Time to defy gravity; live a kingdom life.
Earth's gravity pulls our thoughts down. Into the hopeless we can stumble. Down deeper into the soul survival world we know by instinct. That's where the gravity wants to take us. Into instinct, dirt, and blood, the gravity of the earth will pull us into the deepest hole available in our surroundings. The Enemy of our hearts seeks to craft gravity holes that draw humanity in. Like water we can stumble and tumble falling over our self into dungeons of servitude. Of course there are the extremes. These remind and support the middle in their thoughts that where they are is a good thing. Everything supported by gravity is designed to keep increasing the leverage.
We all know from experience that defying gravity hurts. It can cause some serious damage. So we also come to believe that defying the gravity of the world, the order of things, the natural course set out for us, expected pathways, and the affirmed culture may not be a smart thing to resist. We continue on in the conditioning, reinforcing each thought with another. Believing. We want to believe. Believe that the order of things, the gravity, is going to pay off. Believe that it will deliver the promise. Ultimately we can find ourselves
believing that gravity will lead us to peace, happiness and joy.
Sky diving is a rush. When you have a parachute.
The world order is often crafted with the rush on the front end. Example: Sex works and is a rush regardless of covenant, relationship or love. For a time anyway. Until the loneliness and inner ache of the heart overcomes the bodies fascination. Sex has a very enticing front end and a very soul and heart destroying possibility later. Gravity hopes we will jump without worrying about a parachute. Many do. People in the middle catch glimpses of the holes gravity can draw us into. The rush for a time promises "living".
The enemy wants to keep us in the gravity of the world order. The world order he has built. The bible calls this the kosmos. The world order, where the enemy can craft it, is designed to do 4 things. Rob, steal, kill and destroy. He wants us to feel the pull of the gravity he has constructed. He wants us to adopt his thoughts. Thoughts that are wholly supported by the world order we find ourselves in.
The weight of gravity was defied by Jesus. He jumped into our world with a whole different set of rules. The rule and reign of God.
Defy gravity; The Kingdom life is designed to defy all the gravity of the earth?
Root yourself in the life of Jesus. Set your heart and mind on the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. (Col 3:1-4) "For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God."
Defy the gravity of hate and forgive. Defy the gravity of greed and give.
The Kingdom life is rooted in the generosity of the Father's heart.
He always does more. He always gives more. He always adds more to what we do.
How? He has unlimited resources of love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. The Kingdom of God generates these things in never ending rivers. The rivers of generosity wash over the pits of hopelessness and fill them up with redemption and love.
The Kingdom lifts
Worship - worship is the great doorway to agreement with heaven. The more you agree with what heaven sees in you, says about you and knows about you, the wider the rivers of the Fathers heart can grow in you. The gravity starts loosing its grasp and the mind can break free of the thoughts of the earth and the gravity of the world.
Worship is the language of heaven. It lifts the heart, calms the mind and brings peace to the soul. Thankfulness is the first attitude of the heart and it bears the fruit of praise.
Worship leads to listening. Hearing. We become familiar with the sound of his voice. The sound of heaven. The sound becomes recognizable to the heart and we begin hearing all the time.
Listening and hearing leads to knowing and understanding. We come to know through faith the things we sensed or saw in others.
The Kingdom life is designed to defy the gravity of the earth
What do you know of the Kigndom life?
What do you know of the pathways of the heart?
Do you hear the sound of heaven?
Share your thoughts
Thanks for checking in.
Jeff Reynolds
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