And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Col 2:15
Buried with Jesus in baptism and rising out of the water to new life, we carry the reality of his rule and reign everywhere we go. Blazing fires, living sacrifices, our worship is bearing witness to the inferno of God's love for the world and everyone in it. (Rom 12:1-2)
Resurrection life is powerful in us. It is evidence of a Kingdom that is coming every day to this fading world. It grows and expands every day while the world is passing away even as we speak. Our offerings speak the testimony of Jesus each day to authorities and rulers in heavenly places. (Eph 3:10) And each day The Father is working to bringing all things into the unity of Jesus Christ and under his rule. (Phil 2:9-11; Eph 1:10)
The resurrection is the mind bending reality of what Jesus is doing in the world today! The enemies strength could not hold Christ in the Grave. He cannot hold you there either.
"Bloom where you are planted". You've heard that saying. It was right at the door of a home I was staying at in Reno Nevada. For a short season while my family transitioned there, I passed it each morning going out and coming in. A famous sayaying because it carries some simple wisdom, trust God. He's able to keep you in all circumstances. You can rise up and overcome and fill your surroundings with love and grace and the fragrance of Jesus.
We can bloom where we are planted because we have life witnin us that flows from resurrection power. A never ending stream of grace and glory from the throne of God. We carry his presence. He is with us everywhere we go in this world. So....that means.....
The more we sow to the Spirit the less we walk in unrighteousness.
It is somewhat a simple equation. Sow to the Spirit and the flesh has no life.
1) We are walking with resurrection life - start each day with this reality. How does the world look from the vantage point of the resurrection? Yea. Completely different. new mercies are given every morning. Take hold of the life that is yours. Miracles are right in front of you!
2) New life means new understanding. Start seeing the world through the eyes of a resurrected new creation! The paths of new life come with renewing our thinking in the power, love and grace of Jesus. (Rom 12:1-2)
3) You can abide with ease. The resurrected new creation is perfectly comfortable in heaven. You are seated there with Christ. Make abiding the air you breath and the life you live start to finish. Have nothing else. You will actually gain the whole world and inherit the earth! As you live, walk and abide in the Spirit you will find greater strength and power and continuous joy in his presence. It keeps growing each and every day.
4) Everything we need is already ours in his great and precious promises. Learn to live by promise. By every word that comes from the mouth of God. Fill up your life with WORD. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Listen to it. Pray in it. Believe every word of it. Resurrection life is a life founded in "every word that comes from God".
5) Live for the Kingdom in which you are a citizen. Citizens have certain favor and blessings. You have those as well as a citizen of heaven. Start putting these resurrection realities to life in your day to day. Amazing things happen.
He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(I Cor 1:8)
(I Cor 1:8)
This is where you want to place your trust. IN JESUS. He will keep you. Provide for you. Encourage you. Uphold you. Strengthen you. Fill you with his Spirit and joy and give you his peace. Right now he will do these things. Ask him.
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Don't look into heaven through your past |
The enemy says the exact opposite. "Don't trust God. He does not have your best interest in mind. He will not come through for you." LIAR
The enemy can just talk. He can only say things that are untrue. His time is short and limited. He speaks to the flesh. His only real power is what he can get humanity to do in the mindset of his lies. Start speaking to him in resurrection power. Speak to his lies as a new creation. How do you do that?
1) Ask the Holy Spirit if there are any lies you are believing that hinder your worship and progress in abiding?
2) Write down the things you hear yourself saying that don't seem to be the Lord. Try and put them in the form of a statement. An example would be.....
"Things will never go right for me."
3) Ask the Holy Spirit if these statements are true? Ask him what he says about you?
Have the Scripture handy when you are engaging the Lord this way and he will remind you of Scriptures to speak truth and resurrection life to you.
The enemies strength could not hold Christ in the Grave. He cannot hold you there either.
The Cross is Victory. Embracing our own cross is the way to new life.
The Resurrection is that life. Powerful. Alive in the fullness of Jesus Christ.
Heart pounding grace and love flows every day into our new man and woman and we walk in the Victory of Jesus' Victory.
You can do this. Go all the way. Surrender everything to the Lord Jesus.
Live in resurrection power. It trumps every card the enemy can play.
Thank you for reading. Comments. Encouragements. Testimonies?
I love and appreciate your comments and dialogue.
Thank you for re shares and +1's.
This is the third blog in the series - Part I and Part II can be linked to below.
How the Enemy Loves to Push our Buttons -- and send us reeling. Spirit Clean House. Part I
The Enemy loves to Push our Buttons -Time to Push Back!
Remind him of the Cross. Part II
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds apostolic voice
Capstone Christian Fellowship
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