   I believe this is what the Father wants.  Complete connection with us.  Total communion.   Rest and Wisdom.   

The noise is out there but the voice of Jesus is much more powerful and profound.  

I feel like a madman in this pursuit.  My whole being feels the hunger for him.  The longing for him.   I am grateful that the life I am living requires the Father to move, act, commune and dwell with me for it to even work.   I am grateful for his visitation and revelation to the eyes of my heart.  I am grateful for the hope of glory and the vision for breakthrough that is out in front of me.   

It amazes me how many things can be bobbing on the waves of the open seas of my life and the one desire be at rest.  There is an understanding so humbling and powerful that I catch glimpses of and that has captivated my whole life.  Jesus.  

The noise can be found in anything that does not start and end with Jesus.  We want to "valuate" believers around us for their culture or pathway of pursuit.   When our God is the Father of more diversity than the mind can comprehend --- and it all holds together.   How is it that we want to limit his work by our limited mindsets?   Why are we so motivated to close down the fast spiritual realities of Jesus Christ, Maker of Heaven and Earth?   Noise.  We get addicted to it and then want to give it away to everyone else.   Give away Jesus instead. 

EX.  Scientists are still discovering new species and organisms.  How is this possible with hundreds of years of searching the plant?    If we have not exhausted the natural world's wonders, secrets and discoveries, what makes us think we have come to a full understanding of the Son of God?   

John 5:39-40

39 You study[a] the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life. 
New International Version (NIV)

There is so much noise out there.  But there is only ONE Son of God.   

Dial out the noise.  Focus the frequency and fall headlong into the deepest wells of your life in HIM.   

Other posts that seek to help us run after him
Deep Intimacy / Seeing Jesus - Hearts Who Have Shaken Loose All Affections and Believe  

You Fascinate Me Jesus, So Why Are You Thought To Be So Irrelevant?

Comments?  Ideas?  Are you on the journey?  
What does it look like for you?

 Love and grace in Jesus

Brother Jeff

Jeff Reynolds. Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship - more on apostolic reformation, prophetic ministry, fivefold ministry, stories and testimonies....visit the site

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