This is the land where others are overwhelmed by His presence and we are standing, quiet, contemplating..... Contemplating everything but the beauty and glory of Jesus. Wrestling rather than recognizing, wondering rather than wading deep into the knowledge of Jesus. Wrestling with God over the circumstances of our lives rather than letting thankfulness, the most basic ingredient of worship, begin to open the eyes of our hearts to the riches of heaven.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart....."
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Keys make a difference |
Scripture speaks to the heart.
Teach me your way, LORD, that I
may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear
your name.
Real and true seeing in the Kingdom comes from an undivided heart. That heart in turn takes on understanding of the NAME.
I will give them an undivided
heart and put a new spirit in them;
I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matt 5:8
This is the beginning place of knowing God; of seeing the Father as we honor the Son. The Spirit is so patient and kind yet in his wisdom he always brings us to the place of understanding the real condition of our hearts. The journey remains the same as we follow the Lord Jesus, will we trust the Father to heal us, mend us, make all things new?
The Father is a masterful craftsman of the heart. Tending our hearts like a garden, he grows us up in all his ways through the perfect work of Jesus and the powerful touch of the Spirit. His ways work perfectly to reveal the deepest content of our hearts and his power is perfectly able to deliver us from deep darkness.
Following Jesus is the easy yoke and light burden.
Take Paul the Apostle for example. What a scandal. He persecuted, jailed and arranged for the death of Christians. He watched Stephen enter into glory and took care of everyone's cloaks while they stoned him. He sought to destroy the Body Jesus tasked him with growing, nurturing and loving in the sufferings of his Master. Paul, like the Master, became a master builder of the heart after Jesus. Perfectly working out in this fallen world a clear witness of the glory of running the race with a pure heart.
The emotions of love are fleeting and not enough to carry the heart to the deep places of walking after Jesus. There is a much deeper place to walk with God that originates in the heart and fills up every other place of our lives.
My son Isaac is in love. This is not news or talking behind him as the whole world has known for some time. It is awesome to watch him. Love has a deep hold on him . Because of love, He does things in a unique way. His heart is leading the show. I love watching him be so full of joy when he is with Leah.
Love is not a math equation.
Love is not science.
When is the last time someone bought love?
When is the last time someone talked you into love?
Love requires honest surrender. Surrender to the Holy Spirit. Love requires true faith.
Love for God requires depending and trusting.
Love requires risk and honesty.
Jesus is perfectly able to lead us in the pathways of love for the Father.
We can walk in the same relationship he has with ABBA.
There are three or four things I cannot understand:
how eagles fly so high
or snakes crawl on rocks,
how ships sail the ocean,
or people fall in love. Prov 30:18-19
So how do we fall in love with Jesus?
How do we keep our hearts on fire and in a constant state of love and devotion?
Is it pure emotion? No. They can't run as far as we need to go.
Is it pure will? No. Ever willed someone to love you? Choosing may be one ingredient but it is not sufficient to lead us in hope and patient endurance.
It may be a very simple equation. "Come, Follow me", Jesus said.
Follow HIM. Let the Holy Spirit be the one who disciples you by leading you.
Stop running your own course on "how to be an amazing disciple of Jesus that everyone will recognize." Start walking after the master of the heart.
To find your life, you have to loose it. Loose it in Jesus. He will tend to the needs of your heart and lead you to quiet waters. That is who he is. That's what he died for. That's what his Kingdom is; rich in, rest.
Along the way......
Mind your Heart- ask the Spirit to search you and see if there is any way in you he would like to heal? Ps 139
Grow a garden of many varieties - John 15
Dwell in the Word richly- Col 3:16
Know your identity in Christ - John 1:12
Walk in faith, hope and love - I Cor 13
Some other blog posts on this topic:
Love for God is never ending
Jesus you fascinate me
Comments? Ideas? Thank you for reading. Thank you for your comments as well.
We need each other to navigate and chart these pathways.
With much joy and admiration in Christ,
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds. Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship
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