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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"Lord, I Will Do Anything" - and Where It Can Lead Us. The Wild Kingdom!

Daniel - repairs my boots - Shod my feet with the ready Gospel
After a long day of travel and ministry through the dusty roads of Uganda, I fell into the bed and off to sleep. 

I woke in the early morning hours.  4:44 a.m.  
Seeing that time on the clock pulled me fully awake.  
Over and over for months I would glance at a clock and it would be 4:44. 

Now I was in Uganda preaching the Gospel.   
The early morning clock read 4.44. 
I cried out to the Lord, "What are you saying to me? What does this mean?" 

Immediately I was prompted to look up Luke 4.44. 

At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. 43But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” 44And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.

In reading this, my heart exploded and I was overcome with the presence of the Lord.  
Tears erupted in a flood and I was convulsing under the weight of the Holy Spirit 
Confirming my hearts desire to bring the Gospel to Uganda and everywhere Jesus would send me. 

The Spirit began speaking to me as I read the passage.  It confirmed another encounter I had some years back at Capstone Christian Fellowship.  
During the Weekend of a Round Table - a gathering of Gospel family and friends/co-laborers in Jesus - filled with much prayer, ministry, worship, prophetic ministry etc....
I was overcome at the first note of worship and fell to my knees on the floor during the Sunday Celebration. The Lord pointed my attention to a painting from one of the artists of the church that had a large pitcher pouring into smaller pitchers.  He said he was going to "send me to pour into other pitchers".  Deeply moved I feel to my knees and was still so overcome in the Spirit I could not stay on my knees.  I went prostrate during the worship service and stayed there on into the preaching;  pouring tears onto the wood floor in wave after wave of the voice of the Lord and the Holy Spirit.  When I got up later there was a puddle.  Our youth pastor saw it and became unnerved. What is all this?  A puddle of tears on the floor?  What could I say.  I didn't want to move an inch outside of the glory God was pouring into my soul.

 During that encounter I was self conscious.  I asked the Lord if I could get up.  Being the leader of the church and host of the Round Table yet here I was laying prostrate during the whole of worship and into the preaching with no explanation. That was somewhat uncomfortable.

Jesus asked me, "Do you want to get up?"  I did not.  The grace, glory and infusion of love and his heart was a treasure that no amount of the appearance of foolishness could turn me from.  Yes. I feel the call to stay in the boundaries and not stray into "foolishness", but years before I said with all sincerity, "Lord, I will do anything.  I will be your fool".  I absolutely meant it.  Having walked with Jesus since I was 15 and now walking in a season that made everything before seem as if I never knew him, I was resolute to give myself in every way to the fullness of revelation of Jesus I was receiving.  I wanted it all.  And if that required me to look foolish to others....I was not going to stop for appearances.  I wanted all of Jesus.  I still do by the way!  

He has taken me up on this on "way of foolishness" on many occasions.  I want to apologize and explain.  But my heart, mind, soul, and strength is to enraptured with the Lord Jesus.  I just want to be where he is and do what he is doing in the will of the Father.   Nothing less.  All in.  Everything for him and in him and through him.
He is the mystery revealed.  And so we become enigma to some as the mystery is revealed in us.  
while Daniel repaired my boots he gave me "Just Married"sandals!

So back to Uganda.  Encountering the Lord in the early morning.

This encounter went on for about 1.5 hrs.  Searching Scripture and stepping from one thing into another I was carried along to Luke 10 and the sending of the 72.  At different times I was completely overwhelmed by the Spirit and feel into worship and weeping and convulsing under the weight of the heart of the Lord for the world and my desire to join him in bringing the Gospel to the people.

The Spirit spoke to me about going back to a town we were in the day before .....
The day before we traveled through a small town and the Lord pointed out to me a church there.  We met a Muslim man at a drum shop and Dave McRae, my ministry companion, ministered to him.  We found him to be a god fearer.  Full of reverence.  Dave told him he would have a dream/dreams from God and we shared the gospel with him.  He was very welcoming.

The Spirit said to go back into that town and walk through it looking for God fearers and churches or ministries welcoming to the Kingdom.  He pointed out that we should look for this man again and he shared with me the dream that man had the night before after Dave told him he would dream.  We should ask him who the real Christians were in the town and ask him to help us find them and to see if he was a man of peace who would help us.

The Spirit said to go just like the disciples were committed according to the passage (Luke 10).  To go with no shoes, bag, lunch - Just like Luke 10.  Find the places of welcome and bring your peace.  Find those rumored to be Christians and seek them out.  Those who would help welcome the Gospel.  Find the sick and those who needed healing.  Find those who pray and welcome the King of Kings.
He also told me the dream the old man had after Dave told him he would have a dream!  Wild.

Intercessor we met -who welcomed us

The night encounter was both far reaching and simply reached into our plans for the day.  Our hosts.  Their plans.  Our Lord and his plans.

I was resolute that we needed to go back into the town that day.  I knew this may be a difficult turn of direction for our host and the team.  I also knew the Lord Jesus was rocking me to the core and all I wanted to do was obey!  This presented an interesting challenge in communication and co-loboaring in the Spirit.  (on this note there is so much more to tell - another time!)

We did go back after a day or so.  The process was very revealing.  But the roadway lead us to walk through a village prior to the crusade we were going to be part of the next day.  We saw many healed, filled with the power of the Spirit and joy.  It was a remarkable day!

The Lord welcomed me into Uganda and married me to her heart and people when we finally made it to walk the city.   We lead people to Christ.  I had my feet shod with the Gospel of peace and prophetically the Lord married me to the people of Uganda.  I met a Muslim man on the intercessors front lawn and had a word of knowledge for him.  Prior to that word he was uninterested.  After the word he walked away from us with a deep reverence which literally fell on him as I described his early life, his role in the tribe and what the Lord was calling for him to do now.  I had one piece of information that shook him visibly.  He encountered the Jesus I know.  Remarkable.

So much more took place directly related to this early morning encounter with the Lord.  The life following the Spirit is remarkable.

But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself. 14So it is said: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” 15Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,…Ephesians 5:13-15

Feedback?  Ideas?  
I would love to dialogue with you. 
Share your comments.  


Look forward, eyes filled with Abundance, Boundless, Victorious vision in Jesus.  

  Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation.    
Encouragement, focus, wisdom and insight into the prophetic seasons of the new year. 


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Re-shares are great. thank U.

Here are some other blogs posts that may interest you.  


The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.  Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you! With much love in Jesus 
You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   --- 

Brother Jeff

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Visibly Empty Status Quo VRS Walking in the Spirit

Right at the end of 2015 I spent some time with the Lord listening and reflecting on what I sensed the Holy Spirit was saying about the coming year.  

I wrote an eBook and reflected on a number of characteristics I sensed would be in play in this year we are now experiencing.   Recently I've begun reading back through that word and was surprised by the connection with the season many are in, including myself.   

 I am working on many fronts to advance the Gospel, build ministry platforms that share the good news wide and on regional 24/7 prayer founded in service and love for the body of Christ.  Reading through this section I was quickened to this....

Discernment will rise.  Along with it will rise a clearer picture across a wider swath of the Church of the status quo.  Visibly empty, these status quo approaches will be let go for more vital and free flowing paths to walk with the Spirit.  This vital process of discernment, advance and letting go of the status quo will usher in key and powerful winds of the Holy Spirit.  Fresh winds will arrive and fill up vital cups and structures that the Spirit initiated and encouraged.

 Having just completed the 30 DAYS of Prayer and 24/1 - 24 hrs of continuous prayer in our city center - regional hub park - I was deeply encouraged by the increase the Holy Spirit poured out on our region.   And reminded of the work the Spirit is doing in us.  Strategic insight linked with wisdom and love are an amazing and powerful means of walking in the Spirit.  I am hoping these writings spark some of that in our walk!

Here is a larger excerpt from a section that stuck out to me of late.   

Prophetic Review 2016

Salvation's Mountain Erupting

with Open Doors,

Shifts, and Invitation

2.   Expanding Kingdom Government – Riding on the Rails of Unity and Manifold Wisdom

Ministry Structures and Spirit will Align in greater detail, wisdom and Spirit Power.   Chapter 2

In transition seasons, the old ways and applications of ministry lose their power.  The season ahead, when walked in through the Spirit and faith filled promise,  will increase in Alignment and Righteousness.   There will be more direct connection to Spirit and power in the practices and structures of the Church.  This will be a welcome breeze and fresh air for some Saints who have patiently endured in hope.

Discernment will rise.  Along with it will rise a clearer picture across a wider swath of the Church of the status quo.  Visibly empty, these status quo approaches will be let go for more vital and free flowing paths to walk with the Spirit.  This vital process of discernment, advance and letting go of the status quo will usher in key and powerful winds of the Holy Spirit.  Fresh winds will arrive and fill up vital cups and structures that the Spirit initiated and encouraged.

Likewise there will be a birthing of approaches, focuses, ministry structures and strategies that will directly feed and fire walking in the Spirit.

Feeding and fueling walking in the Spirit, these new ideas and approaches will not prop up religion.  They will expose it.  What cannot hold a living and breathing "walking in the Spirit" will become stressed and struggle.  Problem.  These may be things near and dear to us.  The reward of free flowing Spirit power and love will outpace the sense of loss associated with the change required.
New steady streams of glory in the presence of God will open up and flow.  The atmosphere is to provide for and make room for waiting on the Lord.   Wisdom and insight are sure to follow and flow to those waiting for the Lord.

Continued progress will be seen in the alignment of the prophetic with the apostolic.
The foundation of the church is the apostles and prophets.  (Ephesians 2:20)  Though this alignment is not a dynamic working structure yet, more and more progress will be seen in its development in the next season.  Along with this will come more exercise of discernment, discerning of spirit and general abilities of the church to discern the broken and empty, the unrighteous and unclean and the Voice of the Lord.  Dynamic power filled ministry is required to fill the gaps.

  • Wisdom will be shared from existing alignments for more rapid progress.
  • Nations will align with different ministries in the Voice of the Lord and apostolic strategy. The progress of speaking into governments will grow exponentially and make way for the Gospel in previously closed doors.
  • The prophetic ministry will increase in power and not decrease with apostolic alignment.  Peace will be the sign of proper alignments between the apostolic and prophetic.
  • There will be a final shaking for ministries unwilling to align and partner in the freedom and unity of the Spirit.

In keeping with the theme of waiting on the Lord, progressing in the mind of the Lord for building structures, is critical.

A new dynamic of the Spirit must be part of the workings or operations of any new structure.

Dynamic flexibility and determined focus are required.  Walking in the Spirit needs to be part of the culture and practice of any new structure.  The participation in such structures should call forth rooted established walking in the Spirit.

These new structures need to house divine assignment, the Kingdom grace bestowed on each of us in Christ's victory (Ephesians 4:7).  These are living assignments from the Throne.  They carry a dynamic and power that can be activated in a new wine-skin.  Purposelessness and passivity are to be avoided at all costs.  There is no reason to build something that does not directly connect to divine assignment or Kingdom activation.  This will be a challenge to structured ministries that have lost the power of walking in the Spirit. If they have given themselves over to orchestrating performance driven strategies, a re-alignment is required.

Many things about the way we conduct church kills the flames of the Kingdom of God, the fires of walking in the Spirit.  

A Top priority is discovering these limiting elements.  Then letting them go.  The invitation of the season is to enter into dynamic free flowing paths that call the Saints into devotion, exercising the ways of God and encountering the love of Jesus.

A key point of discernment over this process is aligning with the teachings of the Lord Jesus and the primary motivation of following, walking in the Spirit, Going, and Disciplining the nations.   The direction is toward simpler and simpler expressions of the Kingdom that explode greater and greater power and moving of the Spirit of God.

The structures that are built need to support phrases like this....
  • Walking in the Spirit looks like this.....  and this is how you do it.  Enter into this path and learn to walk in the Spirit.
  • Abiding in inheritance looks like this.....and this is how you do it.  Follow me as I follow Christ.
  • Standing in the Armor of God and learning the art of intimate warfare looks like this.....and this is how you do it....
  • Dwelling richly in the Word of Christ and being full of the Spirit looks like this....and this is how you do it.

The call of the season is to think longer term but act now.  Act on ideas with solid sustainable reproducing ability.

What we grow and develop now can be part of a long term ever increasing outpouring of salvation and power in the Holy Spirit.  The blessing and favor of the Lord lies ahead.  We need a mindset of overcoming, boundless grace and glory.  We need victory in the completed work of Jesus.  We need a living and active prophetic edge to our day to day walk.   We need Word of Wisdom to open up the creative reality of the Holy Spirit.  Plan for and wait for such words to open up mindsets and plans.

The Spirit is calling for new cups.  Cups that reverberate renewed Kingdom realities.  Once the ONE CUP is established, others can be built.

We are drinking from cups the Father has emptied, So that we would be emptied and drink from the ONE CUP.

Now is the season of building.  The end and the beginning will speak much more clearly of each other.  The burning question will be "do you want to be part of it?"  Open invitation.
Look for:
Re- made

The call is for deeper process in the ways of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ.  Capturing,  processing, and stewarding rhema, has opportunity for incredible vitality and wise counsel in the season ahead.  A vitality is available in the alignments Scripture.  The Spirit is calling for deep wisdom and discernment in the Body of Christ.  Of the unseen "we see" and of the secret place "we speak".   The way it looks is like kneading dough.  Many hands in prayer, process and zeal are calling forth the ways of God.

Feedback?  Ideas?  
I would love to dialogue with you. 
Share your comments.  


Look forward, eyes filled with Abundance, Boundless, Victorious vision in Jesus.  

  Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation.    
Encouragement, focus, wisdom and insight into the prophetic seasons of the new year. 


Thanks for Reading!   

I love your comments. Ideas and thoughts.
Please share em.
Re-shares are great. thank U.

Here are some other blogs posts that may interest you.  


The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.  Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you! With much love in Jesus 
You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   --- 

Brother Jeff

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

6 Topics that Spilled out in Worship - in the Midst of Visitation.

Just this Sunday I was thinking on Judas. He is a fascinating disciple - who became a traitor. He was with Jesus and he did all the wonders of the disciples....until? Sunday AM A friend called and relayed an encouragement to me regarding a new little snake in the garden and during worship these topics jumped out at me.....

1. Judas / the chosen apostle who betrays with a Kiss.  Then I read this article from an author I appreciate 
All about Judas.  uh?  I always find the Spirit speaking the same thing to many.  We try and purge ourselves of all the little snakes. Yet, Jesus had Judas run the money.  He was chosen in prayer by the Lord. He became a betrayer.  Today we choose Christ, the Way, and a heart of purity before him as obedient servants who become friends instead of betrayers. Amen!  The Judas is a sign of what is not that the glory of what is in Christ can be clearly seen.  
2. Rejoicing in my limitations - 
My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.

Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
3. Hungry for Warrior Food - we've got an army of hungry warriors looking for campfires of deep devotion - time to serve up some food that sustains overcoming victory and wild abandon to the simple Gospel.

4. Revival is delicate. The enemy first uses interior forces to topple and oppose the flow of the Spirit. Pulling on strings of un-forgiveness, offense and unrighteousness left undone. The foundation stones required are abiding steadfast first love in Jesus, highly exulted, lifted UP, Simple Gospel glory. The culture of the Kingdom is a culture of LOVE. John 17:20-21

5. Friend of Jesus - we are called friends. The true meaning of friendship is bound up in abiding in Jesus. We are invited to move from slave mentalities to friendship with God. Herein lies the deep treasures of knowing HIM.

6. The Door / purging the heart - We are invited to dwell in the heavenlies - the Holy of Holies is open to us through the High Priest King Jesus who is interceding for us. We pass the threshold and step into the robes of righteousness and all the perfected work of Jesus. That work shaped an eternal Kingdom of light and steadfast love that we will dwell in together forever. "Come up here" is the cry of heaven. We walk in the basic realities of the Cross, Resurrection and Ascension when we step into the reality of worship by faith. Glory to Glory. Colossians 2

6. Luke 11:5-13 Shameless audacity - Jesus encouraged a relentless and shameless audacity in warring for the realities that are ours in Christ Jesus. The warrior knows the character of the King and the covenant of friendship. Jesus encouraged us to pray with audacity and relentlessly. We are warring in a "good fight". James 3:17-18 keeps us with the vision of wisdom reflected in our relationships and postures toward one another.

Finally. Stand. Stand.Ephesians 6:10f We are all on the Way, learning to be like him. The Father is forming Christ in us, the Spirit is our discipler and we have a Family called by his name filled with devoted lovers of Christ Jesus. Revelation 3:7 



Look forward, eyes filled with Abundance, Boundless, Victorious vision in Jesus.  

  Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation.    
Encouragement, focus, wisdom and insight into the prophetic seasons of the new year. 


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Re-shares are great. thank U.

Here are some other blogs posts that may interest you.  


The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.  Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you! With much love in Jesus 
You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   --- 

Brother Jeff