While visiting a lovely fellowship I had a vision of people clinging to their past, their understandings of the past, old wine skins....
What I also saw out in front was WIDE OPEN COUNTRY.
No boarders. No boundaries.
Isaiah 49:11 |
The Lord presented me with a picture of a few different responses to this OPEN COUNTRY.
Fear. Afraid of open spaces. Afraid of what was unknown.
The boundless country was clearly in view but the fear of going out into it without clear understanding and all the "pieces in place" caused them to waiver. In doing so they gave fear a place; love grows cold in a fearful heart. It shaped their eye sight and their sense of vision for the OPEN COUNTRY.
Deep inside them a Word was brewing that was alive and rich and full of faith. The fear and lack of faith in front kept their feet from walking out into the OPEN COUNTRY.
Perfect love casts out fear.
We need a revelation of Christ's love as big as the Country we are called to inhabit.
"By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world. 18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 19We love, because He first loved us.…" I John 4:8
Look for fears of being punished.
Fears that God is not pleased with you. That God will punish you rather than discipline you like a loving Father who imparts a future and a hope.
Fears that you will not measure up in the OPEN COUNTRY.
Fears that you don't qualify for the OPEN COUNTRY.
Fears because you failed in the past.
Pray into Ephesians 3:14-21
The Paralyzed. Next I saw people clinging to the fencing posts. They were terrified. They had a tight hold on the posts and just wouldn't let go. They were so comfortable in the old boundaries, understandings and even the language of the past. They clung to fence posts, the structure of the past and the complete set of teaching and patterns that upheld the old wine skin. Fear rose up in them at the sound of the new wine pouring out. Or they were immediately caught up in judgement and or resistance. They were paralyzed. STIFF. They
were dead wood stiffs in the new wine move of the Holy Spirit. They were also tired of gripping so tightly. They were weary and did not have rivers of living water flowing from within. They were brittle and judgmental. Most of all they were paralyzed. They could no longer move. They were unable to go into the OPEN COUNTRY because of their sins. Bound up from the inside out they we unable to move freely in the grace filled and water rich country the Father had shown them. They saw it also. But lacked inner faith. They did not mix faith with the steady flow of wisdom and understanding that Father had provided. I Tim 1:18-19
Matthew 9: 1-7 Jesus heals the paralytic. With a word he forgives his sin and breaks him free from his inner paralysis and then heals his body. Some need the healing touch of Jesus to break their paralysis and get them walking again. And sometimes we need to carry them right into the presence of the Lord and set them in front of Jesus. Sometimes there are hindrances and opposition and the way is not open to just walk in and set them down in front of Jesus. So we find another way in for them. We need to make a hole in the roof. In the midst of a people paralyzed, we need to break a hole in the ceiling so people can walk again.
"Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven." Matt 9:2
Those lacking confidence. The questions these asked is "What do we do in such a vast country?". Vacillating and double minded (James 1:8) they are seeing and then doubting and then turning back. When faced with opposition or challenge they shrink instead of ROAR.
"For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." James 1:8I hear the Lord saying, "Haven't I directed you?". The Lord's Scripture and rhema words are surely available to guide, direct our steps and give us confidence in the way (I Tim 1:18-19; 6:20). The requirement is to WALK. We are required to get moving in what we do know.
We need to get our feet moving in faith. Taking what the Lord has said, applying faith to it and walking in the Spirit.
The size of the country, unlimited boundaries, really is not the issue. The issue is obedience mixed with faith in a walking motion.
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Go for a walk! |
Are we willing to mix faith with what we DO KNOW? What the Spirit has instructed us in? Are we willing to move out without the whole picture but with a clear picture of Jesus? This requires faith in Jesus. It requires deliberate stewarding of the grace we've received. This is the Kingdom of God in motion. This is the rule and reign of Christ in us. This kinds of faith in motion is the Kingdom coming in power. This kind of faith overcomes the world as it ADDS the Kingdom of God to everything.
"This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord, 12in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him. 13Therefore I ask you not to lose heart at my tribulations on your behalf, for they are your glory.
We have Boldness.
In the OPEN COUNTRY Christ is our boldness.
In the OPEN COUNTRY Christ is our confidence.
In the OPEN COUNTRY Christ is our access to the Father.
The Kingdom first means that when people encounter us they encounter the Kingdom first.
In the OPEN COUNTRY where trust and faith are living and active Jesus' presence and Kingdom are on ongoing revelation to many. Take the invitation to the open country and let the Spirit minister and heal anything that stands in the way.
We were made for freedom. Set free for freedom. We are a boundless people of the love of God. In our hearts a King of Glory reigns.
Go ahead. Run with HIM.
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Thanks for reading.
With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing! He's got you.
Jeff Reynolds ---
Brother Jeff
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