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Point to the King of Glory Ps 24 |
Is this approach not sitting right with you?
I'm riled up a bit. So forgive me if I cross a line or say something stupid.
There is a crisis going on. To me, People seem to be desperately trying to cling to outdated and dead ideas. Ideas that are not linked to deep understanding of Jesus or Words of Scripture but more to their "constructed world view", doctrines and 10 steps to a happy life teachings; rather than a Kingdom view of the world or deep abiding connection to Jesus. ....in my opinion.
Isa 58:6 “No, this is the kind of fasting I want:
Free those who are wrongly imprisoned;
lighten the burden of those who work for you.
Let the oppressed go free,
and remove the chains that bind people.
We could be pretty mixed up if we think the Spirit of Herod, political power and control, is the way to bring people into the salvation of the Kingdom. In many circles this means "authority". Is that the kind of authority Jesus expressed to the broken reed or barely lit flame? Why are we so vindictive? How can we seek to plant a garden with seeds like this?
Shake the dust and go look for broken reeds. There are millions of them.
We may be lost if we think that America is the Kingdom of God.
America is amazing....and completely disgusting at the same time. Sex traffickers roam our cities with thousands of slaves in tow hidden in darkness and brutalized. Drug Lords enslave millions pumping emptiness and pain to their souls with the promise of escape. Its more like destruction. Pornographic business people feed the cesspools of bondage running under every piece of earth we inhabit. And we watch it more than sports or random TV, more than any other type of screen time.
We are free. And we use that freedom in many destructive ways. We are free to completely destroy ourselves. God has allowed us freedom as well. To completely ignore him and his grace. Revival would be an excellent alternative. We need grace and the Spirit to lead into the pathways of revival.
But the believing community wants better results. Is brow beating people the divine power filled strategy of love?
Then when you call, the LORD will answer.
‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply.
“Remove the heavy yoke of oppression.
Stop pointing your finger and spreading vicious rumors! Isa 58:9
We could be pretty mixed up if we think our denominational platform is the complete presentation of the "manifold wisdom of God" that he is expressing through his church. Possibly more deeply mixed up if we think our cultural expression of the gospel in music, ways of doing church and family are the highest form of divine revelation known.
Possibly I am riling up some. Inviting hate language and controlling teaching for my bad ideas.
I have no love for the spirit of religion. I became a Christian right out of drinking and drugs and sex and being really lost. I know what the dark side looks like and I don't ever want to venture there again. Stumble. Yes. I do and have. But live that way again. God provide me the grace and strength you promise to overcome the world and step into the joy of my salvation. I want Jesus' freedom more than anything in this world. Awesome thing. He is providing it. And for everyone on the same way....he will never let you go or let anyone snatch you out of his hand.
Love is the language of the Kingdom.
The true witness of his presence is powerful love with righteousness mixed all up and in it. I think we are lacking the authority of love today. Grace overcomes every sin and broken thing. We are saved by grace. So why do we think we can preach a gospel of law and condemnation and reap a massive harvest? Or some kind of "think this and be saved" verses know Jesus and be saved? Jesus is the way, the truth and the life not once removed teaching about him. We need to get in touch and help people get in touch with Jesus himself. He said if he gets lifted up he will draw all men to himself. So lift him up. (I Cor 2:1-5)
The loving kindness of the Lord leads to salvation.
I think we have come to the outer boarders of the Reformation teaching and now it is more like a distortion. It has always carried with it a "burn them at the stake" kind of mentality and type of conflict. What made perfect sense 500 years ago is a foreign language to this era. Our worship of doctrine, thinking that it is more pure than the Lord Jesus or any insight into his love (Eph 3:14-22) is...tragically ridiculous? Again, in my opinion. There is so little talk of Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. He is the voice of God now. (Hebrews 1) Lift him up. Know him. Spend your life following him. Eternity is now. We are becoming more like him every day.
Mindsets and Butterflies
Our mindset about the troubles of our times, the state and nature of Christianity, and our overall attitude flows from a mindset. A way of thinking about the world. My vote. We need a new one. And Jesus is just the right person to bring it to us by his Spirit in love and power. One filled with an overflowing measure of the presence, power and peace of Jesus Christ and his "overcoming the world" kind of thinking.
We need a butterfly transformation. Are you in the cocoon? Feeling hemmed in and pressed upon? Press into the Word of God, Jesus Christ and let him completely change your perspective. Instead of just climbing to the tops of the trees for food and vision like caterpillars, get a transformation that allows you to fly high and drink the nectar of the flowers of his presence and love. Break free. Go deeper. Spend the best time of your life seeking his face. His is an eternal Kingdom. His is a Kingdom that will never end. Sow to heaven. Reap a harvest of life, joy, peace and knowing the love of God in Jesus Christ. All the doors to his heart are wide open. Run in.
So, I've thrown some ideas out there. What do you think?
Comments? Ideas? Lets see if we can discover something more rich and deep in the love of Christ Jesus through our dialogue?
In his love,
Jeff Reynolds. Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship
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