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Monday, March 9, 2015

"Go see what you have". 7 Keys to Open a Flood of Kingdom Grace and LOVE.

Jesus says, "How many loaves do you have? Go and see." Mark 6:38


Two Fish - 5 Loaves of Bread.
Five Thousand Eat a Wonderful Lunch

This is the Kingdom of God among us.

So how does this happen? 
So does this NOT happen?

1. The NOT - ie "What we don't have" - This is where the Kingdom meets the world in miracle and wonder.  
IN our wild and prosperous culture it is easy to look more at what we don't have.  In fact we are conditioned to look at the world this way day after day in our fallen culture.  Daily we are bombarded with what we don't have, what we need, and what others have that we "should" have.   It is a challenge to silence the scream of the world that tells us we need more and more.  For those who have all they want the mindset is "I have no need" but Jesus says we are blind, naked, poor, wretched, and pitiful when we think world possessions and wealth are the Kingdom of God.  Oh for a moment to see what we look like to heaven and not how we look on earth.  

For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
2 Cor 4:17-18

2. We've been expertly trained to focus on our ability to meet needs rather than the Kingdom of God and the endless provision in every way present in the Lord Jesus Christ. 
I've got news for you...the Kingdom of God does not need anything to explode onto the world - well one thing....YOU and I as living sacrifices, witnesses of his love and walkers in the Spirit.   The Kingdom of God is boundless in it's provision and ability to meet needs and bring salvation.  This is key.  If we look at our existing resources and the magnitude of needs in the world we loose sight of the flow of the Kingdom through us.  It touches those in front of us.  

2. Little Children expect their papa to provide. 
Yes.  This world is full of imperfection, injustice, greed etc...on and on we can focus on it's failure and shortcomings.  But we are invited to see a different Kingdom.  An eternal Kingdom that breaks into this life NOW.  One that spins something remarkable from two fish and 5 loaves with 5000 people staring at you.   We are not the resource.  Jesus our Lord is and he has a boundless Kingdom of love, grace, hope, life and peace.   Welcome it.   Pray you can stand with 5000 staring at you.  These are miracle opps for Jesus to shine not you. 

Disciples learn the ways of the Kingdom and hand out the miracle!

3.  Crucify the idol of the age - the SELF - and let the Kingdom of God explode from the inside out!  Jesus was clear.  The way of the cross is daily.   We die to the fruitless mindsets and ideas of this world each day.  Some believers focus on the death.  Jesus rose again Saints.  We focus on the life!  We get freedom from bondage and chains and we smash the dominion of darkness by simply being a "living sacrifice".  Rom 12:1-2    Abiding in his presence is our inheritance and our refuge.  Regain the place of resting and abiding through prayer, intercession and a realization that the Kingdom is present right now to meet what you and I are facing.  

Then he said to them all:  
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily 
and follow me.  
Luke 9:23


4.  Rivers flow in RISK.  The Kingdom is PRESENT now.  Learn to relish the moments when you don't have what appears to be required.  A reality this moment for all of us.  God's Kingdom has provision for what is in front even if we are holding two fish and 5 loaves in the face of 5000 hungry people with his love and compassion making our heart beat.  In the wild and prosperous culture of Jesus' Kingdom it is easy to overlook the simplicity with which it contacts our broken world.  The Kingdom is mind blowingly simple.   WE RECEIVE AND WELCOME IT.   We don't invent it or manage it.  Jesus does through the Spirit.  That's it.  Receive HIM.  Welcome HIM.  Jesus will meet you as his son of daughter with the most amazing grace and love and wisdom in the moment.   Open the doors little ones. 

5. The significance of 2 and 5.  The Witnesses and the Grace of his government. 
The bible is fascinating.  A simple study always grows into 100's of avenues, roadways and paths to discover more of the Love and grace of the Lord Jesus.  He is the Word.  The intricacy of Scripture is remarkable.  In every way it speaks.  2 fish and 5 loaves are significant.  The disciples were getting a lesson in the order of the Kingdom of God.  2 witnesses carry with them every provision and power to save the world.  And the Fivefold grace of ministry provided personally by Jesus to the Church is a never ending stream of prophetic encouragement and revelation of the NAME.  The NAME above all names.   Elevate your understanding of the Word by studying and showing yourself approved.  The first thing to let go is that Scripture is just about meeting my need.  God is winning Nations to him today.  The confidence of sons and daughters gives way to an army of grace and love that invades the world with miracle power and love.   Elevate your understanding!

5000 for lunch on this.  Go Jesus.
6. Goodness and Mercy follow those who let childlike LOVE and Grace proceed them by faith. 
Goodness and mercy are to follow us.  But what opens the door in front of us so they can follow?  LOVE.  The Kingdom provision for loving the world is endless.  This is how God approached us.  "For God so loved the world...."  Jn 3:16   Put love in front.  Ask the Spirit to enlighten you to how you can love in whatever situation you are in.  He will answer you.  Right now in the moment.  Amazingly he often feeds 5000 with a few fish and some bread. 

7. We receive and welcome the Kingdom into everything we know and experience in life.  
It is essential to know that the Kingdom of God is not something we generate.  It is Jesus' Kingdom.  The Alpha and Omega pours out assignments in wisdom and love.  Galatians 1:1. Paul makes clear his ministry is not "from men" or " through men".  Meaning it is heavens idea.  Heavens initiative.  Heavens plans.  There is too much noise these days.  Noise arising from those who want to "do a great thing FOR God" rather than "Let God do the great thing he intended all along through them".  

The baseline perspective we carry with us everywhere can shape what we see and experience in God's Kingdom.

We can see the world with the "eyes" of lack, want and need.
Or we can see it from the vantage point of the Kingdom of Jesus.
Boundless.  Never ending resource of LOVE, GRACE, Healing, deliverance, freedom, connection, and family.  

I have good news.  ALL this is yours in Christ Jesus!   And his open invitation.....

Comments?  Ideas? Testimonies?  

Send those to me.  

Thanks for +1's and re-shares. 

Other posts that may interest you:

Thanks for reading. 

The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you.

Testimonies?  Share em with me.  

I am hoping to do Google Hang Outs Soon on Friday's.
Uganda was amazing. 
Thank you for your prayers and support!
So appreciated.  Such an offering.  Makes all the difference.

With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---
Brother Jeff


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