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Floating. Flying. Endless eye candy. The world below out to the curves bending around the edges in worship. Blue sky and white clouds oceans deep with wonder and glory. Soaring with Joy across the devastated regions of the world. Announcing freedom, chains falling off, glory coming and coming and coming in Christ our Lord.
Son of Man - Son of God - Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the whole world
Like never before Jesus is breaking into my understanding. My world is crumbling at the same time.
As he gets bigger many things rise to the surface.
Cynicism. Boarders I've drawn myself. Fear.
Our modern focus on passion for Jesus and words of commitment are not needed when Jesus is filling up a life.
So much cynicism has invaded us. Hearts and minds have melted under the heat of its incessant criticism. It is so much a part of everyday life we hardly recognize the effects or its presence. It is easy to swallow earth mover quantities of cynicism in one bite. It takes little effort. It is the language of brokenness and busted hopes. It seeps into every crevasse and crack in our soul house without check.
noun: cynicism; noun: Cynicism
an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism.
"public cynicism about politics"
Here is an equation I've been thinking about.
Cynicism 100% planted = 0% of Jesus perceived
Test for the equation.
Have you ever met a cynical 2 year old?
Mat 11:25
At that time Jesus said, “I
praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden
these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.
Cynicism is not the language of children or the language of freedom.
How do we break out of cynicism?
Freedom is available through the Holy Spirit by asking Him what has lodged in your heart that gave soil for cynicism to sprout and grow? It is amazing how the Holy Spirit responds when we ask simple straight forward questions. Just ask. Spirit what caused the soil for cynicism to grow in me?
The Second limitation is Boarders we've draw ourselves.
Over the years I've noticed moments when I see the boarders of my life and will and desire to move and follow the Spirit and what the Spirit really wants. Have you noticed those? Many people notice those in wild Holy Spirit meetings or in any meeting in which they are not sure what might happen next? Or in a meeting when things are happening that are beyond the typical church gathering. In those instances when I have purposed to receive all that the Lord has for me, I flourish in the Spirit and in the Lord. The Spirit is good about keeping us in the truth (John 16:12-14) and letting us know when we are going off into a way that will not be good for us. What happens more often is we are filled with fear (a definite sign that it is not God) and our flesh revolts against the presence of the Lord in power. Intuitively we know that we are going to be stretched and opened up to the love of God and the freedom our spirit longs for but our flesh is in enmity with such freedoms. Let the Holy Spirit smash any boarders you have thrown up. We have no need to protect ourselves from God. Keep in mind that the flesh cannot please him. I you are used to running in the mind of the flesh you will sense his presence in identifying boarders, conviction and the need to repent.
Finally Fear. Fear stands in the way, limits us and holds us back from the greatest love available to us. Fear is not part of God's Kingdom. Ever.
God is love. Perfect love casts out fear. Fear has to do with punishment. Believers are not punished. Disciplined by a loving Father, yes. Punished. No. Everything God does starts in love and ends in love. A holy love burns in his eyes (Rev 2:18). His Kingdom is righteous through and through. Everything the Father required in justice was paid for in the blood of Christ Jesus shed on the cross. The witness of Jesus in heaven is always before the Father. And that witness is all the sins of the world are defeated in his blood and humanity gets to benefit from that by......believing.
The best thing to do in the presence of the Lord is to let go of all your boarders and fears. They come up in his presence. But they do not pose a threat to your freedom. The Kingdom is a land of freedom and joy.
Surrender is the doorway to the free land of Christ Jesus.
So, even though things appear to be limited, the limitations are in the earth and not in heavens kingdom. Go exploring. Really explore. Ask questions with the Holy Spirit. There is so much more than we could ask or even imagine!
Thanks for reading.
Comments? Ideas? Testimonies?
I love to hear from you.
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship
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