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Friday, February 7, 2014

No One Can Love You Like I Do - Secrets of the Unseen Things


 No one can love you like I do.

In the competitive world we live in daily, which is more a mindset, the phrase above reads  "our love for God is a competition".   Nothing could be further from the truth.   The truth is Jesus cannot be loved by any other person on the planet the way you, in all your unique identity and gifts, can love him.  

"I have the attention of the King of all the nations."  IHOP worship

 Believers today are steeped in an earthly mindset.  The unseen hardly registers in their understanding.  Heavenly identity is what is unseen in the realms of the world.   The hope of
Christ is that the "Christ in you, the hope of glory" would be "seen" in the world.  Things of the Kingdom work as an opposite, a foil.  The Kingdom moves from the unseen to the world stage by faith.   No one can love Him like you can love him as a sign and witness of his "eyes of fire". 

Paul said,  2Cr 4:18
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
 An earthly mindset sets Christ into the power structures of the world we know.  The Christ that is known by wisdom and understanding through revelation is "not of this world", "over came the world","Lays down his life for his friends".    When you and I love him like no one else in the world, as not of this world, as one who overcomes the world, as laying down our life for His friends, the most unique love is expressed.  The unseen takes shape in the world. Gets seen.  

No one can love him like you love him.

When we see Jesus in Revelation 1:14 "his eyes were like blazing fire".   Many latch on to this and attach judgement and hell to it.  Jesus broke judgement with grace and mercy.  Repentance and his patience pours rivers of mercy and love by grace through faith into the broken streams of the world.   The eyes of fire are about a love inflamed and lit on fire.  The eyes of fire are about the Heart of the Father.  A heart that knows no boundaries in restoring you and I to love and connection with HIM.   Through faith in the powerful and amazing work of love accomplished by Jesus, captives and prisoners, already condemned, are set free.   These are the days of grace and mercy.  The work of Christ is an ever flowing stream of mercy and love.    Jesus went to the cross, through the world, with the passionate overcoming love expressed in eyes of fire.   Why?  Because NO ONE can love Him like you do.      

His eyes of fire, they consume me in his love.    

The world, which is clearly seen, tears away at the heart and soul with such violence.  The roadway of the Kingdom is to be a people who love with all our hearts in the unseen and war with love in the realms of the earth.   It is a narrow way.   It requires revelation to stand and deep and abiding connection.   The revelation that can set your heart free and lodge the mind of Christ in you more deeply is.....NO ONE can love him like you can love him.   You are the one love he is after.

Jesus longs for the deepest connection possible.   The Father created each of us with crafted handy work.  Every good thing abiding in his image can respond in love in such a way that mouths are shut for the beauty of his love.   LOVE him the way you were made.   Forget the 1000 voices that say you don't have something so valuable about you that God himself would die to have you back in connection with him.  

Love him like no other.  That mouths will be shut for the beauty of his love.

No one can love him like you love him.   The way you sleep.  The way you smile.  The way you dream.  The way you sing.  The way you laugh.  The way you rest.  The way you run.  The way you play.  The way you talk.  The things you say.   The way you hope.  The way you shine.   NO ONE can love him like you love him.   

There is a place in the heavenly realms, where the Father of Hearts abides.  A place that is crying out in agreement with the Heart of Jesus and the Voice of the Spirit.  All of heaven, every creature, creation and thing is in agreement.   The Father wants to know you in love like NO ONE else can love him.   In truth, no one else will ever be able to love him like you do.  

Align yourself with the unseen and start loving him like no one else can on earth.   We find our life hidden in Christ in the heavenly realms.  The earth will not have much encouragement or comfort for you if you set your life to love him like no one else.  But the mystery of the Love of God will be revealed in the earth through how you love him.   
The earth mindset is focused on power.   The Father, in his beauty and true power, focuses his Kingdom on LOVE.   Find the power of love deeply by getting a hold of the truth that 
NO ONE can love him like you love him.   
Pursue the Lord for no other reason than to pursue the Lord.    Remarkably, the greatest power in the seen and unseen realms will overtake and overcome all obstacles in and through you.  


Let me know your thoughts? 
Jeff Reynolds 

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