Recently in Japan my friend pointed out a plant in the neighborhood.
In each of it's pods were 3 seeds.
The Seeds were....
Hearts of white in the black dense night.
God's Kingdom looks different.
It's hidden in seed pods and planted in the darkest night.
"The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light." Matthew 4:16
It is so easy to be deceived these days. Or so it seems.
Always looking for the "big thing" while God is honoring....
The weak things
The mustard seed
The faith of those believing in Jesus.
Walking in the Spirit
Following the way of love
These can be difficult things to quantify
and so we leave behind the way of the cross to quiet a heartsick heart.
Of late my eyes for the Kingdom have turned to following the Spirit in places and in people that hold no promise for a modern church. Yet I lead a church.
And as I do this I realize the depths of grace and God's heart for the poor.

I found that to walk in such a manor requires fending off old value systems, pragmatism and ministry models that lead the Church's leaders to isolation and emptiness. I turned from this road long ago. These are the pastors who spend more time golfing than loving the poor. As if the rewards of heaven were more golfing and pleasure. Performances on a stage that Jesus and the Angels are not watching, can be a terrible burden. But he said, "My yoke is easy. My burden light." He is so full of grace and loving kindness. He responds to any welcome.
I've discovered that to keep my heart in first love and live in the weakness of my calling, I have to embrace the cross for all my shortcomings in the eyes of men. I've also discovered that the way of the cross, as deadly to the flesh as it is, offers me an opportunity to stand next to Christ Jesus and love him fully in obedience. A way to love him in perfected love, keeping his commands and walking in boldness, suddenly opened up to me. I've discovered that I want to bear witness to a love that reaches into the depths of God's heart. That I want to reach into the highest knowledge of his love.
As HE is may I be.

I believe in transformation; of eternal change in people's lives.
Not just of one off encounters but an invitation to eternal life.
It's a road. It's a life journey.
To become like Jesus requires never ending ascending. These winding and narrow ways boggle the flesh but delight the spirit.
"This is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." John 17:3
This belief, and the faith required to continue walking in it, calls me to....
Pick up my cross daily
Rise into new life and to dive to depths of love and heights of glory in Jesus.
To ascend into the Goodness and glory of the heavenly temple.
This faith is placed completely and surely in the Lord Jesus alone. Faith and trust in the NAME. Faith and trust in the Words of the ONE who sent the NAME.
"Who is it that overcomes the world? Except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." I John 5:5
I've been exploring walking in the Spirit in a prayer-filled simple compassion. Walking out into the world through the leading of the Holy Spirit and finding the hand of God everywhere.
These three little seeds in Japan, as simple and overlooked as they are, carried an encouragement to me.
God loves Japan, like he loves all nations. And he loves my city and nation the same.
Our Father has written all over Japan's history and values and even in her plants....
A witness of love and compassion from the Father of Lights.
God has written all over my city and region. He is also working in the same way. A simple devotion and love. Freely giving as we have been freely given to.
As much as I have had to suffer for it, I want to go further into the faith, trust and the love of God.
Christmas is the reminder of the Father's heart toward us and the World.
He sent someone. His most dear love. His Son.
To walk the deepest in love.
To soar the highest in obedience.
To shine forth the relationship we are invited to share in.
To redeem humanity.
To make a way for favor, healing and Goodness.
To speak a word and living testimony of God's love for us.
To show us how to know him. And by this sacrifice make the way wide open to his heart.
Unless we become as little children we will not see the Kingdom of Heaven.
Get some new eyes this Christmas.
Get some new ears.
Give away more than you receive.
Remember the Poor this Christmas.
How about giving your largest gift to them?
The message of Emmanuel was handed out by angels to sheep herders, fishermen and prostitutes.
God's Kingdom looks different.
It's hidden in seed pods and planted in the darkest night.
Much love in Jesus
Feedback? Ideas?
I would love to dialogue with you.
Share your comments.


Look forward, eyes filled with Abundance, Boundless, Victorious vision in Jesus.
Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation. Encouragement, focus, wisdom and insight into the prophetic seasons of the new
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Jeff Reynolds ---
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds Sr. LeaderCapstone Christian Fellowship
So often I overlook the simple writing of the Trinity on the world around me.
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