There is no fear in heaven. So why is there so much fear in us and on earth?
Jesus does not use fear to motivate us.
He does not relate to us out of fear
Jesus calls us into his character, His Name as a refuge from all fears.
Fear of failing. Fear of succeeding. Fear of even thinking about one or the other. Fear of heights. Fear of falling. Fear of loss. On and on the list goes. But in heaven there is no fear. NONE. Just saying that drops a nice peace bomb into my heart and mind. Do you feel it?
Fear can find clear justification in our minds. Things happen to us and we remember. Painful unjust things happen. Accidents happen. We don't want those things to occur again. We fear the possibility. This could be where we embrace fear without thinking. We don't question the presupposition; our thoughts at this level go unnoticed. We all know in this world things happen that are out of our control. They happen to everyone sometime in life. The prevailing culture wants us to believe they don't. Seemingly perfect people are propped up before us daily. But these are just moments in their journey. Dig into their story a little. You will find it is much like your own.
The most damaging fears are connected to thoughts we do not even recognize or challenge. Like the perfect people paraded before us each day. Dallas Willard points to this key idea in his book "The Divine Conspiracy". The most damaging thoughts are those we never even recognize or call into question. They simply live under the surface of our lives and support all the plants that grow out in the open.
I believe there is a refuge from fear. Listen to these words.
"Bu now, God's message. The God who made you in the first place,
Jacob, the One who got you started , Israel:
"Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you. I've called you by name.
You're mine. When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you.
When you are in rough waters, you will not go down.
When you are between a rock and a hard place it wont be a dead end -----". Isaiah 43:1-3
Jesus does not use fear to motivate us.
He does not relate to us out of fear
Jesus calls us into his character, His Name as a refuge from all fears.
It takes revelation of who Jesus is to trust solely in His NAME.
But when we abide there a whole new world is seen in his eyes.
The Enemy of our souls and of every living being on planet earth seeks to teach us to drink fear like water and eat it for breakfast everyday.
The Enemy of our souls and of every living being on the earth....
Serves up fear as a prison
Serves fear as deep control of heart, mind, soul and spirit.
Uses every means available to point us into fear and build in us a life of fear.
The Enemies of the Cross call us into and design gateways of fear and build fear upon fear upon fear.
The Enemies work needs to be defeated through the Cross, the Resurrected new life and the Ascended reality of our Heaven and Earth connection.
I marvel at the freedom God allows us. Freedom to run after him with unlimited grace and hunger being satisfied over and over. And the freedom to completely mess it all up. There are deep wells of grace that are yet to be understood. Mercy flows from the heart of the Father as deep as the Mariana trench. God is love and we do not yet understand love in the fullness of Jesus Christ.
But, the little we do understand tells us that FEAR is a prison. It holds no part of love. Fear is the dungeon, the captivity of the condemned world.
'The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;
those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness,
on them has light shone." Isaiah 9:2
Fear possess no light. Fear seeks to hold us captive in its threat of further trouble, darkness, loss.
A WAY is always before us now. A way to freedom. Repentance and forgiveness through the Blood of Jesus! God made a deal with himself. That through his perfect offering, a sinless life, he would pay for all our imperfect offerings. He covenanted in his own blood and signed a deal with himself that satisfied his justice and poured out his love. He made the way complete open and effective to deal with every fear and captivity. Nothing in heaven or on earth can separate us from his love and nothing can hold us back from it either. We simply surrender and believe. That puts the Blood of Christ to work in our bodies, minds, souls and spirits.
When I let the mind of the flesh run wild I find that fear and calculation start many of my thoughts. I am thinking from the place of fear and control. I am working in the realms of the earth and acting in her power.
When I let the mind of Christ start my thoughts, thinking, mindsets, a whole new and different direction emerges right over the top of the fallen world. His Kingdom emerges and grace and mercy fill up my mind and heart. I find connection to Jesus in every moment when I feed the Mind of Christ in me and sow to the Spirit first.
Living life in and through the kingdom is intended to be a no fear life. We can run forever in the freedom and grace of the Lord Jesus. He won every victory in the universe and fills everything in every way.
Oh to know the Mind of Christ!
"...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places...." Ephesians 1:17-20
Follow the way to freedom and no fear. Surrender to Christ. Believe on his NAME. Find grace in mercy in your time of need.
With all love in the Lord Jesus,
Jeff Reynolds. Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship
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