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Waterfalls of Honey |
On the one hand I am so deeply torn by the wandering Saints who proclaim belonging to Jesus. They appear to be living such miserable lives of survival. Ok. Yes. Things happen in this world. Stuff goes wrong in all our lives. That is the world, fallen and broken. We all live in it. But Jesus said he overcame it. I want a drink that insight and power. Drink in a kingdom mindset that lines up with truth and the Spirit and flows freely.
If we buy into the lie that overcoming ALL of the world is not possible we loose connection. Connection with the High Priest of Heaven, Jesus our Overcoming Lord of all things. The power and grace of the King, King of the Impossible, drifts from our inner life and we become worse off than those who do not know nothing of HIM.
Depression and faint hearts are signs of our inner confusion. We believe one thing, or allow ourselves to think we do, but have no reality of what we believe in our lives. Our hearts are speaking to us. Yes. Speaking to us that we cannot believe one thing and live another way. We should feel the ache of this kind of existence. We need a new mindset and teaching that fills us with "the knowledge of his will".
On the other hand I am so deeply impacted by the simplest of truths. Jesus is the Mountain of the LORD. As I keep running back to resting in Him, in all his powerful work, I continuously find joy, peace and inner strength to believe the impossible. HE speaks to all the darkness in the world with a freedom and love that can never be contained. He lives in the Fulness of the Father's Heart as Ascended LORD of GLORY. Truly, it is finished. From heaven to earth through all the earth's fallen-mess and brokenness (CROSS) into the victory of the new life (RESURRECTION). Then completely solidifying all things forever in his perfect work of righteousness he (ASCENDED) was seated as the ONE who witnesses to the Father's LOVE and JUSTICE. The promise; the children of the Father's Heart will again be restored in HIS love. He intercedes out of inheritance. Out of what is finished. He calls forth, in the earth and in us, what is already accomplished by HIM.
Jesus is the First and Last. Jesus is the creator of all things. Jesus sustains all things in the grace and love of his power. Jesus is our victor who overcame the world. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus is our friend who lays down his life for us. Jesus is Risen. Savior of the whole world. Redeemer. Provider. Sustain er. We can never exhaust the recognition of who his is let alone all he has done for us! LOVE WINS.
There is so much noise. And so little prayer. We tend to see prayer, intercession, even worship as a means to an end and not the very end and beginning of all things. We have lost the face of Christ in the midst of the smoke of incense. Worship and Prayer are seen as vehicles to enhance our power and earthly goals. Problem: Earth is supposed to be invaded with heaven and the Kingdom released in the earth. The Kingdom of Heaven is a throne down reality not earth up.
Some may say that mercy and grace and the touch of compassion is lost in this prayer, worship and intercession call. In fact, I would invite you to consider that you cannot bear the overwhelming truth of the Father's Heart for this world. Of the hope in Christ and the work that is already accomplished through his perfect work in love. The Spirit is looking for "vessels of restored fortunes" and seeking to reveal the inheritance of Christ Jesus; that the world would be enveloped in the love and transforming grace of Jesus Christ.
Our hearts are in love with the world. We cannot serve both God and Mammon.
What Kingdom are we seeking to build? Ours? Our earthly kingdom is nothing in comparison with the glory of the Kingdom of our LORD and the Christ Jesus. It is an amazing mystery. Jesus and his way. Narrow. Hidden in him (Col 3:1-5) Treasures to be discovered for those who hunger and thirst for HIM (Matt5:6) Not for worldly outcomes and worldly rewards. His love and glory are being expressed in the world, but not from the earthly and cultures that are passing away. This sounds like "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me." I Cor 13:11
We are called to abide not so we can "get more power", "get things done". We are called into prayer because it is our inheritance to be ONE with the Father, Son and Spirit. The tree is to be set down by the stream (Ps 1).
We cannot start at any other place than at the Father's Heart revealed in the LORD Jesus Christ through the revelation of his heart and mind in the Holy Spirit.
If we leave the "defining center of our lives", abiding in Jesus (John 15), we are sure to drift in heart, soul, mind and strength. Our center is Christ Jesus. Why? He is the Center of Heaven (Rev 5) and all that is accomplished forever. "It is a narrow way and few find it" Jesus said. ( )
"You can do nothing without me" (John 15:5)
We think about doing things, ministry, getting things done for heaven. We cannot actually comprehend the mystery of Christ without the Spirit of Christ Jesus.
The clarion call in the Spirit these days is come back to the abiding presence of Jesus. Jesus said the nature of his Ekklesia was "A House of Prayer for All Nations". A place to know God. A consistent abiding presence of the perfect work of Christ revealed in hearts and minds by grace. On the tree of this house grows the fruit of abiding love. Sacrifice for friends. Righteousness that is not rules and laws but complete abiding transformation of every way of life connected to the fallen world. Perfect Righteousness. Wow.
Come Lord Jesus. Come to your House of Prayer.
Thanks for reading. Comments? Ideas?
I love hearing from you.
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship
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