Yes. That is good.
So why have we given up on some of the problems affronting our faith?
A couple daunting problems that need "nothing is impossible" faith and resolute courage in the face of slow progress.... You can think of more I'm sure.
1. We treat each other like competitors instead of family. A powerful witness of the love of God, the deep and true unity we share in Jesus, among the family and churches of a given city or even among leaders of different ministries is weak or non-existent. Lines and boarders may be our testimony instead of a generous, vibrant, overwhelming love and encouragement. High Praises to those warriors of Christ who are daily believing and working for love and the fragrance of Jesus among the diverse witnesses for Christ Jesus in their city.
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"The Core" - Sonya J. Day |
There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.…Eph 4:5
Sonya J. Day - friend from Redding CA.
Beautiful art - find her here - support her vision
John 13:35
Are you one of the change makers?
- Nothing is impossible
- The Father lavishes love on us in Jesus - lavish some on your divine family - Give and it shall be Given.
- All things are possible for those who believe
In the end LOVE WINS. Sow the future now. Live in the hope of the consummation-all things one in Christ. By this all men will know we are HIS. Sow love first. Be love first and last. This is doable! Jesus provided all we need to walk in love in the face of the worst darkness.
God too small? Problem to Big?
2. We have limited impact with those who need the blessing and grace of the gospel. Turning cities upside down with the witness of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Possibly the problem is we want intellectual check offs, ideas and statements, more than we want surrender, following and evidence of new birth in Jesus. Meeting the Lord of glory is so much more than checking off some "yes, I believe that" statements. Religion makes people worse. Jesus said 10x's worse. Meeting and encountering Jesus sets them free forever.
God to small? Problem to Big?
Believers today seem to have an identity crisis. Many live in silence and fear at the thought of stepping out into the community to witness to the reality and glory of the Gospel of Jesus. Sin, Death and the Devil are defeated through the work of Jesus. We have a message that sets people free both now and eternally. Every sin - Forgiven. Every sickness - healed. Every fear - crushed in love. Every power - stripped. The new creation born in his resurrection. Everything sealed into the heavenly tabernacle when Jesus sat down at the Father's right hand.
Sometimes the simplest things are the most difficult. Love is easy. Love your neighbor as yourself.
3. Problem Perspective: My personal problems are insurmountable. As I work with faith communities I see apathy, depression, disappointment, anger and offense at God, leaders, church family, anyone who rises up to be a change agent. Confronting hell with the power of the cross is desperately needed in and among those who claim to bear his name. The cross is testimony of defeat for the powers of sin, death and the Devil. Jesus was clear on this. If we don't pick up our cross and follow him daily we are not worthy of him.
"And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to
come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and
follow Me. 24"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.…"
Luke 9:23
Deliverance and discernment are the heartbeat of wisdom and love in action. Love cannot bear to see the lost left without a shepherd and wisdom discerns the pathways of freedom and deliverance. Together there is resolute focus on freedom and overcoming the world.
Many believers today seem to think that they inherited a salvation that brings them into a utopia dream of no problem existence where everyone is happy all the time.
Reality - we are in a conflict with the powers of the age. Sin, Death and the Devil. The Father has given us the keys to the Kingdom. We wage war in the love and power of Jesus for the salvation of the world. Love wins. Here are three characteristics of Kingdom love in action.
1) Love believes all things - Nothing is impossible with God
2) Love hopes all things - we carry his presence everywhere we go - the reality of new life
3) Love never fails - As the Bethel Music song says "his love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me."
God to small? Problem to big?
How big is the God you believe in?
How present is he in your life today?
How is his Kingdom coming daily in your life?
He is an ever flowing stream of grace, mercy and love for you every day.
The answer for the world is up to us. How we live. Hope. Trust and walk in Him.
Receive and welcome his Kingdom and Power in your life today.
Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts! I Cor 14:1
By this we know that we are in Him: 6the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.
I John 2:6
Comments? Ideas or discussion on this topic?
I appreciate everyone's comments and ideas. We are in this together!
Thank you for reading.
Keep hope alive!
In the Love of Jesus,
Jeff Reynolds aka - brother Jeff
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