This means so much more is happening than meets the eye and that springs forth in love and glory. The Kingdom of Jesus is seen in this world in simple things that work in manifold ways. Only the Father seems to be able to orchestrate and demonstrate an all at once expression of his manifold ways in this world. At least as I have seen. Last Sunday at our Celebration we got to see that. It was remarkable and totally simple. I want to tell you about it.
What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up. 1Co 14:26
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by Charles Stone |
For the most part, I have wondered about what this verse means most of my life in the Lord. What does that look like? So much of our worship is lead by so few. How do the Saints add to celebrations? I have understood ministry and church as such a linear experience. From point A to point B. We plan it all out and hope to drop some meaning into people's lives. The Kingdom is manifold Wisdom (Eph 3:10) it is multiplication and at the least addition.
There is a Kingdom lead by the Lover of Souls that is so dynamic and manifold in it's capacity and expression that when it gets let loose dramatic change rolls forth.
We may have caught a glimpse of it this last week.
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”Luke 6:38
We were talking about apostolic family. The kind that emanates from the phrase One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism...(Eph 4) Not denominational family, as is seen around the world, but family focused on Christ as the defining element and his Kingdom as the prevailing mindset. A Word and Spirit family shaped in a culture of love and taught to partner with the Holy Spirit to add with Kingdom grace to every situation. The Saints tasked with planning the worship celebration were asked what they wanted to give away to the family. What things were in their hearts that would pour out love and encouragement on the Body. We talked and listened and dreamed together for a few minutes. Some great encouraging things were planned. The final piece to be given during the celebration was an open time of Spirit led personal offerings of things the Body could provide one another. Here's how it went.
The team on the "Expedition"(Capstone's Kingdom Pathways Training group) came prepared to give away something. Each person was asked to stand and share what they had to give away and then someone in the church agreed that they needed that and connected with the person making the offer.
People offered.....
To change the oil on cars.... A mom received that.
A heart purse....a young girl who loves hearts received it.
To work for two hours cleaning and hauling .... an older woman received it.
To paint a prophetic paining for someone
To tutor in math or science - offered by a teacher
To help a couple people with writing....a published author offered this
To give a couple hours house cleaning for someone
To Haul, chop and move....
To pray with people desiring to move in healing.... a group formed and prayed.
On and on the we went as people stood up in the church and offered something and someone stepped up to receive that needed help, item or aid.
So simple. So awesome. So much flowed in love, service and meeting needs. It connected people to the Father's heart. It connected them to each other. It provided a means to meet needs. It was spontaneous and from the heart. It was powerful and energized the whole congregation. It wasn't money. It was tangible help, connection and need meeting from what we are good at, can do for one another and from love.
What if the churches of a whole city on one day opened up and offered to give what they had to those in need? What if a whole nation did it on one Sunday? Every church sharing with each other from what they can do, provide, and offer to those in need.
What would happen if a church of 50 people all gave something that they could offer? What if a church of 1000 did it? A church of 10,000. It would take hours, but it would be an amazing offering that the Holy Spirit could bless beyond measure.
Generosity and Love are the Father's Heart. He sent Jesus for us to ransom and rescue. Through the Cross he defeated every power and declared, "It is finished". Through the Resurrection new life erupted and a new creations were born. Through the Ascension he sat down at the right hand of the Father and opened the way for all of us to travel. Heaven is open. We are part of the family. We are wealthy beyond measure in our Father's love and grace.
Give and it shall be given!
Comments? Ideas? I love to hear from you.
With Love and Grace in Jesus,
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship
Redmond OR
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