I don't remember how it happened.
Somehow I latched on to Psalm 144. I felt the Holy Spirit affirming and calling my focus into the reality of the Psalm.
At first it was wonder and new insights.
Then it turned to praying as battle and overcoming endurance.
In it all my heart had to be shored up with "don't lose heart" and some healing. The refining fires of grace and love were stirring up things. Dross was rising to the top. I needed freedom to continue on in the paths he opened before me. And he healed my heart at each required step.
I discovered He wanted to write on my life a whole new understanding of prayer.
I've been exploring prayer all my disciple life. Literally and with intention and purpose, I've explored prayer, devotion, grace and overcoming in the secret place for 40 years.Prayer is truly the most exciting reality of my walk with Jesus.
I've had countless beautiful and impacting encounters with Jesus in prayer.
Over and over and over again, I've found wells deepening and so deep that my wonder and hunger regularly expand and vibrantly morph.
New insights into the Word of Scripture and the Word of Life spring up and open whole new understanding of Jesus. Prayer consistently brings me into the presence of God and the abundance of his way.
As I look back I realize, I've had many more significant experiences with the Lord Jesus in personal prayer than in any revival meetings or gatherings I've been in, all told all counted.
I'm committed to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, to mission, and to being with the Saints in Sunday celebrations and other meetings. I've been in many very impacting and significant gatherings when the Holy Spirit is moving remarkably. All told they cannot come close to the consistent and deep waters of my walk with Jesus in prayer.
I have a log of dreams I am unpacking. I have a book of prophetic grace I am praying over and through. I have a whole exciting remarkable plate of Kingdom opportunities to share, the love of Jesus and the Gospel, and none compares to the riches and rooted-ness of finding myself abiding in prayer with Jesus.
My personal sojourn in prayer is more impacting for my walk with Jesus than....anything else I do.
Now, having said that, you need to understand my prayer life is more like an ocean than a lake or stream.
I do all kinds of things in prayer and allow it to encompass a wide and diverse flow of so many things it never dries up. Worship, Scripture, Devotion, Waiting, Listening, Resting, HOPEing, praying, interceding, supplicating, abiding, on and on the list goes and so also on and on the open doors to eternal life knowing the Father, the Son and the Spirit. (John 17:3)
I change locations. I change approaches to Scripture. I pray in season, doing different things in different times as required to advance.
I guess, the most important thing I have ever learned in walking with Jesus is to pray.
One hour flies by. I've been leading 24 hr prayer events for 5 years now. We partner with 10-20 churches and worship and pray for 24 hrs straight. The flood gates of blessing and favor of unity and partnership have deepened with each event. The wells of grace and joy in each one of these 24 hrs increases desire and hunger for all that prayer opens. Many worship leaders, intercessors and praying pastors help out and attend.
I've also noticed a trend in these prayer burns, prayer gatherings and meetings. The leaders are there. But the people are not.
In general, in our region about the same number of people are part of a large church prayer gathering as a small church prayer gathering. Large churches and small, the numbers appear to be about the same for prayer houses, prayer meetings, city meetings and 24hr burns.
Conclusion, the prayer movement is not connecting with the average believer.
Recently my friend from Uganda, Anthony Kinalwa, was with me in Redmond OR. He lives and breathes an overcoming prayer life. As we talked, he described the missional realities he and his team exercise in prayer. I realized we cannot keep plowing forward with all our prayer events, gatherings, initiatives without some serious regrouping.
We need the people involved in prayer. We need to go back and gather up the prayer lives of the average disciple and re-light it with the wonder and awe of abiding in Jesus and overcoming the world.
To see the prayer movement expand into even more glorious grace and consistency, we need to equip the people again in prayer.
I remember getting the message loud and clear as a young new disciple. The youth leaders called us out to early morning prayer. Cold, crisp mornings, while it was still dark, we gathered and pursued Jesus. Early and at the start of the day we read out Psalm 5. Give ear to my word oh Lord. We wanted Jesus. We wanted to learn the ways of those who make him their everything.
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:6
So, where have these voices gone? How do we re-capture the compelling truths of prayer, presence and power?
Psalms 144 was not the first venture into a season of learning about prayer and deeper links to life in Jesus. It did open my eyes fresh and new. It carried me into a whole new path of discovery.
A path of intimate and perfect love through and in warring for the grace and overcoming victory in promise. The good fight of advancing the kingdom.
How's your 24?
How's your prayer walk?
Sowing into prayer is the greatest avenue for consistent joy in Jesus than any other thing out there.
Take a new step into the depths and riches of knowing Jesus. Pray.
Start today. 5 mins listening to or reading the Scripture and Psalm 27:14 wait for the Lord.
Grab some time and steal away with Jesus.
He is remarkable to be around.
You will tap into the grace of God.
The Father sent Jesus to restore us to him and he is longing to know us in Christ. (John 17:3)
1. 10 Keys to Praying with Power
2. 10 Keys to Sustaining Supernatural Life
3. Why is the Prayer House Empty?
4. Intimacy with Jesus Beyond Religion?
Feedback? Ideas?
I would love to dialogue with you.
Share your comments.
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Transfiguration! |
Look forward, eyes filled with Abundance, Boundless, Victorious vision in Jesus.
Get a copy of my Prophetic Review 2016 - Salvation's Mountain Erupting with Open Doors, Shifts and Invitation. Encouragement, focus, wisdom and insight into the prophetic seasons of the new year.www.jeffreynoldsministries.com
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Please share em.
Re-shares are great. thank U.
The dialogue is awesome. Thank you. Testimonies? Share em with me.
Re-Shares lov em. Thank you! With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing! He's got you.
Jeff Reynolds ---
Brother Jeff
Jeff Reynolds Sr. Leader
Capstone Christian Fellowship