Driving down the road, heading out of Walla Walla Washington, leaving my dear friends in the Journey Church, I was floating in and out of the veil of heaven itself. The night before the Journey crew had poured prophetic grace all over my soul. My soul and spirit were awash with the atmosphere of God's love. Deep realms of understanding were continuing to wash over me.
Prophetic encounter, bathed in friendship and the common heart of the Father, is a rich taste of heaven.
My heart, soul, mind and spirit were swimming in the tranquil glory of the presence of the Lord Jesus. A new worship song was welling up in my heart and I was caught up in overwhelming love.
"You and I God,
We've been knit together;
We've been sewn together,
in LOVE.
I pulled up "Your Love is Everything" in the cd player and the veil ripped wide open. The ache, deep soul longing for Him welled up into sobs and a deeper more tangible taste of what those words said, "Your love is everything to me".
Then something amazing occurred. As I wound along through the beauty; green with rolling hill tops, I saw HIM.
I saw HIM high above the earth
Filling the sky with the reality of his Name.
Flowing in glory, his clothing was licking the deep blue like tongues of fire. The eyes of my heart drank in volumes. I heard, saw, felt, knew, understood, marveled, loved, smiled, feared, all at once. His dominion and presence spread over the curve of the horizon.
I wept, convulsed. My soul, reaching out into the fibers of my body, shuddered. The worship from within sought to link all of me and touch him, worship HIM. I was part of Him. Whispers and words were on the wind. He opened His heart to me. He gave it to me. Overwhelmed I found my spirit going deeper and deeper. An invitation and oneness encounter opened up with much more fire.
"YOU and I God,
We've been knit together;
We've been sewn together,
in LOVE.
I was still driving. At times gripping the seat, whipping my eyes and wondering about what people were thinking driving by me or next to me. The intensity did not waiver. I kept hitting the repeat button on the song and somehow went deeper.
The Lord echoed prophetic words to me, spoke without speaking about geographic zones and the grace to be poured into them, but all of it was reflected in and through the NAME. HIS name and character saturated every tangible created thing. It all moved at the sound of his voice and somehow reverberated with waves of obedience. Perfect obedience. Seeing that my heart wanted to do the same. Perfect obedience from inside. From my heart I wanted to give the Lord everything in worship.
The drive to the Tri-Cities lasted about an hour and I was going to be working upon arrival. I had to pull myself together.
I had to wonder what this encounter meant. Where would it lead? More on that in the days ahead.
"...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he had called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at the right hand in the heavenly places...."
Jesus, open the eyes of my heart to the heavenly places. The places of inheritance vision of your NAME and let me see you in realms of heaven.
He is meeting us at the point of our desire.
As always, write your comments.