I have really good news.
- The WORLD - "Be of good cheer. I have OVERCOME the WORLD. John 16:33
- The Devil - Fallen Arch Angel - Ruler of the Kingdom of Air! Colossians 2:15
- SIN - Crucified and nailed to the Cross. All the World's sins are forgiven in the Blood of Jesus Christ. Believe in Jesus and receive the blessing. Col 2:13-14
These three Victories shake the known world we live in every day.
These three Victories are forever sealed in Jesus Christ. He sat down next to the Father after completing total victory for us.
A key ploy of the devil and his fallen angels is to reinforce that they don't exist. Ignorance is a cup they love to fill with lies, half-truths and smoke. For the believer moving into a clear understanding of these three victories imparts power to live in overcoming victory. It empowers us to act with a different mindset. "Resist the Devil and he will flee" James 4:7 We easily resist the one we can overcome.
It is hard to resist one that we don't know anything about.
Focus on the Enemy? NO
Educate and Inform disciples of the true victory, the defeat of the Big Three - YES!
- Jesus did not. Apostles did not. Focus on the Enemy that is. Rather they focused on receiving the Kingdom - the rule and reign of Christ Jesus. We welcome the Lord. He knocks and we open the door and fellowship with him. He imparts vision and assignment and we welcome the Kingdom of love and grace.
- Jesus focused on doing the will of the Father. John 5:20 He did not get his
Jesus never lived under or in the dominion of darkness. He does not relate to us in it or through it's distorted mindsets.
Darkness is no longer part of the equation.
The apostles focused on direction and assignments from Jesus and on following the Spirit wherever he lead them. Not on what the Darkness was doing. They walked so as to shatter all darkness and dominion of the enemy. It was a given. If Jesus led them there "no gates would prevail against him". They carried his Kingdom and authority.
Jesus took the disciples from the dominion of darkness into his kingdom of light. They were learning to walk under the authority of his rule and Kingdom. They walked with him in the world as he lived in the power of the Spirit and in the reality of a Kingdom devoid of darkness. The dominion of the Kingdom of God is light! Jesus is that great light of the world. And we are the light here and now! The apostles walked in the knowledge of the King and his authority. They acted through the leading of the Spirit in the new dominion of light and the will of the Father through the redemption grace of Jesus Christ.
- Jesus is with us always and everywhere we go - Matthew 28:20
- We have the Mind of Jesus - Col 1:27
- The Spirit will lead us and teach us - John 14:12-16
- We can be prophetically alert to the things that will come our way. I Tim 1:18-19
These three oppositions are at the root of the pain, sorrow and brokenness of humanity.
The world and it's elemental spirits, idols and fading things - tempting and making ways of temptation for us. It distorted systems that enslave and hold captive believers in fear of reprisal.The sin that held us captive in our minds, emotions, spirit and body. Defeated, it still rises up in the temptations of the world around us. Stumbling the best of us. Praise God for grace which is more powerful than any sin on earth. We are set free from it's power and called out into the glorious grace of God.
The Fallen angel, the Devil, who seek to deceive and whose time is short. He can do nothing but lie. There is no truth in him. It's time the church grew in the depths of wisdom as James 3:17-18 speaks about -
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
Jesus defeated them all!
In the Cross
Rising to new life he leads the way as firstborn among the dead
Sitting down in heaven after ascending from the earth he forever sealed it all at the Father's side.
You and I have amazing grace and
Amazing glory - ready to fill us up completely.
The abundant life of Christ will fill the world until everything is in perfect unity with him. Ephesians 1:9-10
He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
Put on your faith today.
Put on that huge joy that flows from the very heart of the Lord right out of heaven.
The Joy that fill us in all circumstances because we know our God Reigns!
He sees it all.
He made it all.
He completes it all in Righteousness, Peace and Joy in Jesus Christ!
Your day will change.
Your sorry will turn to joy.
Your toughest challenge will fade away in the glorious bountiful light in the face of Jesus.
Love you.
Just remember.
You can Do this.
He's got you.
You can do this because Jesus is with you and he has already done all of it!
He did it for you and I.
That is enough for a worship time anytime.
This Kingdom we are part of is
in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Look forward, eyes filled with Abundance, Boundless, Victorious vision in Jesus.
Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation.www.jeffreynoldsministries.com
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With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing! He's got you.
Jeff Reynolds ---
Brother Jeff
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