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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

An Overcoming Mindset - Can We See the Victory of Jesus Loving the Father The Way He Did?

What is an Overcoming Kingdom Mindset?  - Do Our Starting Thoughts  De-activate the Kingdom Power In Our Lives?

Can we see the victory of heaven loving the Father the same way the Lord Jesus loved the Father? 

An amazing thing about the world we live in, touch, taste, smell, feel, embrace and know every day is,  it was created in the Mind of God full of loving kindness and replete with life changing power.    A couple examples to get things going.

Our Bodies are built to heal themselves.   Those small cuts and wounds to hands and legs amazingly heal with a little care over a relatively short period of time.   A sickness enters our body and into action it goes to defeat it before it can overtake us.   Cancer starts with a few cells.   Then those cells have to convince the healthy cells around it to join with it.  Accept it and ultimately provide a connection to a blood source to really take off and grow.  Evil is always working in a similar way, searching for available agreement and then encouraging more.

We know this stuff.  But when it comes to God's Kingdom do we possibly have the wrong mindset?  There are plenty of believers marching with an empowered mindset advancing the Kingdom daily, but there are what seems and equal number of poor minded Saints who do not understand the way the kingdom overcomes the world.   How?  From the inside out, through sacrifice and love and with a compelling vision of Christ triumphant over all things!

A kingdom mindset is more reliant and founded on the truth that Jesus overcame the world than we seem to believe today.   Jesus overcomes the world.  The power of the Kingdom  continues to do so through those who understand the total victory of dying now, living in the resurrected life and ascending with Christ daily to the heavenly realities of his Kingdom rule and reign. 

When it is some kind of "victory of faith" to attend church on a regular basis, we are not plugged into the overcoming power of Jesus Christ that is transforming nations. 

What do I mean?   Consider the wheat and the tares for one thing.   Jesus said about weeds being sown into the wonderful wheat of his Kingdom garden and his servants question of whether to pull them out, 
“ ‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them."  
How many times I have moaned about the "little Ones" blown out over some church issue that is not "central to Jesus Christ" or critical to his Kingdom advancing. You?  To many I think.

Jesus is all about keeping and upholding and blessing and encouraging even the smallest flame of the Kingdom in all our hearts.   The task is about encouraging, strengthening and comforting those with a commitment to follow Jesus with all energy and effort, not to focus on defeating the tares of the world.   Let everything grow to the glory of God.  Water what you want.   The Kingdom overcomes as our Lord overcame the world.   the Kingdom moves and grows where it is received and welcomed.  Somehow we have come to a mindset that believes that the Kingdom is better served by policemen.  That the task is to root out and cleanse and purify.  I recall that being the work of the Holy Spirit. (but if I go, I will send Him to you. 8"And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; 9concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me;… John 16:8)  Is that at the root of this world mindset.  We don't believe in the core reality of the work of Jesus. 

When Jesus told Peter to "Feed My Sheep".   In some fellowships broken people are considered bad.  Broken children who can't pay attention are labeled.   Jesus said "Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom."   (Matt 5)  Quite possibly the American social and economic classes have taken over the Kingdom mindset?   Possibly we have no answers for the desperate because we don't share the mindset of Christ or move in his power and love?  

Side Note:  I am just asking.  I am part of this journey myself and have been blown away by my lack of understanding basic things in Jesus Kingdom. 
As I weeded my greenhouse this past weekend this truth came home to me. My pea patch was overcome by weeds that looked just like the pea vines.  As I grabbed up handfuls of weeds I also pulled up healthy beautiful pea vines that were ready to produce fruit.    I started thinking, possibly with the Spirit's aid, about my mindset of clearing the weeds.  It seems to me that much of our mindset regarding how to do church and much of the wounds inflicted relate to pulling weeds not to encouraging more of the Kingdom.    Whole movements get stuck and focused on "keeping out the bad" instead of overcoming evil with good.   Some things that hold up these ideas:
  • Love overcomes the world in Jesus through sacrifice.  
    • Our love is our witness of the truth of Jesus to the world -  John 17:23
    • Can we abide in him in circumstances that need deliverance, wisdom and love? 
  • Jesus ascended to the highest place through loving the Father and doing his will. 
    • Can we see the victory of heaven loving the Father and the Lord Jesus the same way? 
    •  He fills all things in every way.   Live from the mindset of the Kingdom overcoming the world.
  • The Father sent his Son into the world as one light --- who has now lit the hearts of billions!   
Are we too impatient or unwilling to join the Apostle John in....

"I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus." 
Rev 1:9

I think Jesus expresses a basic bottom line mindset about his Kingdom in his statement about not pulling out the weeds.  It may be hidden but I believe it is there.   Jesus is saying something about the Kingdom of God.  About how our lives prosper in the Kingdom.  About how we grow the Kingdom.  About a Kingdom mindset.   
The Kingdom overcomes obstacles by prospering, growing, presenting it's reality vrs tearing down, policing, and defeating what is clearly passing away with this world.  
world mindset - it is more powerful than Jesus and his love
Kingdom mindset - it is growing daily in the "Christ in you" (Col 1:27) believers and the Ekklesia of Jesus our Lord who Was and IS and IS to COME.   

Apostle John, teaching out of understanding of the Lord said,
"The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever." I John 2:17.   

A critical piece of an overcoming mindset is "the world is passing away".   Jesus and his Kingdom are advancing by love, sacrifice, patient endurance and power through the Holy Spirit.   Are we living in what is passing away as if it will remain?   Are we attached to the world for our identity and significance?

"There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this."  Isaiah 9:7f
Overcoming the world is done.  Jesus did it. "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33.  Now we with unveiled faces are beholding his glory are moving by faith each day into the greatness of the Rule and Reign of Our King Jesus.   

I believe the greatest offering you can bring in the world: to be a living sacrifice, holy and devoted to HIM.  (Rom 12:1-2)

Thank you for reading.  Pass it on if it blesses you. 
 Comments?  Ideas?   I would love your feedback.

Jeff Reynolds. Sr. Leader 
Capstone Christian Fellowship 
Thanks again, 
Brother Jeff. 

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