I am living
like a homeless man. Searching for words like scarps of food. I want to help
people "join the fire" of what the Spirit is doing in worship.
change ONE.
We have to bring our own flame to the celebration.
So much of the culture we have come to know as worship focuses on us. The table is set and we expect to get something. Something we like the taste of. It focuses on what we gain, we experience, we like, we prefer in a worship celebration. We spend most of our efforts on all the things seen and have limited understanding or experience delving into the vast landscape of the unseen and open heavens worship.
This "us focused" mindset delivered up Sunday after Sunday is linked more to earth than to open heavens. It is so prevalent people don't know what to do when they encounter a group of people who minister to God in worship. Fear seems to be the response. People have no idea what is going on when a whole room of people are engaging God deeply and in love. The heart is read and it comes up empty. There is little love for God in it. So, when the entire atmosphere is swept up in the Holy Spirit's voice, fears are exposed. Fear and control go hand in hand. Fear and the Kingdom do not. When worship has far to much earth attached to it people think they are experiencing God when it just might be an "agreement of the soul".
Weeks ago, I spent the whole worship celebration on my face in tears. The Spirit was speaking volumes, the deep things were ringing in my heart. Heaven enveloped the whole place. The Lord's voice was clear, resonate, everything moving with him.
I have been on my face a number of times now in worship. I've had opportunity to be foolish in the presence of the Lord. At this point, I have too many stories to turn back and act as though things are not different. It would be foolish.
What is this thing that is happening in Worship?
I was watching Austin City Limits on a Saturday night. Fun was the band. The lead singer said, "There is something special going on here tonight. We're so glad to be part of it." I sensed it myself. A connection was happening in the environment. The band played and people were moving with them. A unity filled the atmosphere. Something was sweeping everyone up into a common taste, sound, feeling.
People were joining the fire. But it was a soul fire.
Worship is not soul fire, but many worship settings mistake soul fire for open heavens and the wisdom and revelation of Jesus to the eyes of the heart.
Change TWO - A shift has occurred
Something shifted. I wondered at first if it would remain. If it was a passing season? If it would leave us with a different worship team, a leader going away or changes that usually signal a change in the worship atmosphere. It didn't leave or change. It's going on 2+ years. It grows deeper and deeper. It isn't linked to the quality of our music either....we are a small fellowship with youth worship leaders and teams.
Through many changes something stayed constant. Unity fills the atmosphere, heaven opens and we move with the fire.
Change THREE - Unity/ agreement are the heart foundation
This past week as we were moving in that atmosphere, I felt compelled to take a break and write some notes. I want to unpack this so that more and more people can move into the incredible blessing of what the Father is doing in worship.
When all of us start seeing the Father at the same time......
We are bringing our own fire. Believers carry a revelation of the Lord. Their understanding of Jesus is revelation based. He has revealed to them a certain depth of knowledge and wisdom. We worship from that place. Spirit and Truth worship is a worship that matches the knowledge of the eyes of the heart. It is a link up with understanding in the believer. Believers carry identity and understanding of their heavenly Father and worship from that place of understanding. WE carry our own flame. We worship from a place of revelation of Jesus.
All the trappings, bands, music, lights, camera, action, ride on one truth. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God and he is the presence. Worship is activated at the point of understanding and revelation of the LORD. All else is culture, feeling and affirmation of earth. Heaven affirms the glory and power of Jesus Christ. Heaven agrees with Jesus. Worship is connection and real time experience of the Heavenlies and the Heart of the
Bring the fire with you
The fire of faith. The fire of identity, heavens identity in you, through you, to Christ. Bring the mind of Christ to worship. Bring the Christ in you to worship. Heaven resides in us. There is fire in us. We each bring a flame to worship. The key to worship is in the Spirit's leading in agreement. Our hearts agree in unity of revelation. That the Father's heart is in us, that Jesus is the High Priest leading worship and that we carry the flame of his presence everywhere all the time.
Bring the fire with you and let it out with abandon, passion and truth.
Heaven is waiting to agree with you.
As always please let me know your thoughts.
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Friday, January 31, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
The New Breed of Disciple - Treasure Hunting Presence Lovers
The Heart is the battle ground. Not that is hasn't always been.
And in the battle fields of the heart the Holy Spirit is jealously stripping away everything that hinders holy affection and love for Jesus. I believe a move of the Spirit is taking place that is dramatic in it's proportions and very "internal" in its fire.
People are coming into contact with this internal fire and are flooded with a choice. Or choices in a string or series of cascading fires. Will we really surrender our hearts to the extent to which the Spirit is calling and place first love as our first priority? That seems to be the Spirit's priority. And, imparting a righteousness that comes with "the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him". (Eph 1:17)
This is not a trial. This is a turning point. This is not a season of cleansing. this is a retrofit of righteousness. The process, if looked at as a trial will overwhelm every instrument learned to date to "cope" by means of worldly wisdom or comfort. I believe that is a large part of the Spirit's work in all this, return us to a horizon filled with Christ. God is looking to be our only comfort, security, strength, and love. The Father's heart is jealous and the Bride of his Son has wandered from the passion and zeal that shaped her heart in the beginning.
"But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first." Rev 2:4
The new breed of disciple being called out is a TREASURE HUNTER. Touched by the Spirit, they are experiencing an overwhelming new reality of the presence of God. They are seeing into something they never understood before. The presence of God is a never ending palatial invitation to the heart forever. An invitation from the Father's heart to live in first love and know God in the fulness of Christ.
"in whom are hidden ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Col 2:3
What are you hungry for?
So many believers are living in a state of survival. They have no hunger. They've decided scarps, left overs and fast spiritual food is enough.
The heart says something different. We were made for so much more. The heart can't survive. It gets sick without drinking in the deep waters of the love of God. It was made to hunger and thirst. The presence of God satisfies the heart like nothing available in the world. Because when the heart drinks in the presence of God in freedom, joy, hunger and hunting it finds the heart of the Father open, receptive, and pouring out the deepest love known on earth.
Treasure hunters
– The new breed of Disciple - Presence
lovers – expanding from the inside out. Not a breed of believers looking for something to come their way. The kind of disciples that toppled the Roman empire were carrying presence with them. It was all suffiencent grace and power to overcome everything brought their way in the world.
So many need a breakthrough.
It’s not that we didn’t see God in the past. It’s that He is the God of the present. The NOW. And what we have to do is live from the heart now. It's not that we didn't have encounters with his love. It's that we
have to live it – transformed inside – in the ways of God.
Hidden treasures of
wisdom and knowledge – IN Christ Jesus, are for the hungry. The Treasure Hunters. God honors the habitations of the hungry.
When the Lord falls on you. Drink it all in. Let the Spirit lead you to new and deep wells of presence.
Friday, January 24, 2014
OFFENSE - The Only One That Get Hurt Is....
What if one of the "ways of God" was to bring us to a place where we were forced to make a choice?
To choose to be offended. taking up the offense in our hearts or....
To choose to forgive, grant forbearance and love? To choose his Kingdom, faith, hope and love, which believes all things?
So many believers are offended. Offended at God. Offended at one another. Offended at churches, denominations, Christendom in general. Offended at history. Offended at "the way they were treated". Seems as though the list never ends.
This captivity eliminates the greatest blessing the world has every known. That in Jesus every brokenness is healed. That in Jesus we are called into being the fragrance of real life, truth and love. We are the people of hope who are to forgive 7 x 7 in one day. Grace is unlimited and overcomes sin, brokenness and every human shortcoming. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts Jesus gave us. We are called to be those who freely bestow it on the world. Our hearts included.
I've had plenty of real time reasons to get offended. Everyone has. Everyone will have these moments. We live in a fallen world with fallen hearts. I've experienced real blunders, mishaps, mess ups by people in the church, churches, etc.... So have you. I have been the source of some of those as well.
Here's one for you....
Denominational leader over me takes over a mission I spent 10 years on, forces me out of leadership and takes over himself. Tells me about it after the fact, done deal, never lets me say goodbye to my friends in the country and a few years later leaves his wife who was dying of cancer for the church secretary. Stellar performance. Yea, that hurt. So now what? The choice?
Herein lies the opportunity. Will the Kingdom of God sweep in and bring faith, hope and love, and a refreshing dose of the blood of Christ and his forgiving power, or will the heart take up an offense (one that will most likely never get resolved - meaning "justice"). The offense will lead to destruction. Forgiveness will lead to life....for everyone involved.
The only one who wins when we carry an offense is the DEVIL.
Don't get me wrong. We all have "good reasons" why our offense is more justified than the power of the blood of Christ that takes away the sins of the world.
Jesus said, "But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Mat 6:15 Pretty simple equation. I've seen it over and over in Holy Spirit infused settings. People get offended at the strangest simple things.
Key: The Kingdom of God is expanding not shrinking. It is exploding in every corner of the world.
So why does it seem like Christians are getting smaller, more and more petty, less generous, and offended at inconsequential things?
Here are some of the things an offense does to us.
1) Lodging and offense in my heart does damage to my worship. Connection Lost
Test One: Worship is the first thing to go in an offended heart
Love the Lord your God with all your HEART. It is tough to do with an offense ruling it. The heart was made to serve the Lord with freedom, joy and truth. To worship without boundaries is the inheritance of the Saints. An offense at God ruins the relationship. The connection starts dying without some serious attention. The Way is an easy yoke....forgive as Christ forgave you. You didn't deserve it. Yet he gave his life for us to have the connection with the Father through forgiveness of sin.
2) Lodging an offense in the heart cuts us off from connection with Kingdom relationships
Here is the one thing about "being offended" that gets overlooked. These offenses typically work one very simple thing throughout the Body of Christ; the offended ones are typically cut off from the relationships connected to the offense. This is clearly a work of the DEVIL.
Offended at a particular church = no contact, judgement of the people connected with it, etc...
Certainly one could not fellowship with the Devil. (Amazing how the ones we offended at are no longer worthy of our connection) That gets bigger over time. Soon these folks are not in a church at all. Soon everyone is pictured in the offense. The offense become a new set of eyes, mindset and way of seeing. Problem: the eyes of offense are not Kingdom eyes or vision. Seeing the world through the eyes of offense means you are no longer the fragrance of the Kingdom and of the Christ.
3) Lodging an offense against the church, church leadership, cuts us off from progress in salvation.
The very thing we need, deep abiding relationships in the freedom and blessing of Christ and solid fellowship in the Word and Spirit are cut off in our offenses with the church. Yes, people make mistakes, sin, fall down.....of course you and I never do that. Be a kingdom adult. Apply the truths and grace of the Kingdom to situations that may require your suffering to succeed. Your sacrifice may be required. That is what adults do for kids, sacrifice. Be a father or mother in the Kingdom of God and bear the sufferings of Christ for a different church. BE the different church. Or rather, be a kingdom follower of Jesus Christ. The offense places us into the pathway of judgement. Jesus explained that pathway. Judge and you will be judged. Measure for measure.
All this is bad stuff. Are you getting hold of the picture?
The Saints who believe in a Kingdom, with a culture of honor and love, have to grow up and be adults in it. Someone needs to jump into injustice and bring the peace of Christ.
Offense is not in the Kingdom heart. Offense produces bad fruit. Offense is conquered by forgiveness and the Loving Kindness of Christ.
Ps 139:23-24 Is an invitation to freedom - Let the Spirit have his way with you.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. And see if there is any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
Leave comments! Does this spark dialogue?
Email me at jreynolds@mycapstone.org
As always LOVE in the LORD
Jeff Reynolds
To choose to be offended. taking up the offense in our hearts or....
To choose to forgive, grant forbearance and love? To choose his Kingdom, faith, hope and love, which believes all things?
So many believers are offended. Offended at God. Offended at one another. Offended at churches, denominations, Christendom in general. Offended at history. Offended at "the way they were treated". Seems as though the list never ends.
This captivity eliminates the greatest blessing the world has every known. That in Jesus every brokenness is healed. That in Jesus we are called into being the fragrance of real life, truth and love. We are the people of hope who are to forgive 7 x 7 in one day. Grace is unlimited and overcomes sin, brokenness and every human shortcoming. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts Jesus gave us. We are called to be those who freely bestow it on the world. Our hearts included.
I've had plenty of real time reasons to get offended. Everyone has. Everyone will have these moments. We live in a fallen world with fallen hearts. I've experienced real blunders, mishaps, mess ups by people in the church, churches, etc.... So have you. I have been the source of some of those as well.
Here's one for you....
Denominational leader over me takes over a mission I spent 10 years on, forces me out of leadership and takes over himself. Tells me about it after the fact, done deal, never lets me say goodbye to my friends in the country and a few years later leaves his wife who was dying of cancer for the church secretary. Stellar performance. Yea, that hurt. So now what? The choice?
Herein lies the opportunity. Will the Kingdom of God sweep in and bring faith, hope and love, and a refreshing dose of the blood of Christ and his forgiving power, or will the heart take up an offense (one that will most likely never get resolved - meaning "justice"). The offense will lead to destruction. Forgiveness will lead to life....for everyone involved.
The only one who wins when we carry an offense is the DEVIL.
Don't get me wrong. We all have "good reasons" why our offense is more justified than the power of the blood of Christ that takes away the sins of the world.
Jesus said, "But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Mat 6:15 Pretty simple equation. I've seen it over and over in Holy Spirit infused settings. People get offended at the strangest simple things.
Key: The Kingdom of God is expanding not shrinking. It is exploding in every corner of the world.
So why does it seem like Christians are getting smaller, more and more petty, less generous, and offended at inconsequential things?
Here are some of the things an offense does to us.
1) Lodging and offense in my heart does damage to my worship. Connection Lost
Test One: Worship is the first thing to go in an offended heart
Love the Lord your God with all your HEART. It is tough to do with an offense ruling it. The heart was made to serve the Lord with freedom, joy and truth. To worship without boundaries is the inheritance of the Saints. An offense at God ruins the relationship. The connection starts dying without some serious attention. The Way is an easy yoke....forgive as Christ forgave you. You didn't deserve it. Yet he gave his life for us to have the connection with the Father through forgiveness of sin.
2) Lodging an offense in the heart cuts us off from connection with Kingdom relationships
Here is the one thing about "being offended" that gets overlooked. These offenses typically work one very simple thing throughout the Body of Christ; the offended ones are typically cut off from the relationships connected to the offense. This is clearly a work of the DEVIL.
Offended at a particular church = no contact, judgement of the people connected with it, etc...
Certainly one could not fellowship with the Devil. (Amazing how the ones we offended at are no longer worthy of our connection) That gets bigger over time. Soon these folks are not in a church at all. Soon everyone is pictured in the offense. The offense become a new set of eyes, mindset and way of seeing. Problem: the eyes of offense are not Kingdom eyes or vision. Seeing the world through the eyes of offense means you are no longer the fragrance of the Kingdom and of the Christ.
3) Lodging an offense against the church, church leadership, cuts us off from progress in salvation.
The very thing we need, deep abiding relationships in the freedom and blessing of Christ and solid fellowship in the Word and Spirit are cut off in our offenses with the church. Yes, people make mistakes, sin, fall down.....of course you and I never do that. Be a kingdom adult. Apply the truths and grace of the Kingdom to situations that may require your suffering to succeed. Your sacrifice may be required. That is what adults do for kids, sacrifice. Be a father or mother in the Kingdom of God and bear the sufferings of Christ for a different church. BE the different church. Or rather, be a kingdom follower of Jesus Christ. The offense places us into the pathway of judgement. Jesus explained that pathway. Judge and you will be judged. Measure for measure.
All this is bad stuff. Are you getting hold of the picture?
The Saints who believe in a Kingdom, with a culture of honor and love, have to grow up and be adults in it. Someone needs to jump into injustice and bring the peace of Christ.
Offense is not in the Kingdom heart. Offense produces bad fruit. Offense is conquered by forgiveness and the Loving Kindness of Christ.
Ps 139:23-24 Is an invitation to freedom - Let the Spirit have his way with you.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. And see if there is any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
Leave comments! Does this spark dialogue?
Email me at jreynolds@mycapstone.org
As always LOVE in the LORD
Jeff Reynolds
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Time for a Healing Story - An Off Site Healing - The Spirit is Amazing
A quick story to remind you that the God we serve is amazing.
A number of weeks ago a very treasured believer (T) in our fellowship came up to me after the meeting and told me about a friend of hers. The friend had called her earlier that morning. When she called she was crying. Her back had acted up and was causing incredible pain. She could hardly stand it. In tears she asked T (our treasured believer) to get her some prayer while at church.
T (treasured believer) came up to me after the celebration and started telling me about her friend, the call and the tears and the pain she was in. I said, "Let pray for her right now". I offered my hands and we joined together in prayer.
Now a little background.
Over the course of the last 2 years, I have had some prophetic words and dreams regarding healing. I have also seen more people healed than in any time in my walk. The fellowship we planted, Capstone Christian Fellowship (www.mycapstone.org) has some amazing Saints who have multiplied the numbers of healings manyfold.
Exploring more deeply what the Spirit is doing in healing has been amazing. One of the prophetic words I received, pointed to people being healed without being touched or having hands laid on them. This has occurred on a few occasions.
In a dream I was looking over a crowd and a screen appeared with sicknesses on it. I started calling out those things and people were healed. Also I saw things on people, names of sicknesses etc... I entered into ministry with joy and laughter as people were set free. In the past two years the number of people healed has been awesome.
So, I have been working on this "no touch" healing for a while now. I have also seen something amazing. People are getting healed who are not at the location we are praying in. Meaning, we pray for them or minister to a particular sickness and they are healed off site. Jesus said we would do what he has done and more. I have felt the faith to pray for people not present and have seen some healings this way. The one I am giving testimony to in this story is one of the most recent.
As T (treasured believer) and I got ready to pray for her friend, I said something to the effect of, "It doesn't matter if we are there. The Holy Spirit is there. He can do all the same stuff while we pray here." When I looked into T's eyes I saw a wonderful child like faith. We were ready to see God do something awesome. We prayed together. I envisioned being there seeing her back and praying as the Sprint led. We asked Jesus to minister to her and heal her. The prayer ended. It was good but nothing amazing. Then we went on to other stuff. I didn't hear anything about what may have occurred.
The testimony came at a later time
The next week I was helping out with all the set up of things for our Celebration. T (treasured believer) came into the area I was working in and I talked with her about something else. As she was leaving I remembered her friend.
"What happened the friend we prayed for? Did you hear anything?"
T got very animated and said something like, "Oh yea. I completely forgot that. She called me later that day around 3 p.m. and said she was healed. Her pain was gone and her back was fine."
I was stoked! What an awesome miracle. I don't know what I said after that. I was just blown away by the God of wonders. What an amazing testimony to the love of the Lord and the omnipresence of the Spirit of God. I was extreemly encouraged. Of course I shared this with the Church. T's agreement, faith and child like willingness to believe the Spirit in compassion for her friend was a wonderful part of all this.
The Holy Spirit is moving in amazing ways in America! My friends in the work of the Kingdom are alive with prophetic words, healing stories, dreams and miracles. Angels are present (some great stories on that at a later time). The Spirit is working to bring things we have longed to see.
Isaiah 55: 6 says, "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon your God while he is near."
The time upon us is one of abundance and miracles. In truth is has always been upon us. It is the Kingdom coming in power and advancing with freedom and glory. It is getting more deeply woven into our mindset and faith walk. We are learning to hear the Spirit in many ways.
Run to the Lord as grace is poured out. Don't let anything slow you down. Put your hands on the sick and see them get well.
Come back to the things you did at first. You are going to see so much more than you can ask or imagine.
With Love in Jesus,
Jeff Reynolds
Capstone Christian Fellowship
Let me in on your thoughts. Leave a comment!
A number of weeks ago a very treasured believer (T) in our fellowship came up to me after the meeting and told me about a friend of hers. The friend had called her earlier that morning. When she called she was crying. Her back had acted up and was causing incredible pain. She could hardly stand it. In tears she asked T (our treasured believer) to get her some prayer while at church.
T (treasured believer) came up to me after the celebration and started telling me about her friend, the call and the tears and the pain she was in. I said, "Let pray for her right now". I offered my hands and we joined together in prayer.
Now a little background.
Over the course of the last 2 years, I have had some prophetic words and dreams regarding healing. I have also seen more people healed than in any time in my walk. The fellowship we planted, Capstone Christian Fellowship (www.mycapstone.org) has some amazing Saints who have multiplied the numbers of healings manyfold.
Exploring more deeply what the Spirit is doing in healing has been amazing. One of the prophetic words I received, pointed to people being healed without being touched or having hands laid on them. This has occurred on a few occasions.
In a dream I was looking over a crowd and a screen appeared with sicknesses on it. I started calling out those things and people were healed. Also I saw things on people, names of sicknesses etc... I entered into ministry with joy and laughter as people were set free. In the past two years the number of people healed has been awesome.
So, I have been working on this "no touch" healing for a while now. I have also seen something amazing. People are getting healed who are not at the location we are praying in. Meaning, we pray for them or minister to a particular sickness and they are healed off site. Jesus said we would do what he has done and more. I have felt the faith to pray for people not present and have seen some healings this way. The one I am giving testimony to in this story is one of the most recent.
As T (treasured believer) and I got ready to pray for her friend, I said something to the effect of, "It doesn't matter if we are there. The Holy Spirit is there. He can do all the same stuff while we pray here." When I looked into T's eyes I saw a wonderful child like faith. We were ready to see God do something awesome. We prayed together. I envisioned being there seeing her back and praying as the Sprint led. We asked Jesus to minister to her and heal her. The prayer ended. It was good but nothing amazing. Then we went on to other stuff. I didn't hear anything about what may have occurred.
The testimony came at a later time
The next week I was helping out with all the set up of things for our Celebration. T (treasured believer) came into the area I was working in and I talked with her about something else. As she was leaving I remembered her friend.
"What happened the friend we prayed for? Did you hear anything?"
T got very animated and said something like, "Oh yea. I completely forgot that. She called me later that day around 3 p.m. and said she was healed. Her pain was gone and her back was fine."
I was stoked! What an awesome miracle. I don't know what I said after that. I was just blown away by the God of wonders. What an amazing testimony to the love of the Lord and the omnipresence of the Spirit of God. I was extreemly encouraged. Of course I shared this with the Church. T's agreement, faith and child like willingness to believe the Spirit in compassion for her friend was a wonderful part of all this.
The Holy Spirit is moving in amazing ways in America! My friends in the work of the Kingdom are alive with prophetic words, healing stories, dreams and miracles. Angels are present (some great stories on that at a later time). The Spirit is working to bring things we have longed to see.
Isaiah 55: 6 says, "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon your God while he is near."
The time upon us is one of abundance and miracles. In truth is has always been upon us. It is the Kingdom coming in power and advancing with freedom and glory. It is getting more deeply woven into our mindset and faith walk. We are learning to hear the Spirit in many ways.
Run to the Lord as grace is poured out. Don't let anything slow you down. Put your hands on the sick and see them get well.
Come back to the things you did at first. You are going to see so much more than you can ask or imagine.
With Love in Jesus,
Jeff Reynolds
Capstone Christian Fellowship
Let me in on your thoughts. Leave a comment!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Warrior? Wanderer? Is your heart ready for the fountains of the deep to be broken up?
The fountains of the deep?
The fountains of your deepest security, love, comfort, and peace will be broken up in the present wave of the Spirit.
Our approach to the Spirit's work in our hearts will have a deep effect on our deep fountains. The Father is sweeping through the hearts of those that love him and breaking up the deepest places. Over time we have made our comfort and security something other than the Father. This way will be exposed, broken up and healed.
The idols of our lives (anything that has more of our affection than the Father's heart and anything we have to ask before doing the will of the Father) will be torn down because of the Father's love.
In the process everything we have known for comfort, strengthening and security will be broken up for new fountains in the Spirit. The process is going to call us into the Battle and into being warriors. Those that refuse the Spirit's infusion of restored righteousness will find themselves wanderers.
What do the two ways look like? Here is a brief description of what I am seeing.
Warriors –
· Carve out
good things in the hope of inheritance
Stand on
the promise and in the Word in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE they battle for the coming Kingdom
Match or
exceed the atmosphere's they encounter and bring Jesus to the center of the picture
goodness and mercy following them all the days of their lives
Carry the
presence power and peace of an amazing God into the darkness
Are the
story makers with Christ and the Spirit
expectation finding a way for LOVE – give more than is required – go the extra mile – bring the
· Give
freely as they have been freely given to
Warriors live in the limitless generosity and inheritance of the King of Kings.
Their hearts are first love fires of presence and their minds filled with the thoughts of heaven (col 3:1-4)
Warriors have assignments from heaven, heavenly identities and walk in confidence of the King.
Warriors love and die for what Jesus loves and dies for.....
His Friends
The Bride
His Church
His Family
The Father's Heart
The Father's will
Warriors live in the limitless generosity and inheritance of the King of Kings.
Their hearts are first love fires of presence and their minds filled with the thoughts of heaven (col 3:1-4)
Warriors have assignments from heaven, heavenly identities and walk in confidence of the King.
Warriors love and die for what Jesus loves and dies for.....
His Friends
The Bride
His Church
His Family
The Father's Heart
The Father's will
Wanders –
· Wish for good things to find them
Occasionally walk in power when all their
circumstances are just right
Worship in the manifest presence but grumble in
the desert places
Are amazed at God at the oasis, the mecca, but rarely see
the amazing God work through them, near them, in their town
Borrow stories, revel in far off wonders but don't make any themselves, they love the cult of personality talking of men more than Jesus
Look for others to give to them stories, inspiration and are wild branches disconnected from Vine
Walk in highly charged emotional atmospheres
filled with the faith of others and fade without it - they translate emotion to mean the Spirit - which fades rapidly after the "show"
Carry debilitating unrighteousness that is covered
over by their gift focus
Wanderers always have a reason they cannot covenant, cooperate with, or deeply fellowship with the Church.
Wanderers die for no one but themselves. The way of love is not known to them. They do this under the banner of "reasonable" "wisdom"
Wanderers want to be significant but never build the relationships that significance can grow in.
Wanderers want to see healing, miracles, prophecy, but do not seek healing, miracles or prophecy for themselves. OR walk in those given to them.
The good news is Jesus comes to every wanderer and has the power, love and mercy to heal, set free and bless us.
Surrender your heart in the days ahead. That is the new battlefield.
Jeff Reynolds
Wanderers die for no one but themselves. The way of love is not known to them. They do this under the banner of "reasonable" "wisdom"
Wanderers want to be significant but never build the relationships that significance can grow in.
Wanderers want to see healing, miracles, prophecy, but do not seek healing, miracles or prophecy for themselves. OR walk in those given to them.
The good news is Jesus comes to every wanderer and has the power, love and mercy to heal, set free and bless us.
Surrender your heart in the days ahead. That is the new battlefield.
Jeff Reynolds
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Control, Jezebel and the Coming Kingdom - Does releasing people from the grip of the Jezebel spirit matter?
Does the
releasing of people from the grips of the Jezebel spirit matter?
Is it just a a charismatic issue or hot topic?
Is it just a topic of the ultra spiritual or in the clouds prophetic types?
Many believers today, as well as leaders in fellowships and ministries, have a working relationship with Jezebel. A toleration. A "looking past" for a supposed "greater good" in our desire to avoid confrontation we may actually allow and tolerate the Jezebel.
A desire to avoid the confrontation in the belief that things will get better with time is not a path or way taught in Scripture. This perspective demonstrates an understanding deficient in true spiritual discernment.
Jesus said, "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is among you."
A Kingdom is coming and has arrived that confronts the world system and ways of the enemy.
It demands a response.
It is like a wedge driven into the hearts of men that calls for a yes to God. The alternative is clearly chosen in the face of the Kingdom demand.
It overcomes. It is better. The Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus also said of this demonic spirit, "I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, and I will strike her children dead." Rev 2:21-23
Does the releasing of people from the grips of the Jezebel spirit matter?
Is it just a a charismatic issue or hot topic?
I marvel at the duplicity with which we approach the bible and the words of Jesus. The whole spectrum of approaches to the Scriptures, some of which are extremely focused on "forms of righteousness" rules and regulations, consider their zeal to be bringing others into worship. We have completely missed the deepest concerns of the Lord Jesus. They have overlooked his words and the importance of his rebuke regarding worship. They do not know or understand his heart.
Consequently, when Christ came into the world, he said,
"Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body you have prepared for me; in burnt offerings and sin offerings you have taken no pleasure. Then I said, "Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, as it is written about me in the scroll of the book."
Hebrews 10:5-7
Jesus perfectly fulfilled the will of the Father. He lived the definitive worship. He established it in our world among his "friends"and in heaven as the ascended High Priest of the HOLY of HOLIEST. Through his worship, he made a living way for us to advance into eternal life.
That witness, that testimony is our inheritance.
While remaining One with the Father in perfect unity and love, he overcame the world. He established worship in spirit and truth and forever. He sealed, with his ascension, the volumes of benefits and the true, deep, holy, and love filled relationship with the Father that we call worship.
Why does Jesus confront the Jezebel spirit?
Because he restored worship to perfect relationship with the Father. The Jezebel spirit destroys that worship, the blood bought intimacy. Jesus worshiped in the heart and will of the Father with his life. He poured out his blood as worship. Forever a relationship was sealed that nothing in heaven or earth could violate, destroy, tear down, diminish. When walked out in faith and lived through his perfect work, worship is the fragrance that rises all the way into the throne room in heaven. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. The worship environment of the Spirit is freedom, joy, truth and love. The worship environment influenced by Jezebel is fear, constriction, control, and lack of intimacy.
Jesus does not tolerate distortions of his perfect work or the destruction of the perfect heart intimacy we share in his presence.
Of course, Jesus was after much more than worship environments. Our culture screams Canaanite worship. Keep in mind, those demonic spirits that influenced the worship of Canaan are still around. They are angels. Dark angels. They know how to co-labor with humanity and produce the same forms of worship. Sacrifice of children to the alter of ....fill in the blanks, is the Canaanite god Molech. It's been different throughout history. One of the most compelling and distorted realities in our culture is sex. Carl's Jr. sell hamburgers with it. The pornographic industry, sells pseudo sex on the scale of billions a year. Men and women worship at the alter of broken intimacy and unfulfilled sexual encounter. Their hearts enslaved to the unfulfilled worship of broken intimacy. To Baal, worship was sexual intercourse with a temple prostitute, male or female. Not a hard sell today. Yet, the hearts cry is endless loneliness.
The Jezebel spirit seeks to distort, separate, and ruin with fear any who would go after the reality of worship as witness; worship purchased in his blood.
Worship, united with heaven in spirit and truth, is the prime target. Distortion of worship and the sowing of offense in the heart are key activities of Jezebel. Typically that means destroying the credibility of some amazing servants of the Lord. Often it means the destruction of those up and coming tender hearts who live to worship him. In turn, if successful, the wounds inflicted will be embraced, the leadership of the church "clearly the offense" and the cry "never again" will add more victims to the castle walls of fear.
This Jezebel spirit and it's serious consequence ultimately is the the destruction of intimacy. Jezebel is known to inspire fear and use fear to keep people from love and healing. The perfect love Jesus walked in has no fear. (side bar: this is a sign to you that you may have a foothold of the Jezebel and or are confronting it. You will feel fear and the threat of loss in a Jezebel confrontation.) Fear is a sign. It should alert us to our environment. It should awaken us to discernment. It should call out participation with the Holy Spirit. True righteousness does not ride on the wings of fear. Rather it flows on a river of loving kindness.
The first key is getting out of the clutches of Jezebel yourself.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart. No offense. No stumbling block. No boarders on the desire of your heart for Jesus. There is no law against love. Our hearts can run free forever in his presence. Get yourself into a place of presence and wait on the Lord. Surrender to the Spirit and spend some significant time dwelling with God in the holy place.
Then start looking for the "fears in you". Surrender those to the Spirit and ask for healing. Follow his lead. He is good.
Prayer -
Lord Jesus. My One and only first desire is you. Open the eyes of my heart to the worship and relationship you share with the Father. I surrender myself to you and your perfect love.
He is meeting us at the point of our desire.
As always, write your comments.
Is it just a a charismatic issue or hot topic?
Is it just a topic of the ultra spiritual or in the clouds prophetic types?
Many believers today, as well as leaders in fellowships and ministries, have a working relationship with Jezebel. A toleration. A "looking past" for a supposed "greater good" in our desire to avoid confrontation we may actually allow and tolerate the Jezebel.
A desire to avoid the confrontation in the belief that things will get better with time is not a path or way taught in Scripture. This perspective demonstrates an understanding deficient in true spiritual discernment.
Jesus said, "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is among you."
A Kingdom is coming and has arrived that confronts the world system and ways of the enemy.
It demands a response.
It is like a wedge driven into the hearts of men that calls for a yes to God. The alternative is clearly chosen in the face of the Kingdom demand.
It overcomes. It is better. The Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus also said of this demonic spirit, "I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, and I will strike her children dead." Rev 2:21-23
Does the releasing of people from the grips of the Jezebel spirit matter?
Is it just a a charismatic issue or hot topic?
I marvel at the duplicity with which we approach the bible and the words of Jesus. The whole spectrum of approaches to the Scriptures, some of which are extremely focused on "forms of righteousness" rules and regulations, consider their zeal to be bringing others into worship. We have completely missed the deepest concerns of the Lord Jesus. They have overlooked his words and the importance of his rebuke regarding worship. They do not know or understand his heart.
Consequently, when Christ came into the world, he said,
"Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body you have prepared for me; in burnt offerings and sin offerings you have taken no pleasure. Then I said, "Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, as it is written about me in the scroll of the book."
Hebrews 10:5-7
Jesus perfectly fulfilled the will of the Father. He lived the definitive worship. He established it in our world among his "friends"and in heaven as the ascended High Priest of the HOLY of HOLIEST. Through his worship, he made a living way for us to advance into eternal life.
That witness, that testimony is our inheritance.
While remaining One with the Father in perfect unity and love, he overcame the world. He established worship in spirit and truth and forever. He sealed, with his ascension, the volumes of benefits and the true, deep, holy, and love filled relationship with the Father that we call worship.
Why does Jesus confront the Jezebel spirit?
Because he restored worship to perfect relationship with the Father. The Jezebel spirit destroys that worship, the blood bought intimacy. Jesus worshiped in the heart and will of the Father with his life. He poured out his blood as worship. Forever a relationship was sealed that nothing in heaven or earth could violate, destroy, tear down, diminish. When walked out in faith and lived through his perfect work, worship is the fragrance that rises all the way into the throne room in heaven. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. The worship environment of the Spirit is freedom, joy, truth and love. The worship environment influenced by Jezebel is fear, constriction, control, and lack of intimacy.
Jesus does not tolerate distortions of his perfect work or the destruction of the perfect heart intimacy we share in his presence.
Of course, Jesus was after much more than worship environments. Our culture screams Canaanite worship. Keep in mind, those demonic spirits that influenced the worship of Canaan are still around. They are angels. Dark angels. They know how to co-labor with humanity and produce the same forms of worship. Sacrifice of children to the alter of ....fill in the blanks, is the Canaanite god Molech. It's been different throughout history. One of the most compelling and distorted realities in our culture is sex. Carl's Jr. sell hamburgers with it. The pornographic industry, sells pseudo sex on the scale of billions a year. Men and women worship at the alter of broken intimacy and unfulfilled sexual encounter. Their hearts enslaved to the unfulfilled worship of broken intimacy. To Baal, worship was sexual intercourse with a temple prostitute, male or female. Not a hard sell today. Yet, the hearts cry is endless loneliness.
The Jezebel spirit seeks to distort, separate, and ruin with fear any who would go after the reality of worship as witness; worship purchased in his blood.
Worship, united with heaven in spirit and truth, is the prime target. Distortion of worship and the sowing of offense in the heart are key activities of Jezebel. Typically that means destroying the credibility of some amazing servants of the Lord. Often it means the destruction of those up and coming tender hearts who live to worship him. In turn, if successful, the wounds inflicted will be embraced, the leadership of the church "clearly the offense" and the cry "never again" will add more victims to the castle walls of fear.
This Jezebel spirit and it's serious consequence ultimately is the the destruction of intimacy. Jezebel is known to inspire fear and use fear to keep people from love and healing. The perfect love Jesus walked in has no fear. (side bar: this is a sign to you that you may have a foothold of the Jezebel and or are confronting it. You will feel fear and the threat of loss in a Jezebel confrontation.) Fear is a sign. It should alert us to our environment. It should awaken us to discernment. It should call out participation with the Holy Spirit. True righteousness does not ride on the wings of fear. Rather it flows on a river of loving kindness.
The first key is getting out of the clutches of Jezebel yourself.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart. No offense. No stumbling block. No boarders on the desire of your heart for Jesus. There is no law against love. Our hearts can run free forever in his presence. Get yourself into a place of presence and wait on the Lord. Surrender to the Spirit and spend some significant time dwelling with God in the holy place.
Then start looking for the "fears in you". Surrender those to the Spirit and ask for healing. Follow his lead. He is good.
Prayer -
Lord Jesus. My One and only first desire is you. Open the eyes of my heart to the worship and relationship you share with the Father. I surrender myself to you and your perfect love.
He is meeting us at the point of our desire.
As always, write your comments.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Seeing Jesus while driving the rolling green hills of Walla Walla
Driving down the road, heading out of Walla Walla Washington, leaving my dear friends in the Journey Church, I was floating in and out of the veil of heaven itself. The night before the Journey crew had poured prophetic grace all over my soul. My soul and spirit were awash with the atmosphere of God's love. Deep realms of understanding were continuing to wash over me.
Prophetic encounter, bathed in friendship and the common heart of the Father, is a rich taste of heaven.
My heart, soul, mind and spirit were swimming in the tranquil glory of the presence of the Lord Jesus. A new worship song was welling up in my heart and I was caught up in overwhelming love.
"You and I God,
We've been knit together;
We've been sewn together,
in LOVE.
I pulled up "Your Love is Everything" in the cd player and the veil ripped wide open. The ache, deep soul longing for Him welled up into sobs and a deeper more tangible taste of what those words said, "Your love is everything to me".
Then something amazing occurred. As I wound along through the beauty; green with rolling hill tops, I saw HIM.
I saw HIM high above the earth
Filling the sky with the reality of his Name.
Flowing in glory, his clothing was licking the deep blue like tongues of fire. The eyes of my heart drank in volumes. I heard, saw, felt, knew, understood, marveled, loved, smiled, feared, all at once. His dominion and presence spread over the curve of the horizon.
I wept, convulsed. My soul, reaching out into the fibers of my body, shuddered. The worship from within sought to link all of me and touch him, worship HIM. I was part of Him. Whispers and words were on the wind. He opened His heart to me. He gave it to me. Overwhelmed I found my spirit going deeper and deeper. An invitation and oneness encounter opened up with much more fire.
"YOU and I God,
We've been knit together;
We've been sewn together,
in LOVE.
I was still driving. At times gripping the seat, whipping my eyes and wondering about what people were thinking driving by me or next to me. The intensity did not waiver. I kept hitting the repeat button on the song and somehow went deeper.
The Lord echoed prophetic words to me, spoke without speaking about geographic zones and the grace to be poured into them, but all of it was reflected in and through the NAME. HIS name and character saturated every tangible created thing. It all moved at the sound of his voice and somehow reverberated with waves of obedience. Perfect obedience. Seeing that my heart wanted to do the same. Perfect obedience from inside. From my heart I wanted to give the Lord everything in worship.
The drive to the Tri-Cities lasted about an hour and I was going to be working upon arrival. I had to pull myself together.
I had to wonder what this encounter meant. Where would it lead? More on that in the days ahead.
"...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he had called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at the right hand in the heavenly places...."
Jesus, open the eyes of my heart to the heavenly places. The places of inheritance vision of your NAME and let me see you in realms of heaven.
He is meeting us at the point of our desire.
As always, write your comments.
Monday, January 6, 2014
24/7 Continuous Prayer and Worship in Central Oregon - Vision and Focus
24/7 Vision – Continuous Worship and
Prayer in Central Oregon.
We are
looking for a piece of land – donated – given to the Lord – for a permanent
24/7 Mountain of Prayer in Central Oregon.
are two parts to our calling in the work of 24/7 prayer.
- To call the Saints and his Church back into a life of Habitation and first love (= abiding in his presence as a way of life (John 15) – spending our lives in the sheer joy of his presence (John 12:3) ) and to deep and abiding presence in worship. The Holy Spirit is calling out for and providing a foundational rediscovery of the presence of God and the Father’s heart. We see it as a move of the Spirit with much wider implications. More to come - Jeff Reynolds One Desire – blog http://jeffreynoldsonedesire.blogspot.com/
- To build A House of Prayer for all the Nations - Around the world today Saints are establishing ministries of prayer with a fervent heart. Our hearts are set to add to, serve, encourage, partner with and co-labor with the Saints throughout Central Oregon who are bring forth places of his presence focused on abiding in worship and prayer. We also have in our hearts establishing a permanent 24/7 Prayer Mountain for all the Nations that is a resting place for fervent love and devotion to the Lord in worship, prayer and intercession. We envision this as 1) A permanent piece of land where 24/7 worship and prayer continue Night and Day 2) A place of abiding where the world can come and rest in his presence, seek the Lord for extended periods in fasting and prayer 3) A center for training and equipping 4) Encouraging the nations through mission teams and worship leaders. This work needs you! Want to intern? 2014 – going deeper and wider. We need fervent forerunners who know that they are called to establish Day and Night worship and prayer. We are also looking for the land, prayer partners and financial partners. jreynolds@mycapstone.org / www.mycapstone.org
We believe The Father is pouring out a
“rediscovery” of the truth of Jesus Christ in his perfect work and as the High
Priest of the Heavenly Tabernacle. Jesus is pouring out wisdom and insight to the
“eyes of the heart” (Eph 1:18). Our
understanding of the Presence of God is expanding and accelerating into deep
wells of worship that touch the resources and our calling of and inheritance in
the Lord Jesus. Heaven is flowing as a habitation
of his presence, a resting place, a dwelling place with new and
wonderful realizations of his presence. A habitation is a dwelling, a continuous flow
rather than a visitation. And the Father is coming with much grace and
love to those hungry for his presence. We
sense the deep call to agree with the Spirit and the desire in the hearts of
the saints to welcome the Lord to dwell with us. Ps 24 The truth being restored is focused on the
“eyes of the heart” gaining deeper understanding of the efficacious and
powerful work of Jesus Christ on the cross, in his resurrection and through the
completion in his ascension. Presence- Power -Peace It is
setting the heart free in abiding love regardless of the circumstances we
face. It is a true deposit of the
Kingdom of God.
24/7 First Love - Worship and Intercession is the
gift the Lord would like to give to Central Oregon - through Unity and Love – a combined voice
of many fellowships serving one another in love .
The Lord is building and constructing habitations - they will radiate with worship and devotion to Jesus, and that through these restored habitations Jesus will raise a renewed and refining righteousness and the Bride will find her heart for her lover.
It is a worship that finds its character and atmosphere in the NAME. (Rev 3:8)· It is worship in agreement with the Spirit in righteousness that deepens our love, service and surrender to the Lord Jesus. (John 4:23)
We see that the Spirit is digging deep cisterns in the hearts of the Saints – deep wells touching wisdom and calling forth deep devotion and new levels of righteousness and surrender. God is visiting his people with a desire to dwell with them.
The sounds of heaven and our hearts are being laid bare before the Lord and uniting in worship and intercession with throne down glory.
24/7 Worship and Intercession will find
a permanent location in Central Oregon as a gift to future generations. Many are working for this goal each day.
We are
looking for a piece of land – donated – given to the Lord – for a permanent
24/7 Mountain of Prayer in Central Oregon.
piece of land – a continuous habitation of his presence with 24 hours
continuous worship and intercession - a base
of operations and resource – a training center for the nations – a place of
sending - a gathering and resting place for all those
hungry for his presence.
hab•i•ta•tion (ˌhæb ɪˈteɪ ʃən)
1. a place of residence;
dwelling; abode.
2. the act of inhabiting;
occupancy by inhabitants.
3. a colony or settlement;
[1325–75; Middle English (h)abitacioun
(< Anglo-French) < Latin habitātiō a dwelling =habitā(re)
to inhabit (see habitat) + -tiō -tion]
pres·ence (pr
z



1. The state or fact of being
present; current existence or occurrence.
2. Immediate proximity in time
or space.
3. The area immediately
surrounding a great personage, especially a sovereign.
4. A person who is present.
a. A person's bearing,
especially when it commands respectful attention: "He continues to possess
the presence, mental as well as physical, of the young man" (Brendan
b. The quality of
self-assurance and effectiveness that permits a performer to achieve a rapport
with the audience: stage presence.
5. A supernatural influence
felt to be nearby.
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