Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! A Blessing. Keep Watch in Joy.

Blessings of Grace and Peace fill you home and the hearts of family and friends as you join together this Holiday.

First snow of the season. 2015
Abundant peace and joy fill your homes and hearts as you join together and welcome the Lord into thankful hearts!
Expect some great things this holiday as you gather with friends and family.  

Watch for the presence of God and some remarkable possibilities for his Kingdom to come where it has been hindered before.

I will be taking a few days off to celebrate with my family and return next week.  Blessings.

"Enlarge the place of your tent; Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; Lengthen your cords And strengthen your pegs. 3"For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left. And your descendants will possess nations And will resettle the desolate cities.…

New Posts coming next week.  
If you have free time and want to catch up on old ones.... 

Some popular posts...

On ZEAL. On the Enemy.  On fascination with Jesus.



Thanks for reading. 
The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.   Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you!
With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---

Brother Jeff


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Paris Attacks Baffle the Mind. Evil Will Not Win. LOVE Wins.

As much as we don't want to call anything evil.....

Killing a room full of people who are celebrating life in a concert is....?


Raping women and turning them into sex slaves in the name of anything is....?


Beheading children because of their religion is....? 


It baffles the mind.  EVIL. 
 In its most alarming forms it cannot be explained . 

People look for ways to understand EVIL
But it cannot be understood. 

It's as irrational as suicide.   Just as hungry to destroy and devour.

Letting the cat out of the bag and calling things EVIL is scary for some. 
It means we have to start looking at the way life goes and evaluating the process. 
We start remembering things we've done that we are not proud to announce. 
Our justice system does this all the time.  
Exacting punishments for acts that rob, steal, kill and destroy the lives, freedom and blessings of others.  

For the most part we all have a point at which evil becomes clear. 
When it happens to us or those we love dearly.  

The emptiness of loosing a friend, neighbor, family member, fellow citizen like hundreds did a few days ago in Paris, cannot be explained away.   
The things that occured in Paris were perpetrated by people overcome with EVIL. 
Unexplained in terms we normally function by or make normal and decent relationships by. 

Evil Will Not Win. LOVE Wins. 

Revelation 20:11-13

Jesus was brutalized at the hands of the world's powers, crucified, and buried.  
Because he was sinless, the normal patterns of life and law did not apply. 
Something remarkable occurred.  
A righteous man died in our place.  And God accepted that offering to satisfy the judgement and wrath that was swiftly moving toward us.
Then Jesus rose from death to show us that indeed he had defeated EVIL.

It still lingers.  EVIL.
It still exacts a weighty toll on those who live for love now. 
But one day EVIL will be over. 
The Nazis' were defeated.  Their day ended. 
And the world drew deep breaths of relief and peace.  
Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ will breath peace forever. 
Eternity stretches out in the work and victory of Jesus Christ. 
Peace is our inheritance.

Jesus will rule and reign in perfect peace and the love of God will be manifest in all relationships. Ephesians 1:9-10

But for now we are not yet in the fullness of all he did for the world. 
It is coming to us each day in the lives of those who chose love over Evil.  
Right now we called to follow the way of love.  Called to eagerly desire to see his Spirit orchestrate love in the face of EVIL.  

Through Jesus Christ and faith in him we can walk in love!  

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Thanks for reading. 
The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.   Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you!
With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---

Brother Jeff

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Unity. 5 Things It's Not. And It Is....?

In Christ through the of my favorite phrases. 

But this one trumps all my favorites.....

"he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ."  Ephesians 1:9-10

The powerful reality of the work Jesus finished and proclaimed in him through the Gospel is...

Everything seen, known, understood, everything ever made is coming into 
With Jesus.  
Into Unity and Submission to Christ 
King of the Kings of the Earth.  Rev 1:5

So when we talk about Unity,  
we need to get to the power of Unity that is established in Jesus.  
Not the weak, powerless, worldly versions of unity or even some of the good feeling affinity based unity believers experience from time to time.  

So here we go.   Here are 5 things unity in Jesus Christ is NOT. 

1.  Unity is not Affinity.  Unity in Christ is not based in our affinities with each other.  
Affinity is nice.  It is good and pleasant to be with people "just like us" for a while.  In the believing family we tend to identify people who are just like us.   In many ways we build a life around us that requires no alteration or challenge to our world constructed in class, race, denomination etc.  A world typically constructed in the norms of our culture should not be confused with a Kingdom unity.  Affinity is like minded, liking the same likes, loving the same way of life, are the same in race, or prevailing culture, language or dress and mannerisms.  The manifold wisdom of the Lord Jesus embraces every tribe, language and culture in the glory of God

2. Unity is not Uniformity.  Unity in Jesus is not One denomination or One culture, or One language, or One anything on earth.  Pentecost brought the Gospel to many languages by One Holy Spirit.  In heaven before the throne every tribe, tongue and language will be represented.  Every culture on earth is valued and precious to God.  Jesus is sending missionaries to every tribe for the fullness of his family on earth.  Uniform expressions of faith that claim to be the fullness of Christ in the earth are surely missing the mark.  In truth when each part does its work the love of God explodes and the church is built.  Ephesians 4:16


3. Unity not whimsical spiritual feeling.  
The new age unity is not the same unity found in Jesus Christ.  In Christ the unity is established in a Kingdom and in the rule and reign of Christ.  In the Kingdom a righteousness is revealed that is established in and through Jesus and in the Father and Spirit we love and serve.   Unity in Christ is not whimsical.  It's not a "great feeling" or some kind of mystical reality that we discover while we dance and sing together.   These can be encouraging experiences of commonality and creative agreement.  Unity in Jesus is found in him, reflects his manifold wisdom and is rooted in righteousness.   A wisdom from above is revealed.  James 3:17-18  

4. Unity is not denominational domination.  
In America our corporate culture carries a "one voice to rule them all" kind of dominance.  Sadly, the church can grab a hold of this kind of thinking and totally miss the core nature of the Kingdom of God.  Love, service, sacrifice all defined in Jesus our Master is the call for all the members of his church.  This is how we know what love is Jesus laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for our friends.  I John 3:16

In the Kingdom everyone has....
A store of seed in the generosity of God  -  II Corinthians 9:10-11
Access to the answers of heaven for the resistance of the world, Devil and the flesh.  James 1:5
Great and precious promises that are adequate to propel us to fulfilling the calling of our lives. 2 Peter 1:3-4

A great High Priest who knows us in our weakness and bestows on us his Kingdom with power, love and a sound mind.  Hebrews 10:19-25;  

"For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline."  2 Tim 1:7

Boundless resources.  The invitation is to lavishly spend those in love on the "least of these".   Instead we continue to value what appears valuable through the lenses of our culture vrs the realities of the Kingdom of God. 


5. Unity is not a fond feeling for us to "just get along".  
Just getting along or simply ignoring those family members we find lower, uncouth or simply  not presentable is not the unity found in Jesus.  The Kingdom and righteousness won by Jesus Christ is so much more than "just" anything.  
It is prevailing powerful beauty unleashing the loving kindness and freedom of the Father.  Loving kindness that brings people into tasting and seeing that He is good.  It transforms dead spirits to living sacrifices and it quickens the dead to eternal life.  

The Kingdom unity found in Jesus is founded in victory, overcoming grace and powerful love. 

There is no sentimentality in it.  IT is too gritty and real for anything sentimental. 

It informs every relationship with a righteousness that breathes freedom for air and eats grace for food. 

We can forebear one another, which roughly translated these days may mean ignore, with ease.  In the manifold wisdom that speaks death to the principalities and powers and witnesses their complete demise a "just getting along" sentimental unity cannot stand up; its crushed. 

Unity in Jesus is not crushed.  It is kept.  

An ancient Door is OPEN in Christ

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Thanks for reading. 
The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.   Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you!
With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---

Brother Jeff

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Since Your Love - We are all new creations when we believe and follow Jesus

Since Your Love - awesome song of worship and remembering who we were made for! 

I was made by you
I was made for you
I am unfulfilled
without full communion!

Hope this encourages you to remember first love.
Find a few minutes to rest in the Lord and listen to this one.

Blessings in the Lord,

Jeff R.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Let It Go and Be Alive

Surrender and freedom walk together in Jesus' Kingdom. Sometimes we need to  "let it go and come alive" 

The times and seasons of letting go are usually clear.  

Amazingly, these seasons of discovery come with letting go; ushering in an explosion of creativity. 

When we let go
new understanding breaks forth.

As "it" falls from our hands, heart, mind and spirit into the wisdom and love of God, 

suddenly we are filled with new understanding. 

The Lord requires us to let go first,
then he fills us with the new reality.  
Everything changes in an instant. 
Heart, soul, mind and strength see from a completely different vantage point. 
We actually experience the new and living way in a new and living way.
Letting go is a 100-xs reward encounter.

Letting old wineskins go is tough on....

The Flesh.  
Stepping into new spiritual grace, measures of faith and acts of love stretches us.  
We are amply provided for, but the flesh is weak. 
Letting go requires faith in action. 
Trusting that the Lord has something new for us in real time.
Typically we can sense it or see it just on the other side of letting go.

Peter trusted and let go of everything known to him when he walked out on the waters with Jesus.   
I believe Peter had already let go of so much.  
He followed Jesus after the great catch. 
Simply walked off with him.  
Leaving the boats, catch and nets and staring faces that followed him till he was out of sight. 
One miracle on to another along with no place to lay his head at night, Peter followed
His flesh was constantly stretched beyond recognition. 
His spirit endlessly soaring with the King of Glory. 
The flesh counts for little in the light of Glory and overwhelming Grace filled LOVE.

Letting old wineskins go is tough on....

When we slip from first love and tumble into rules and agreements and laws, religion takes up residence.  If even the slightest smallest idea that we are righteous on our own or that we can perform without abiding connection with Jesus enters our heart, we welcome the earthly wisdom.  

"Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, un-spiritual, demonic. 16For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."
James 3:15-16 

When Matthew was invited to follow Jesus, Peter found religion clouding his eyes.  The true power of the Gospel expressed itself in Jesus.  The sick finding healing and restored relationship with the Father.  Peter, the brother who did not wander or squander the Fathers inheritance, scorned his wayward brother Matthew.   The ruddy fisherman carried some of the Pharisaical disdain for the mercy and grace of God.  Jesus went beyond his understanding.  He sought separation from the sinner, but the Master was at table with him, abiding in the tax collectors house. Perfectly comfortable with those beloved of God living outside his blessings, forgiveness and love, Jesus went where he was welcomed

The true way to life is in Jesus Christ.  Pure wisdom, love, mercy and grace reside in HIM.   

You’re full of
life now
You’re full of
That’s how He
made you
Just let it

(United Pursuit Band)

And He
whispers to your
To let it
go and to be a
Let it go.  
Let it go.
Let it go.
Trust the Lord Jesus and step into the new; as it falls off your fingers, out of your spirit and into the earth that is passing away,  don't even say good bye. 
Rather say hello to new life in Jesus. 

What have you let go?    Share testimony comments!
Comments? Re-shares / thank u

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Thanks for reading. 
The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.   Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you!
With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---

Brother Jeff