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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Characteristics of Jezebel II - How the Spirit Gains Access - Through Others Authority

The Jezebel Spirit is a cunning and subtle demonic presence.    

The captivity involved in the life of those struggling with this spirit is devastating.  Equally devastating is the impact of Jezebel attacks when the spirit is intrenched.    

The most important thing to know about the Jezebel spirit is that it has no authority or power except that which is given.  
There is only one way for a Jezebel spirit to gain power.  
It is through the abdication of authority by a legitimate authority in the Kingdom of God.   

Characteristics like those below act as doorways for the Jezebel to enter. 




noun noun: flattery, plural noun: flatteries
1. excessive and insincere praise, especially that given to further one's own interests "his healthy distrust of courtiers' flattery" synonyms: praise, adulation, compliments, blandishments, honeyed words, fawning,

1) Leaders struggling with low confidence or those who are weary and worn are subject to this temptation.  The python spirit attacked Paul under these circumstances.  Act 16

2) Those who find their support in the opinions of people verses the Lord - David strengthened himself in the Lord when under severe diress.  Paul and his companions under the sentence of death learned to trust the Lord for deliverance.  Paul identifies divine things as  Galatians 1:1 "sent not from men nor by man".   The origination and support of divine authority finds its support in God.  Any other sources of dependance can lead to the spiritual attack of python and or Jezebel.   

3) Affirmation of spiritual authorities - Acts 16:16-19 by demonic spirits to gain access to the leaders authority.   Jesus did not allow demonic spirit's to say who he was even though they spoke truthfully.  He did not want the affirmation of demonic spirits as they attempted to gain access to his authority by identification.  This type of approach is subtle and cunning and often overlooked by leaders.  When we are subject to flattery this approach easily brings us into demonic attack through the Jezebel.  It is in fleshly weakness that this type of attach can manifest.   

4) Declare allegiance to me and "I'll be yours forever" - More flattery
I've seen this over and over.  The Jezebel will declare their allegiance and their undying love for the leader early and without any real relationship or service in love.   Statements like "We will be here forever" and "This is it.  We have found our home."   Now, that can be a really wonderful discovery for people.  And it can also be flattery from a Jezebel.  Start ups, new church plants, new leaders are looking for people who plan to stick.  Again, our door is open for good reason, but be alert.  Flattery is not a godly trait or a means of acquiring anything in the kingdom.

1Th 2:5
"You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness."
Pro 29:5
"Those who flatter their neighbors are spreading nets for their feet."

Volunteering for anything 

In church plants, small churches or ministries struggling with developing service as unto the Lord, a Jezebel can step right up and "volunteer" for anything.   This is easy to do when no one will step up and do the work required to support the ministry.   It is also and easy entrance in an environment that is not spiritual gift focused and spiritual ministry focused.  

Sometimes this creates an open door for a Jezebel to access relationships quickly and without their own authority.  Watch out for people who only want relationship with the leader or leaders and do not relate to or build relationship with the body.  Typically the leaders authority is used for admin or volunteer project action.   It only takes a few projects to gain access to the leaders authority and relationships. 
Funny thing is in very spiritual environments the Jezebel can gain access through things like, dream interpretation and prophetic word interpretation.     

 Acting Clairvoyant

Only in prophetic environments or highly charged spiritual environments can a Jezebel gain access through this means.   I have found that prophetic churches or those ministries seeking to walk in the prophetic as part of their foundation will find the Jezebel spirit seeking to gain access on many fronts.   The reason is this kind of church, when it matures can decimate her footholds in hundreds of churches and ministries.  Discernment and true prophetic gifting are amazing.   The Jezebel borrows everything.    Remember he does not have any true Kingdom spirit power.   Look for those drawing people aside and away to give them "special revelation" "interpretations and words" and building a dependance on themselves verses teaching the believer to depend on the Spirit and draw near to Jesus.   It is this dependance that will be called on later when things blow up.  

These are a few of the ways a Jezebel gains access to relationships, gains leader approval or loyalty, and subtly moves closer to the authority of the leader. 

The most difficult thing is we typically give place to Jezebel because we have weaknesses in ourselves of a similar kind.   We entertain fears.   We act in a codependent way toward those the Father calls us to lead.  We use worldly powers and weapons to influence the flock and stay in control as a leader.    Essentially, we use some of the same tactics as the Jezebel spirit.   

The easiest way to know if there are elements of the Jezebel spirit in us is to identify fear.  Fear arises when we feel threatened.   We feel threatened when something that we have power in or through is under attack.  We feel fear when something we hold is under threat of loss.   When we encounter a Jezebel attack fear is the first notification.    Then the real work begins.  We need to explore the mindset that supports the fear.   Why are we afraid.  What are we afraid of?    Typically we are afraid of loosing something when the fear grips us.   

When an attack occurs that appears to be a Jezebel spirit it is extremely important that we face our fears head on, dismantle them with the Spirit's power and confront the source with love and a real sense of redemption.    

When we respond to the fear in a Jezebel attack, we are most likely using worldly weapons.  Do not confront the Jezebel and or use the same weapons to control the outcome.  We loose in these approaches.     

Why? The Kingdom is built by receiving and welcoming.  
Not by power and control in worldly wisdom.

The Holy Spirit is so good at bringing us to points of freedom and breakthrough.   Don't run when the fear arises in an attack of Jezebel.   Triumph in grace, love and patient endurance.  Confront quickly and with love.  Never confront alone.  And let the Spirit unseat in you the ways of the world, cleansing and purifying your ministry with righteousness and joy.   

With love and joy in the righteousness of Jesus!

Your friend in Christ,

Jeff Reynolds

Share your encounter and how the Spirit brought healing to your life!  I want to hear about it.

Post a comment.   

Thanks again.  

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