Perfect love, although abundantly available, seems to be known to few.
At the same time masses of people seem to be marinating in fear.
Experiencing and knowing God's perfect love drives fear from our core.
Literally it casts it out. The two cannot abide in the same place.
From the deep places in our lives where we allow fear to dwell, perfect love
seeps in like oil,
filling up brittle cracks where fear motivated us.
Sometimes it crashes in like a tidal wave,
smashing everything. Tearing down mindsets and ways of walking.
Other times it is quiet peace filled silence flooding the noise of our core.
God the Father is remarkable.
Experiencing his love,
deep core experience,
the kind that involves mind, body, soul and spirit,
is life changing.
Mind changing.
Fear changing.
Fear gets up and leaves in such presence.
A friend pointed out that fear is served like a power.
We serve our fears in the attempt to protect ourselves.
We empower them when we act in their plans, understanding and promised protection.
When we partner with fear,
expecting it to provide safety to us,
We find ourselves relying on ourselves or
some other power outside the Lord.
When we rely on God.
Trusting in his perfect steadfast love,
We allow him to be our protector, shield, provider, fortress.
So fear is not only a bad deal, it leads us away from the power and protection of God.
Fear draws us into relying on our own strength, ability, wisdom, power. Fear invites us to protect what we have.
To hurt others if need be to do that.
Perfect steadfast love on the other hand,
leads us into paths filled with the presence and love of God.
Generous paths of his provision, love and kindness, we receive more as we give away freely what we receive from him.
What we enter into is an abiding grace filled with love. A steadfast love that enlarges and expands as we continue onward.
Blessed be the Lord, my rock,
who trains my hands for war,
and my fingers for battle;
2 he is my steadfast love and my fortress,
my stronghold and my deliverer,
my shield and he in whom I take refuge,
who subdues peoples[a] under me. Ps 144:1-2
Fear is every where.
Whole societies are established on the fears of retribution from evil spirits.
We carry our own set of debilitating fears in our culture.
Validation from others.
Fears of failure.
Fears of loss of relationships and friendships.
Fears of financial collapse and ruin
On and on and on they go....
Never stopping.
Always seeding new fears in us.
Awash in the favor of God through the perfect work of Jesus Christ,
we are free to desire, run after, pursue the steadfast love of God.
A boundless love, we can spend our lives searching it out and knowing God in everything through it.
It's a love that carries the victory it provides and invites.
It's a love that draws us deeper and deeper all our lives.
It's a powerful love. Once experienced it is hard to live without.
There is literally nothing like the love of God.
Experience it now.
Are you hungry for God's love.
Do you have a desire that cannot be quenched without it?
Ask and you will receive
Seek and you will find.
Knock and the door will be opened to you
He will meet you at the point of your desire!


Look forward, eyes filled with Abundance, Boundless, Victorious vision in Jesus.
Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation.Encouragement, focus, wisdom and insight into the prophetic seasons of the new year.
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With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing! He's got you.
Jeff Reynolds ---
Brother Jeff
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