Ephesians 3:21 - "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...."The Kingdom mindset is completely "other". A new way of seeing the world and ourselves.
A mindset of the new creation in Christ, it is rooted and established in love and grows up from the soil of
Hearing and
The great invitation is abiding in the Presence of God in the relationship Jesus shared with the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus promised us an abundant flow from within....
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" John 7:38
The problem is so often we find ourselves moving out of the stream of his presence and into a mindset that is passive toward the Kingdom and the Spirit and filled up with the world.
Here are 5 Key Steps to walking in Superabundance.
1) Move out of a mindset of Punishment and into a mindset of LOVE and Superabundance.
There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Rom 8:1-2 We have moved out from wrath and into the family of God. As a child of God you and I are being trained up by the Spirit into the Kingdom and his Righteousness. Matt 6:33 Problem: our flesh has a good memory and would like to paint life from the perspective of death and sin. Jesus nailed that to the cross and opened up the new and living way for us. Hebrews 10:20 Paul prays that we would experience the love of Jesus and be enlightened in the eyes of our hearts with that knowledge of his love. Ephesians 3:14-21 We are secure because Jesus has us. No one can snatch us out of his hand. John 10:28-29 Take all the thoughts of punishment captive and sow to the Spirit with Scriptures of assurance and peace and superabundance!2) Move out of passivity and into intention and initiative with Jesus.
For streams of living water to flow continuously through our lives we have to move out of passively riding the streams of our culture. Jesus is never passive. He is always moving forward the rule and reign of his grace and glory. In our quest for rest we confuse passivity with peace and drifting with harmony. Seeking to bring a moment of calm around us when the real rest is within. Rest in Christ is deeply abiding in the victory and inheritance He won. All at once we abide in the Cross, Resurrection and Ascension of the King of Kings. Perfect Rest is best friends with Trust in God. Trust, hope and love wrapped in faith assure our hearts of a firm foundation. Following Jesus is intentional initiative. He paints a way for us to walk in that will draw out connection, transforming grace and deeper love with every step. Get on that highway.His Boundless Skies reach past the highest Peaks |
3) Move out of an entitlement mindset and into Service.
The Kingdom of God is an eternal spiritual Kingdom. We are members of it through faith in Christ Jesus. Jesus was clear, the path to finding true life is through losing our life in HIM. For anyone who has tasted and seen that God is good, the reality of this statement goes deep. By association with Jesus we leave behind entitlements in this world. We take on assignments from the King's heart. We move into a life as a sacrifice, an offering, as a devoted servant of the Lord Jesus. "Where you go I'll go". Ruth 1:16 We take on the life of our Master and put LOVE on first in everything. Like Ruth we go where he goes.Many believers have been robbed of the vitality and wonder of their faith walk by simply divorcing the day to day following of Jesus from the reality of what their lives are about.We lay down our lives for our friends instead of demand them to serve us and meet our needs. Amazingly we find ourselves in the deepest acts of service and love. The heritage of God's people is to be a solution in times of trouble not to be the trouble. And joy finds a rich place in the resting and abiding we walk in. All those in Christ are to "walk as he walked" I John 2:5-6
4) Move out of your own strength and into His Strength
Can the flesh carry the glory, the grace or the assignment given to you through Christ? Anyone who leans on the arm of the flesh painfully knows its limits. Everything starts cracking and twisting under the weight of God's glory in us and upon us. Even the favor of God is too much for the flesh to bear. Paul received an awesome encouragement from the Lord Jesus regarding the workings of grace and our weaknesses.Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. 9And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 10Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9
Moving our lives into His strength is key to superabundant living in grace, favor and the power of the Spirit.
Yosemite's Bridal Vail Falls |
5) Move out of Performance and deep into Presence and Promise.
Performance kills the atmosphere of rest and worship. Looking for the approval of man over that of God is a clear path to failure. It is a burden to heavy to bear for those found in Christ.It is tragic when ministers, worship leaders, anyone serving on the stages of the Kingdom slides into performing over releasing the grace of God they steward.
Even more so when whole ministries lack the presence of God in abundance. We've grown accustomed to performance and hardly know the presence of the Spirit. We cannot perform for God. Absurd. He lacks nothing. He is not looking for performance but rather obedience. Well done good and FAITHFUL servant. Servants receive assignments and faithfully carry them out. Performers may end up hearing, "Truly I say to you, I do not know you." Matthew 25:12
The great invitation is abiding in the Presence of God in the relationship Jesus shared with the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Peter said we have all we need in the Promises of God through Christ Jesus. Our lives are living temples of presence and promise. Holy places of abiding and communion with the Father, our hearts, mind, soul and strength is worship. It only stands to reason that if we align ourselves in obedience with Jesus teaching we will reap all the benefits of the Cross, Resurrection and Ascension in a life here and NOW. That is the VOICE CALLING into the WILDERNESS!
The promise in Jesus of never ending streams of living water is echoed in Isaiah's prophecy.
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The Sun never sets on His Promises |
This is what the Lord says:
“In the time of my favor I will answer you,
and in the day of salvation I will help you;
I will keep you and will make you
to be a covenant for the people,
to restore the land
and to reassign its desolate inheritances,
9to say to the captives, ‘Come out,’
and to those in darkness, ‘Be free!’
“They will feed beside the roads
and find pasture on every barren hill.
10They will neither hunger nor thirst,
nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them.
He who has compassion on them will guide them
and lead them beside springs of water.
11I will turn all my mountains into roads,
and my highways will be raised up.
12See, they will come from afar—
some from the north, some from the west,
some from the region of Aswan.b
13Shout for joy, you heavens;
rejoice, you earth;
burst into song, you mountains!
For the Lord comforts his people
and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.
His Presence and Promise call us into his rest and settle our hearts down on a firm foundation. This is by Christ, through faith, who pours abundant grace on us.
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With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing! He's got you.
Jeff Reynolds ---
Brother Jeff
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