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Friday, October 10, 2014

What’s it like to fall out the sky on a remarkable day? Deep Change in ideas and Mindset can be a challenge

Revival and moves of the Holy Spirit can be messy and demand a complete and daily devotion to the Holy Spirit.  Often that means moving freely with change.  And it can mean letting the Spirit give us a completely new mindset and understanding.   The problem is we often get very comfortable with our way of expecting the Spirit to lead and move in us and our communities.   The transition that is upon us is something like falling out of the sky on your best day. 

 Jesus seems to love making all things new

His face was shining like the Sun  Rev 1
It is not hard to continue on without the Spirit in the pathways of former glories.   There is typically so much schooling to support the journey and keep us occupied without God.   It is possible to run on culture, social convention and verbatim teaching for decades.  All the while heaven is off “making all things new”.   The Gospels clearly portray confounded disciples.  Jesus marvels at their lack of perception.  It’s the eyes through which they saw him and their mindset that needed adjusting.   When we adopt teaching as the truth and do not adhere to Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and life, we slip off the disciple track just enough to fall from the sky.   

What’s it like to fall out the sky on a remarkable day?   

What’s it like to be emptied?  To have the wind knocked out of you.   What’s it like to find our teaching and relationship with God dead and wrapped up in the past?   When our life with Jesus looks more like searching for him instead of a walking with him, we are set up for a sky fall.   He said, “Follow me.”    Not the trends.  Not the people and groups and organizations.   Within touching distance, that’s where we are to be.  To be with HIM is life.   He’s got better things in mind for you!   Remarkable days are days in the deepest connection understanding and knowledge of the love of Jesus Christ.   

Picture yourself flying high in a hot air balloon.  Soaring on the wind and moving with its currents.  Ascending higher and higher,  we travel upward on the currents of our times with the hot fire of ideas, images, and compelling stories.  There are so many traditions that have long since lost any fire in the Spirit and are not even cold water for the thirsty heart. The thoughts of our generation and previous generations fuel our moments, paint the picture of the arrival and divorce us from any real dependance on the Holy Spirit today.   Along the path we gather up more ideas and thoughts and training and teaching so we can refine our travels.  We continue to aim, to whittle away at the wood, to carve the remarkable moment.  

 A move of the Spirit on the magnitude being prophesied is a complete mindset change.  A whole shift in the way we think about our faith.  It is the end of one thing and the birth of another.

Isn’t it more like falling from the sky?   
 We live for exceptional moments; picture shots of dreams and aspirations.   We want our Facebook to gleam with connection.  The connection of soul, mind, body, spirit and envisioned realities of “this is my life”.     Its usual for us to consider the fall from those places.  Or, is it?  The mantra of our times is we will find ourselves in those picture moments and soar.    But they are just moments.   We need something much deeper to change a nation and receive an outpouring of the Spirit.  The reality may be much more disappointing.   We need a generational shift into the presence, power and peace of Jesus and the breakout of his Kingdom. 

We spend our time capturing snap shots.   

Building kingdom models and families and houses of worship that are devoted to the presence of the Lord is the kind of cup the Spirit is longing for in us.   Yet picture moment after picture moment, we build a mosaic to hold mind, body, soul and spirit together with snap shots.    
Like a wild animal, this kind of life can be uncooperative.  It constantly gets out of the cage.  Our response is to capture more moments so as not to let them slip away.   We believe.  We keep hunting for the tools and teachings to control the wild animals and ascend to our picture moment.    Ministry in the Spirit is eternal connection and the breakout of the Kingdom.  It is not a here and gone reality.   We need to learn to flow in Kingdom glory everywhere.

The Father is working in this world

He is ancient.  Every moment has all its value.   We are part of a story.  Each chapter carries its own authentic highlights, print moments.   We gather up important teaching to support the ascent.  We fit ourselves into the times and mold our mindset in the currents.   And we adhere ourselves to the teaching, the men, the groups and forget the Father.   We disconnect.  We lose first love.  We can make a list of “everything essential” and Jesus is missing.   We don’t need him.  We have the teaching, the men, the organizations, the structures the paths.   And so we continue ascending to our picture moments.  One after another we string together photo snap shots.   The Spirit is looking to radically change the face of the faith as we know it.  

And when "that season" is over? 

We don’t like falling.   We don’t like a re-write.  Yet every time we reach the “moment” we fall from the sky.   Some people have Everest moments.  They take a long time to stand up into them.   The length of the journey itself tends to give credence to the venture in our culture.  Upon arrival?   We fall the same.   Even when the picture moment involves no direct connection with the Father and first love with Jesus, we still have a photo moment.  Right?   

And the entire world wants to see it.   See us in it.   They cheer us on because they want to arrive there as well.   With the fake click of a camera we snap a moment that no longer connects with the Father’s heart.   We are living for pictures, fragments, when we are eternal.  With a click of the camera we no longer have any reason to ascend.   In fact we start falling.   Or were we falling all along?   

Are we still friends with God?  

Were we ever?   Religion is a system.  It carries order.  Like basic math equations is fair and predictable.    Relationship with the Father is union, whimsical and creative.   He is forever enjoying the realms of heaven and all its creatures.    Our Trinity God is the unknowable one who is known in Christ Jesus.  It is abiding in rest that opens never ending pathways.   It carries its own supporting cast.   It does not ascend to moments.  It builds into the eternal.   It is not a stop off or a snap shot.  It is an exploration of and enveloping in the unknowable.   Jesus said, “Abide in me”.    The teaching and training we need supports the unchanging realms of abiding in the Father’s heart “…where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” (Col 3:1)   We never fall from here.    It is endless sky.   

What’s it like to fall out of the sky on a remarkable day?  

What’s it like to be emptied?  To have the wind knocked out of you.   What’s it like to find our teaching and relationship with God dead and wrapped up in the past?   When our life with Jesus looks more like searching for him instead of a walking with him, we are set up for a sky fall.   He said, “Follow me.”    Not the trends.  Not the people and groups and organizations.   Within touching distance, that’s where we are to be.  To be with HIM is life.   He’s got better things in mind for you!   Remarkable days are days in the deepest connection understanding and knowledge of the love of Jesus Christ.   

We can settle into rest as we abide and follow

Jesus said, “It is finished”.    We are simply exploring the inheritance.  It is such a vast country no one will be able to claim perfect understanding; to map it for us or clearly chart it.   Our own piece of glory in the inheritance of Christ is so large and wonderful it takes a lifetime of faith action to unpack it.    There is no more remarkable day that to see Him face to face.  To know him as we are known.   Each day holds the promise of knowing how wide, long, high and deep is the love of Christ. (Eph 3:18)  When our sky is full of Christ’s love and our picture moments are glimpses into his eyes…..

A move of the Spirit demands total surrender.  A move of the Spirit that revives and changes an ancient faith requires a total mindset change.  Thinking one way and then thinking another.   The bottom line.....its a choice we need to make.  Today.  The Spirit is moving now and he is searching for hearts willing and ready to receive him as he is coming.  

Comments?  Ideas?  I love hearing from you.

Thanks for reading

Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship

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