Walking in the Spirit is so good.
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Righteous paths ways shine
So, so good.
Following Jesus, literally following him in life each day,
every day,
leads to an abundance of life that overwhelms.
I'm hoping this blog post will invite you,
drawing you into such a deeper life with Jesus
that you will never go back. Yea, high hopes.
But I do have faith!
Its time we thought of our lives
with heaven's agenda first.
First, Do you follow him?
Or said differently, do you conceive of your life as walking in the Spirit and following Jesus?
Jesus said he was the Way. A "way is not simply an idea or set of beliefs. It's an actual journey.
Literally, he is the gate, the door, the passage to eternal life. He is what God is speaking to the world (Heb 1). There is no other way to travel to and in eternal life than in HIM (John 17:3; Acts 4:12).
Abiding is walking in the Spirit and following Jesus. Squeezing through small narrow passageways with Jesus is normal. Paths that demand faith, hope and love fill each step as we follow Jesus. He leads us on a way that puts to death the old man simply by following him, by walking in the way.
His yoke is easy and burdens light. Because we are not in charge of our own transformation, the burden is lighter, the way easier. He is our transformation Being with him and becoming like him through walking after him is the path of transformation. As we walk with him grace pours in and the world fades away step by step.
We know all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. 14For this reason it says,
"Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine on you." Eph 5:14
It is impossible to follow someone when you are asleep.
I have always marveled at the disconnect as we regard Jesus and following him.
The disciples literally followed him around Israel. And then they followed him around the world in the same way. The book of Acts is the testimony of this. The Holy Spirit leads, directs, places people in certain locations, plants, establishes and reaps a harvest throughout the book of Acts. He speaks in dreams, prophecy, encouragement and directly through Scripture. Some try and place this wild and wondrous world of following Jesus, or as Paul says so often "walking in the Spirit" into principles and patterns. Rules and forms of operation, while at the same time missing the most essential ingredient. Following Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the leader of the Book of Acts. Clearly, apostles are going where he leads and moving in the grace he imparts. Each step in the story, we see the Spirit directing and moving and acting.
Is following Jesus or walking in the Spirit the missing element in our current "ways" and understanding of this life in Jesus?
There is no disconnect from Jesus in the present age when it comes to following him. It's called walking in the Spirit (Gal 5:25; Ephesians 5:1-2). The apostles of Jesus describe this kingdom life as "walking in the Spirit" (Eph 5:15).
Here is some of the simple math of heaven.
Jesus died on the cross and defeated the powers and authorities and stripped them. He destroyed the power of sin with his own perfect offering of righteous blood. That blood cleaned the world by faith for all who will put their trust in Jesus and believe in him as the Father's Son. Then he rose from the dead three days later, launching us into the eternal life, new mind, Christ in us reality believers live today. He appeared to up to 500 people and then Ascended directly to heaven before the disciples' eyes and sat down at the right hand of the Father.
Nothing has changed in this pattern and direction, in the character or nature of following him since that time; except for its growing glory in the earth (Daniel 2:44-45). Nothing. He gave us his Spirit to lead us (John 16:12-14). We are on the same journey. Walking the same pathway. Following Jesus as we Walk in the Spirit.
Ok. So I'm committed to this idea.
I hope you are not put off by my conviction.
I get it. You might not see it this way or have the same world view.
At this point. I'm just asking. Look it over,
have a run through the New Testament
and reflect on these things.
Here are some things to mull over.
1. Jesus is alive. Talks. Leads and builds his ekklesia (Matt 16:8; Rev 2:13) every day, every moment with the Father's intentions and will.
How does this translate into the church, our lives each day, and into the progress of his Kingdom; which according to Daniel (2:44-45), to Isaiah (9:7), is ever expanding on the earth.
How do we move and act in this Kingdom and co-labor with Jesus?
2. Heaven has plans that will culminate in the Rule and Reign of Jesus Christ in the earth.
In the few instances that prophets have seen into heaven (Ezekiel, Isaiah, John) we catch a glimpses of the activity and motion. Do these stop or can we assume the Father is actively pursuing plans 24/7?
In Ephesians, Paul expressed the nature of his mission. It is to administrate or steward the mystery of Christ and the grace he's been given to do that. Through the Spirit the Lord Jesus is actively leading his church. His intent, Paul says, is through the ekklesia (the "called out ones") to reveal manifold wisdom in eternal purposes. We also know that he has prepared good works for us in advance. We walk in these and so co-labor with Jesus (Ephesians 2:10).
Heaven is not working on cycles of our day and night.
The Kingdom of Heaven is on assignment and all the servants of heaven offer themselves as a fragrant offering and worship. Daily living sacrifices are rising up to the heavenly temple in which Jesus, our High Priest forever, intercedes for us.
Its time we thought of our lives with heaven's agenda first.
As I look back over the years there have been some particular things Jesus asked me to do that required direct obedience.

Planting churches is usually a direct obedience thing, at least in my experience. He deposits the call and vision and then we have to carry out the journey. The process leads us down many roads of discovery. Each step builds faith and vision as well as understanding for the road ahead. Traveling with Jesus affords us some amazing vantage points and experiences.
He has asked me to travel to other countries and to coffee shops in my own town. Same thing. Follow.
It is remarkable how many things open up when we respond with action in direct obedience.
There are seasons in which direct obedience is required to move into more open fields and service.
Many believers fall short of this understanding. We are raised with principles and rules instead of relationship and abiding. Let grace be your guide not principles and 10 steps to happiness. This world is fading away and so is everything that is derived from it.
Only one thing remains when we arrive in heaven.
At least in the same form as we know it on earth.....
Not our faith. We don't need it anymore. We see it all. And his face with perfect clarity for the first time.
Not our hope. We have arrived in it. It's is seen and so is no longer a hope.
Love remains. Our relationship of love with Jesus explodes into new things in eternal dwellings.
The amazement and wonder of walking with Jesus is experienced over and over as we live out of this place now.
Relationship and following Jesus as our abiding life, this is eternal life (John 17:3).
Not to live simply out of ministry objectives and goals. Not out of principles.
Making Jesus himself our principle will root you and establish you into him as the Way, Truth, and Life.
Live in Jesus. The WAY. Today. Now.
"But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, 9and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith,…" Phil 3:8f
Set your heart and focus on Jesus. It makes all the difference in our world.
Spend some time on the Mountain tops of his love and grace.
Following is an easy yoke.
"My yoke is easy and my burden light." Jesus
Love and grace in Jesus,
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship