"...for behold, the winter is past;
the rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth,
the time for singing has come,
and the voice of the turtledove is
heard in our land."
Song of Songs 2:11-12
The next day a new friend was speaking at Capstone, Harold Eberlie. Epic Center's Ron Griggs and I worked together to bring Harold and everyone joined together Sunday after he had ministered at Epic Friday and Saturday.
Harold Said....
"For indeed did I not birth something here out of that which
proceeded you? Was there not a seed of
the blood of the Saints that was shed here but it is now blossoming and coming
forth? Do I not do things in
seasons? Well yes, spring, spring now
comes. I promise you.
Then in November Capstone hosted an ART - Apostolic Round Table, with friends local and family from further away. During the round table it became clear to us that the Spirit was calling for a deeper righteousness and that a new season was upon us that would refine us anew.
The stream was flowing with righteousness and as it spread it was like a fire that burned up the chaff inside and refined the desires of our hearts.
The Spirit moved in graceful power at the ART as we celebrated the family and unity God was growing. Some of the highlights....
1) The Spirit will give us opportunity to focus on what is important to the Father. We need to be asking "is this important to you God?". The Spirit is speaking and pointing to what is valuable. He is exercising us in His Ways. His ways carry the fragrance of spring
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control
2) Usually, the new wine comes first. this is why we put it in old wine skins. We don't have anything new to put it in. The Spirit is calling forth a prototype ekklesia (church) to carry this new wine.
We have to lay everything down and find our life in Christ
It is hidden in him in the heavenlies
3) Habitation is a place of rest not production. Jesus is the somewhere we are going. Prayer, worship and intercession need to be an abiding and resting place. The Spirit is leading in the ministry as it flows out of the deep realities of the Kingdom.
House of Prayer for all Nations
4) The way of LOVE is a matchless doorway through which the Spirit is leading the assembly. The prototype church "looks like love". The Spirit is calling for the same love, the same heart, the same mind. Walk in fearless love.
White lily -
"In the Canticles its beauty and fragrance shadow forth the preciousness of Christ to the Church." Easton's Bible Dictionary
"In the Canticles its beauty and fragrance shadow forth the preciousness of Christ to the Church." Easton's Bible Dictionary
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; Matt 6:28
The Spirit is leading hungry, desperate followers of Jesus into some amazing pathways. We are not going to toil and spin to get there. The Holy Spirit is leading and calling for trust. He is moving in grace, power and the signs of the Kingdom. The flower is flowing along in the stream.
Jeff Reynolds
Part of the Capstone Family and hungry for the new flower
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