Two key questions hungry and faith filled lovers of Jesus have to answer.
How do I sustain and grow my faith in such a way that Christ is formed in me?
How do I accomplish what God has called me too?
Yea. Huge questions.
Whole denominations and movements of Christians are founded and forged in the pursuit of answers to these questions of faith.
In light of that, and not to debunk the amazing works of scholarship, devotion, mission that intricately build belief systems seeking to sustain faith momentum...
sometimes the simple answer is the real one.
This is eternal life. To know the Father and Son he sent. John 17:3
How do we do that each day in increasing measure for a lifetime?
I propose it is simple.At least in words.
Jesus said, "follow me".
These days our faith can be so conceptual, in fact down right virtual. What I mean is it gets in our heads and in nicely fit together thoughts, but no one can follow it because of its limited expression in real time and real life.
Yes. I can follow you in reading the Bible or in prayer.
But how does all this translate to my whole life?
Where I live?
My vocation?
My education?
How I live my family life?
My leisure?
Often the 10 steps to happiness don't cut it for a real disciple of Jesus.
We want more than ideas, doctrines and some more reading.
Assumption #1
Jesus is alive.
So we can follow him.
Assumption #2
Jesus is leading a worldwide Kingdom that is filled with people on assignments of grace.
As Alpha and Omega, he is orchestrating
"Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done, On Earth as it is in Heaven"
All who confess Christ as Lord are members of this Kingdom.
The next question, how?
How does this work in real time?
How do we gain a longer view or are we perpetually day to day following?
Key to this foundation is the leading of the Holy Spirit.
He sent the Spirit to us to lead, guide, counsel and comfort.
We walk in the Spirit.
Second is coming into a fullness of understanding of our identity in Christ and our assignment in his Kingdom. That is for another session.
Literally we walk and take our life steps with the leading, direction, discretion of the Holy Spirit guiding us.
The goal most agreed upon and into which we pack these answers is "to disciple".
The meaning of such a simple phrase?
Apparently and seemingly VAST.
Now, I've spent my life in service of the church. I'm not sure why but lately, I am seeing things reduced down to simple math.
Assumption - Two different math equations don't naturally produce the same answers or outcomes. That is the very point of math, always true. Different numbers - Different answer.
So here is one simple math equation.
In church, we appear to be Stage Focused. While Jesus is action focused.
Jesus' disciple model involves us completely. Literally the disciples walked right behind him, saw what he did and then he asked them to do it.
The disciples followed Jesus into all kinds of ministry opportunities. Then they were caught up in the action. They learned to do what he was doing. They were following him throughout the day. Typically a super-natural day, they saw things they were in wonder and awe over regularly. Then he asked them to do it themselves.
Today we mostly focus on being in a certain place (Church) and while there typically watching others do ministry (organizational and worship focused). Then we listen in a lecture format hopefully with some pazaze (hopefully). Then we go home. Occassionally we have ministry directly related to the topical message.
Two different math equations.
Yet, if we asked, the common goal would most likely be "discipleship".
Boiling things down to the average, what we typically do in church week to week.....
- We Watch a Concert - called worship (30-40 min) Which, like a concert in presentation, we are not required to participate, most come as consumers, choosing churches based on the quality and effect personally of this music experience. Everyone is looking for God to "show up" rather than for us to show up and give him the glory, honor and worship he deserves. Easily and often we loose sight of the center piece of Christian life - the presence of God. Emmanuel. God with us. And our baseline agreement with the Father about his Son in the fullness of the Spirit. Of course no one involved in bringing this ministry wants a concert. Yet, the math we've set up certainly leads to people choosing to approach it like one. And this is our "disciple" package for worship, prayer, intercession, and intimacy.
- We Hear a Lecture - called preaching (45-1hr) From what I recall, we are to preach the Gospel to the lost, teach the disciples to obey all Christ taught. But we preach to people in church in hopes they will take on the faith, and often teach lecture style. Which could be argued to be one of the poorest forms of retention. The classroom of Jesus was real life, out in the world, touching and meeting people in their life circumstances. Running up against of limitations and weaknesses, the disciples always found what they needed in Jesus himself. He carried the Kingdom into contact with people with power and grace for their needs. So do we. Or at least that is the goal. Typically we carry vast knowledge of the Bible with no corresponding action in the world. Engagement in the mission of Christ with regular people, neighbors, work associates, friends, is of limited use or value to the majority of Christians. And so the things we want to learn do not translate into taking on the mission of Christ in greater depth. I Corinthians 2:1-5 The math is we are expecting to equip the Saints in this model but there is very limited commitment and accountability for the information going forth. Its optional. And so is discipleship?
- Have relationships - in 5 min. or less It's over. People head right out the door. Back into their real lives. Just the opposite of the pictures of discipleship we see in those around Jesus and the early church. They were together both with Jesus and with the apostles. The quality of their relationships could only be described as family. The best among them, those who were to lead locally, were best at family. So a bit more math. The average attendance at church in a month from regulars may be 3 times but most likely 2 times. So we get 15-20 minutes of relationship building time with the majority of the people in our discipleship model?
I am definitely not saying this to create cynics. Those who are giving themselves in service and love for the Church are for the greatest part some of the most valiant and loving servants of Jesus.
I am saying, maybe the equations we have put together and called "discipleship" are not adequately providing the impact needed to form and transform us into the image and ways of Jesus Christ.
And this "math" is believed to be the foundation for overcoming the pressure, temptation, the sheer weight of the Trillion dollar culture of consumerism, hedonism, and radical sexual brokenness readily available in our culture every day?
In other words, we are getting maybe a couple hours of input each week to stem the tide of a daily onslaught of powerful temptation, hindrance, opposition and sheer spiritual dregs that are thrown at the average believer in every sphere of public life.
Consider this quote...
Consider this quote...
Erwin McManus -
"The measure of an apostolic community is not in the legends created by heroic acts but in the quality and texture of what that community consider ordinary living."
He goes on to say it is a, "...mistake when we make heroes out of those who were simply living a normal Christian life. We confuse the bare minimum with the extraordinary and keep lowering the bar until we clear it."
Ok. As we are possibly heading toward answers, I find a pre-supposition leaping up first.
Blessed are the poor. Matthew 5: Any answer to the questions above requires a level of simplicity and ease that the most broken and downtrodden can do in his easy yoke.
For a wide part, our faith is ineffective for the poor. Not because it is inherently so. Rather because we have forgotten it's core realities and baseline power. Cooped up in our middle to high class Christian settings, we rarely deal with the poor let alone realize the faith we practice has little power for them. In typical America and or the American Church, we rarely find opportunities to even come in contact with the truly poor. And so we rarely test our faith in the actions of compassion and mission in Jesus with real people. Even more so, the challenge of discipleship among the most broken find little power in middle class lifestyles. I have news to remind you of. The Good News changes lives. Even the most downtrodden. Jesus' work is effective transformation. And so the poor are blessed when they receive him and his Kingdom.
Ok. So, this blog may get ideas churning about the topic.
What is stirring up inside you?
Does this make sense? Is it getting anywhere close to some light on the topic?
Where is this dialogue leading you?
It's time for the church to start going with the Gospel. Literally going out into the world, sent by Jesus and led of the Spirit to walk into the open gates of praise.
Let's go!
Psalm 24
When I do the things he calls out in me by faith through grace -
I will be near him.
I will find everything I need in Him.
I will abide as the beginning of everything.
Abiding to the finish of his will by grace in faith.
To know Jesus Christ.
This the the journey that lasts forever.John 17:3 To know the Father and the son he sent.
The Number one and primary engagement of the Ekklesia of Jesus is to know Jesus.
When the Father marches you up to the border of a land filled with GIANTS.....?
Read some more....
Church and the Fires of Faith.
You know. Does it cause you to go somewhere?
Love for God Is A Never Ending Open Country - An Undivided Heart - Wholly Devoted - a place to follow not hide.
Undivided - Undaunted - Unhindered HEART after GOD
Love the Lord your God with all your HEART.
Never be lacking in zeal. Need Some Revival? To Hear God? Dial Into A New Frequency and Remember the Lord's Character
Jezebel Spirit? Has the World, as Fundamentally presented in Scripture, Changed Since the Time of Jesus?
Get your Hopes UP
Get your desire for HIM awake.
Never settle for a
YOU were made for something so much more amazing and free!
Some paths you can take once you step into the Sun!
Be with HIM.
Be sent by HIM.
These two simple foundations create a motion and reality in your walking in the Spirit that is constant and effective. The Kingdom will begin to move in and through you by faith on a daily basis. You will not only do great things in the power of the Spirit but you will be full of the great love of God that is steadfast and immovable.
Get these two foundations in prayer!
How's your 24?
How's your prayer walk?
Sowing into prayer is the greatest avenue for consistent joy in Jesus than any other thing out there.
Take a new step into the depths and riches of knowing Jesus. Pray.
Start today. 5 mins listening to or reading the Scripture and Psalm 27:14 wait for the Lord.
Grab some time and steal away with Jesus.
He is remarkable to be around.
You will tap into the grace of God.
The Father sent Jesus to restore us to him and he is longing to know us in Christ. (John 17:3)
1. 10 Keys to Praying with Power
2. 10 Keys to Sustaining Supernatural Life
3. Why is the Prayer House Empty?
4. Intimacy with Jesus Beyond Religion?
Get your Hopes UP
Get your desire for HIM awake.
Never settle for a
YOU were made for something so much more amazing and free!
Some paths you can take once you step into the Sun!
Be with HIM.
Be sent by HIM.
These two simple foundations create a motion and reality in your walking in the Spirit that is constant and effective. The Kingdom will begin to move in and through you by faith on a daily basis. You will not only do great things in the power of the Spirit but you will be full of the great love of God that is steadfast and immovable.
Get these two foundations in prayer!
How's your 24?
How's your prayer walk?
Sowing into prayer is the greatest avenue for consistent joy in Jesus than any other thing out there.
Take a new step into the depths and riches of knowing Jesus. Pray.
Start today. 5 mins listening to or reading the Scripture and Psalm 27:14 wait for the Lord.
Grab some time and steal away with Jesus.
He is remarkable to be around.
You will tap into the grace of God.
The Father sent Jesus to restore us to him and he is longing to know us in Christ. (John 17:3)
1. 10 Keys to Praying with Power
2. 10 Keys to Sustaining Supernatural Life
3. Why is the Prayer House Empty?
4. Intimacy with Jesus Beyond Religion?
How's your prayer walk?
Sowing into prayer is the greatest avenue for consistent joy in Jesus than any other thing out there.
Take a new step into the depths and riches of knowing Jesus. Pray.
Start today. 5 mins listening to or reading the Scripture and Psalm 27:14 wait for the Lord.
Grab some time and steal away with Jesus.
He is remarkable to be around.
You will tap into the grace of God.
The Father sent Jesus to restore us to him and he is longing to know us in Christ. (John 17:3)
1. 10 Keys to Praying with Power
2. 10 Keys to Sustaining Supernatural Life
3. Why is the Prayer House Empty?
4. Intimacy with Jesus Beyond Religion?
Feedback? Ideas?
I would love to dialogue with you.
Share your comments.
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Transfiguration! |
Look forward, eyes filled with Abundance, Boundless, Victorious vision in Jesus.
Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation. Encouragement, focus, wisdom and insight into the prophetic seasons of the new year.
Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation. Encouragement, focus, wisdom and insight into the prophetic seasons of the new year.
Thanks for Reading!
I love your comments. Ideas and thoughts.
Please share em.
Re-shares are great. thank U.
The dialogue is awesome. Thank you. Testimonies? Share em with me.
Re-Shares lov em. Thank you! With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing! He's got you.
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds, Founder Global Kingdom Harvest Min.
I love your comments. Ideas and thoughts.
Please share em.
Re-shares are great. thank U.
The dialogue is awesome. Thank you. Testimonies? Share em with me.
Re-Shares lov em. Thank you! With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing! He's got you.
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds, Founder Global Kingdom Harvest Min.
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