They were zealous pursuers of everything supernatural.
The church in N.T. that has troubles because they run head long into the supernatural realities of the Spirit and the Kingdom of God.
What kind of problems did they have?
Misguided understanding of spiritual things
Power seeking politicizing leaders vrs generous loving servants
Comparing and dividing leaders
Zero discernment of evil - incest in the fellowship
Suing each other - defaming the body to the world
Confused about relationships
Confused about idols, food, reality of demonic
Confused about freedom and benefits of love
Misuse of the Temple of the body
And......lots more.
They took the word of the Lord literal and jumped headlong into the supernatural. And.....they had a really limited discernment, wisdom and love.
I've met a few like this. Have you?
Ok. So our tendency to write off other believers because they have a few problems is detrimental to all of us growing up into Christ.
Yes. Our present day charismatic family carries some of these same issues. But, think positive. What was given to us because Paul sought to address their problems while seeking to reflect the fullness of Jesus?
The Corinthians gave us some of the most read and publicly stated portions of Scripture - the Love chapter I Corinthians 13.
In doing so, their problems became correction points for Paul to give them deeper understanding of the truth of the Gospel and what it means among us.
The Church is.... the people gathered where the fullness of Jesus Christ is both invited to be present and empowered to be demonstrated.
So Paul points us to the most important things to grow, encourage and strengthen among those gathered in the NAME of Jesus.
1. The greatest most lasting fruit of eternal life is........LOVE.
2. The people among whom God's love can find it's highest expression are those who follow Jesus.
3. The strong among us are to be....

The servants among us.
The people laying down their lives for the little ones.
The hospitable.
The faith filled hope filled lovers of the world - even when it spits in their face.
Instead we see those who claim the highest places - spiritual insights, the prophets, the charismatic, the bible guy, the intellectual mr. perfect doctrine, the "i've got this thing together" self righteous -
sowing discord, judgement, envy.
James 3:17-18 is clear. Such things are UN-spiritual, earthly, demonic.
I Corinthians 13 - What stands out?
It's possible to walk in, experience, bring to the table "high Spiritual things" and sound like this.

Bang, Clang. Noise. Confusion. Smash.
Sadly. YES. It is possible.
Does Jesus sound like that?
Not that I've heard. ?
So then, what does love look like?
Love is known when it's experienced. When it's not. it's clear.Do you feel loved?
Love is completely simple. Uncomplicated. So tangible when experienced there is no question about it in our minds.
Well. Sometimes looking at what love is not is easier for us.
Clearly prophets struggle with love. They can "fathom and know" and have no love.
"Therefore there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1
Prophets that condemn are speaking outside of Christ Jesus!
The real prophets speak in the Testimony of Jesus - Rev 19:10
Therefore true, righteous, good prophecy carries nothing of condemnation, shame, anger, reprisal, - these are demonic.
To place them in league with Jesus is both terrible and trouble.
"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:17
What is it? What is LOVE?
First fruit of the Spirit's presence.
The first motivation of the Father.....God so loved that he gave his son....
The first point at which the world touches Jesus - Jesus loved the Father and did his will in and through love.
I John 3:16 This is how we know what love is.....like Jesus, love lays down it's life for its friends.
Love believes all things for it's friends
Spiritual activity without the blessings, grace, peace and the order of love is pure noise to heaven and on the earth.
First Fruit of the Spirit? - LOVE
As for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. I Thess 4:1
Love is like Jesus
Love gives, blesses, serves, encourages and always believes.

Bitter Envy - jealousy - Braggarts - arrogant
Beloved. There is Nothing more reprehensible than a religious person who believes they have the secrets of the Kingdom, the insights, the mysteries - but does not demonstrate love.
Nothing worse in revival - like chewing on gravel - than pride filled arrogant people walking in what appears to be spirit activity but who demonstrate no love.
In revival the criticism of the World makes sense. - yea, ouch - but it makes sense.
Clearly it does not make sense when love is not among us. Believers. People believing and hoping for and living for life transformation and eternal life to spring up in those around us through the Gospel.....
There's possibly nothing worse in revival than arrogant men and women who think they are, have, hold the revelation and all the mysteries..... and have not love.
But here is the true killer -- when they are unteachable.
in sports.....
My experience is the hardest teams to bring into winning are those who lacked one primary, necessary, absolutely essential ingredient. What is it?
Teachable --- Humble ----- Love.
Disciples at the core are TEACHABLE - humble --- LOVE.
The commission of the church - of all Kingdom leaders is to "teach them to obey all that I have commanded you."
TEACHING - Growing - Changing - Responding to LOVE is essential.
People who are not teachable -----Proverbs sheds light.
A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, But a just weight is His delight. 2When pride comes, then comes dishonor, But with the humble is wisdom. 3The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.…
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel. Prov 12:15
Error carries away the unteachable. - Egyptian proverb.
It is proven. The most destructive people in a revival are not those outside it, ie...the world. It is the unteachable, arrogant and unbending fools who elevate themselves above the believing community, sow discord and judgement, condemning those very ones they supposedly bring enlightenment to.
N.T. example - the Pharisees - who did all this in the face of the Messiah, Jesus, the leader of the greatest revival of all time and the ONE who Changes EVERYTHING about reality as we know it.
Right in his face they did all this.
What does that look like in the church today?
Jude is powerful - and lays it out quiet clearly.
Have a quick read of this one chapter powerhouse in discerning the fools among us.
So, What is it that signifies, marks, disciples?
They love like Jesus.They follow, walk, go and disciple - in love like Jesus.
They follow Jesus walking in the Spirit, going with his gospel, discipl-ing those who respond to the message in love like Jesus.
They open their homes, hearts and lives to those without.
They lay down their lives for the will of the Father - loving the undeserving and unloved like they were.
They love the world like Jesus.
flowers grow in the desert! |
- Walking in purity
- peace-loving
- Considerate of others
- submissive - responsive - teachable
- full of mercy - mercy triumphs over judgement
- good fruit
- impartial
- sincere
Disciples of Jesus according to Paul are...
not full of envy, boasting of themselves, proud,
not dishonoring others - rather loving and honoring others above themselves.
Honor is not demanded by the way - honor is given.
To create a place, a people who honor, is to give honor where honor is due.
To be the one who honors.
Start with the "little ones" among you.
Those who you receive no benefit from serving or having over for a party!
This is a picture of the doorway to love like Jesus.
Have a party for those who cannot repay you in any way and who you will gain no benefit for hosting. That's the love Jesus is spreading around the world.
Blessed are you who are poor for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven! Matt 5:3/Luke 6:20
Love is not easily angered
it keeps no record of wrongs ------- how many of us need to step into this right now?
Love does not delight in evil.
It rejoices in the truth ( I am the way, the Truth, the Life - Jesus)
Love always
- protects
- trusts
- hopes
- perseveres
LOVE never fails ----- God is love and he never fails.


Look forward, eyes filled with Abundance, Boundless, Victorious vision in Jesus.
Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation.Encouragement, focus, wisdom and insight into the prophetic seasons of the new year.
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With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing! He's got you.
Jeff Reynolds ---
Brother Jeff
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