Thursday, August 27, 2015

Defeating the Jezebel Spirit. 7 Keys

Jesus is building his church, his assembly, and the gates of hell will not prevail against Him. 
As his people we are possessing the Kingdom through his great promises,
occasionally we encounter direct Kingdom warfare with powers and principalities. 

Here are 7 ways to defeat these attacks. 

1. Walk in the Spirit - Sow to the spirit and nothing else will have preference or priority. Leave the flesh behind not by fighting it and seeking to control it but by sowing its demise deeply into the core of your life.  Sow the Spirit.  Release the power of Holy Spirit fruit, hone in on grace, welcome the kingdom, abide in first love. Walking is moving.  Move in the Spirit.  He is ever faithful to keep us informed and following the Lord.  As you do this discernment, wisdom and love find a center place in your heart and mind.  Walk in the Scripture and the Spirit.  Word and Spirit.  Sow, sow, sow.  Keep your single eye focus on Jesus and what he calls you into today.  Tomorrow will worry about itself. 

2. Close doors - water grace.  There is nothing common about the grace of God.  It was purchased with the blood of Christ, empowered by the resurrection and ascends into heavenly glory in Christ.  Learn the open doors, the avenues of access and abiding.  Stay rooted and established in connection with Jesus, abiding in his love and commands.  Close every other door.  We were bought with a price.  Walk as a living sacrifice.  Focus your energy and efforts on pleasing the Lord.  The eyes are the lamp of the body.  Close every door that is not shining brightly with the face of Christ Jesus.  Close each one.  The Jezebel is an abiding spirit that works its way deeper by building relationship and later using that relationship to destory.  Much like cheat grass that pokes into your sock and inches deeper and deeper the Jezebel looks to go deeper and deeper making way for fear.  Cut off the open doors.  The doors that lead your eyes, heart, mind, strength away from first love fires and serving Jesus with your whole life.  

3.  Exercise Kingdom Authority - Erase intimidation.  No longer give way to passivity or lack of confidence in what God has said you are to be and to do.  Just do it.  Walk in it and in the corresponding authority of the Kingdom of God.  Believe and steward the rhema words and grace the Spirit has given to you.  Move out in faith and courage into the ground you cannot stand in alone.  Do it because Jesus is going there and wants you to follow him there.  Do it without everything in hand or all the risks dialed out of the equation.  Plan with no money in the voice of the Lord.  Stand with Jesus.  Go into the places that you know you are to walk in regardless of fear or intimidation.  Never let fear place boarders.  Our King will let no gate prevail against him.  We are his bond slaves.  Go and Give and Be what he has spoken and called you to go and be.   When you exercise divine assignment in faith the gateways and doors will be open for you to pass through. Jesus will be glorified by your sacrifice and love and the Gospel will go forth with amazing power.  There is no room for a Jezebel in this kind of environment.  No one will allow an unclean spirit to use their authority by doing nothing or not manning their post.  Stand Up in Christ in the fullness of his grace and glory and be the man or woman he called you out to be.  That is glory.  That's when we all see the glory of Jesus shinning in you.

4. Get your affirmations from God - David strengthened himself in the Lord.  His men wanted to stone him and he found strength in God.  This is where we find strength.  This is where an inner power from the Holy Spirit rises up in us and pours out courage and faith in the face of any and all circumstances.   Paul learned that God delivers.  He said those challenges were for one purpose.  So that he and his companions would know that God delivers.  God is trust-able.  He will not abandon us.  Jesus walked on water in the midst of a life threatening storm.  There is no storm of any magnitude on the face of the earth that Jesus is afraid of or unsure of what to do.  In fact he in his infinite wisdom and love combined "makes all things work for good for those who love God and are called to his purpose." (Rom 8:28)   The Jezebel attack is a storm that the Spirit can use to free many people from control, manipulation, broken and unhealed inner parts and poor value for the family of God.  Nothing separates us from the love of God.  Not even a Jezebel spirit. 

5. Put away control and world weapons - learn to identify gold, silver, 
precious stones, hay wood and stubble.  If is it ours we try and protect it.  If it is God's we do our best to steward it for the glory of Jesus Christ and the coming of his Kingdom.   In Christ through the Gospel we preach a message that calls forth new members in the Kingdom family and sets eternity into their hearts.  We are stewards of grace.  Control and power, especially as directed through relationship and politicking are the perfect means to produce and protect hay, wood, and stubble.  The Kingdom is other.  Our work and assignments of the Kingdom come not from men or though men but from God in Christ by the power of the Spirit. 

6. Build the culture of love and Honor in Kingdom Family.  The culture of love is both holy and welcoming.  It is sacrificial and full of humility.  It is a culture of concern for the welfare of all over that of our own.  It is a Kingdom resourced culture that does not fail when practiced with faith, hope and love.  The culture of love honors all above themselves and honors those to which honor is due.  The Kingdom culture of love receives and welcomes those who come in the name of the Lord.  A family that loves confronts.  A family that loves is patient.  A family that loves believes the best and sees people in the Spirit.  A family that loves is full of wisdom, discernment and understanding.  It can discern the brokenness and need of a Jezebel spirit at the door step.  Yet it can love that one and believe for the inner healing and freedom needed without giving place to that spirit.   The culture of love is God's redemptive atmosphere.  Full of grace and truth. 

7. Confront in love, with respect and grace. Confrontation is required to help a Jezebel.  But it is not in power, control or with weapons of the world to silence and shut down.  The confrontation is redemptive.  It carries the eyes and mind of Christ.  It offers hope and love.  It is effective in power through the Spirit.  It is insightful and prophetic.  It is real and open.  It is patient and enduring.  The real power of the Kingdom is grace.    With restoration, redemption and freedom in mind a Jezebel should be confronted.  Never alone.  Go with someone.  But confront early and with the kindness and gentleness of Christ.  Love always wins.  It may not be winning in your present battle but it is winning in the world through Christ somewhere.  Love hopes all things.  Love believes all things.  Believer for the Jezebel spirit captive to be set free into the most amazing first love encounter with Jesus.  To be healed and see the glory of God in the fullness of the face of Jesus.  

Hope this encourages you. 

Five Faces of Wonder in the Face of Jesus
  • Apostolic - Be sent empowered in word and Spirit in Christ through he Gospel
  • Prophetic - Be guided, mindful, encouraged, strengthened and comforted in testimony of Jesus
  • Teacher - Be rooted and established in love and build your Kingdom mindset in word and spirit
  • Evangelist - be his voice and witness in Christ through he Gospel of the Kingdom
  • Pastor - Be love like the Shepherd and be Kingdom family

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Thanks for reading. 
The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you. Testimonies?  Share em with me.   Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you!
With much love in Jesus
You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---
Brother Jeff

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Is the Fivefold Ministry the new Magic Carpet?

First off, the Fivefold Ministry is not new. 

It is part of the cannon of Scripture in the Book of Ephesians.  It was brought forth after years and years of ministry, reflection and revelation through the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  The Lord slowed him down long enough to write and capture the gems of understanding which he imparted to the Church in the Book of Ephesians.
A grand vision,   much like the vision of Revelation, Paul called the church into her glory and government. 

Second, it is not a magic carpet to “make all things right” or “ to win the world to Jesus in a flash”  or to “bring in the later rain” once it appears. 

There appears to be so much “looking for the new Jerusalem to fall out of heaven, land on us, and radically alter the fabric of society and the church like magic.” I’ve heard the Fivefold placed in the same categories.  

I hear things like….
A perfect church will emerge from the Fivefold when it’s influence is present.
The latter days will burst forth when the Fivefold comes into its full expression. 
The end times will wrap up with the coming forth of the Fivefold government.

These kind of statements can be immediate motivators but carry long term negative consequences. If we paint the Fivefold outside the realities of the Kingdom of God and revelation of Scripture we will inevitably sour the initial enthusiasm.  Granted, we know in part and an explosion is better than a fissile.  Seeking to bring forth something wider and more refined is a noble goal.  Again, the revelation is resting with Jesus and his impartation to the servants in his charge.  The reality of the sufferings of Christ, of Kingdom war and hard fought battles waged in the perseverance of hope, have on occasion put out the campfire of our zeal and perseverance.  We ride on something much greater, deeper and more powerful; the overcoming victory of Jesus Christ and revelation of him and his love are the bedrock of energy driving the five folders heart and spirit. (Ephesians 3:17-22)

Why might the phrases above be “off” teaching? 

These phrases appear influenced by modern cultural values more than informed with Kingdom and Scripture.  The Kingdom of God is welcomed, explodes in transformation and new life from the inside out, and then blesses the world “in Christ through the Gospel”. (Ephesians 3)  We are called to be salt and light and to preach a message we embody. (John 17)  We are carriers of the presence and a Kingdom that originates in the inheritance of the Lord Jesus and is coming every day. (Isaiah 9:7)  So, are we unhappy with the measure of light we currently possess?  Unhappy with our influence in the Gospel?  What are the contributing factors for our lack as the Kingdom is without lack?  That is the question of the hour.  Also what teaching and ways are supporting this lack luster reality of the overcoming power of his grace and glory?  In our pragmatism we may overlook the power of the Kingdom of God and the rule and reign of Jesus for more immediate outcomes.  Building wood, hay and stubble edifices is easy in the wisdom of men.  

Jesus takes up residence in people, members of the one body, and with transforming grace of his redemption, resurrection power and ascension Priesthood brings us into eternal life from the moment we enter into this Kingdom.   Eternal life is now.  The Kingdom is coming every day in power all over the planet.  Grace is swallowing up death and birthing eternal life in us.  Life that stands forever. 

We are not beggars.  We are receivers of an eternal Kingdom rooted and established in the Love of Jesus and the rule and reign of his overcoming grace.  Placing first things first puts us in alignment with heaven, the work of Jesus and the power of the Spirit.  I Tim 2:1-3.

So, will the Fivefold, when they are functioning in power and unity, expressing love and equipping the Saints, magically alter the landscape we find ourselves in? 

Short answer. NO. Seen through eyes that inflate power and authority and deflate love and the sufferings of Christ the grace of apostles and prophets can easily be rejected for more compelling and pragmatic pursuits. 

There are a few factors to consider.

Take the Apostle John for instance.
Apostle Fivefold-er given to the church along with heaps of revelation, insight, understanding, experience of the Lord Jesus both in the flesh and in the Spirit. 
Writer of much of the New Testament.
John was one of the three with Jesus in amazing revelation pre-Cross miracles.
John was there on the Mount of Transfiguration with Peter and James.
John leaned in at the last Supper and John asked to sit at the right hand and left with his brother James.
John was visited by the risen Christ and wrote the prophetic NT final picture of all things.  He has one of the best revelatory resumes in Christian history.

This same John wrote to a church in which he had authority and was rejected by a local church leader.  Unwilling to share what John wrote, John says,
“I have written something to the church, but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority.”  3 John 1:9 

In direct contradiction to the order of the Kingdom, an elder rejected the ministry and teaching of the Apostle John.  

There is not a witness of the Lord Jesus beside Peter and James in the living story of the Lord who carries more authority and revelation of Jesus Christ than John.  
Yet he was rejected and hindered by a local church leader.

Magic Carpet? 

Did Jesus, the Messiah, The King of Glory, the Prophet, Priest and King of Israel, the fulfill-er of hundreds of prophetic words, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, magically bring Israel into the fullness of his amazing grace? 

No. Instead, Israel for the most part rejected him.  Jesus and his ministry represented a massive wedge of moral preaching smashing into the concepts, ideas, mindsets of the time and bursting forth with the new covenant.  One Lord, One faith, One Baptism, One God and Father from whom all the family derives its name.   Israel was challenged to the core and depths of understanding by the wedge of Christ. 

Import remembrance:  Jesus accomplished his mission in the midst of Israel’s rejection!  Salvation, as presented in the prophets and in Messiah, was accomplished.  The whole of human history took on a new vision.  We were without God and now we are part of the promises with Israel.  

Israel had a limited grasp of the Prophets Voice, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and others who foretold what she could not see in her limited mindset.  Jesus did not have this lack of mission revelation.  He carried forth the Father’s will into the darkness and a great light dawned.

We know the disciples of Jesus equally had limited grasp as well.  Peter, upon bringing forth the most profound revelation of the ages, “You are the Christ. The Son of the Living God” was rebuked by Jesus as he sought to direct the Lord through his understanding of the Messianic revelation.  

We too know in part in our time.  As Hebrews 11 shares, we know in part so that we too can share in the promise and those who follow will also share in the victory and promise of this Kingdom of our Lord Jesus.  We were made for manifold wisdom to be the expression of the Ekklesia in and around the world.  (Eph 3:10)  All at the same time.  Fully functioning perfect in unity glory orchestrated in the operations of the Father.  Beautiful.  Mind blowing.  Yet, barely informing the current landscape of American Christianity?   So many know it is time for the infusion of radical change.  We are on the doorstep.  The Bride identity is coming with resolute advancement into the hearts and minds of the Lord’s people.  

The Fivefold ministers, given to the Bride by Jesus, carry with them a measure of revelation and impartation from the Lord, like the Lord, in the Lord, through the Lord. 

To American pragmatism this measure of authority and power should produce the most overwhelming and powerful expressions.   Logical.  Man’s logic and pragmatism can simply be gold, silver, precious stone, wood, hay and stubble. 

1 Corinthians 2:1-4  The wisdom and equations of the world do not measure up to the manifold wisdom of God.

Instead, this Kingdom is founded by receiving, in faith and through grace.  It triumphs in the expression of love.  It breathes the air of unity, hope and perseverance.  

John again says, “I John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus….”  Revelation 1:9 

And so the Lord of Glory was rejected.  Crucified.  And the grand conspiracy of God was placed before the world.  The shame of the Cross became the salvation of humanity.  Stumbling block to the Jews and scandal to the nations, this God, who was Lamb, who came from heaven’s full revelation and walked among us, was beaten and killed by those entrusted with his vineyard.   Then in defiance of all things known by humanity, Jesus rose from the dead. He burst forth with power and led the way into resurrection life.  The new man. The new creation was born. That new creation man ascended into heaven from the earth and sat down.  Right next to the Father in perfect power and glory.  He completed everything in the Father’s heart with perfect obedience. 

Magic Carpet? 
Are we counted among those who kill the prophets and crush the Lord’s voice in his anointed?  Are we pulling down everything to make one thing?  Is it our thing?  The Fivefold are free in stewarding grace imparted to them.  They do not pull down even the smallest expression of the victory of Jesus.  They rejoice in the manifold wisdom of God expressed in the Church.  Many functioning operations and grace all at once adding the Kingdom to every available place.  

Are we surprised?

Jesus said, “I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’  Matthew 25:43
“Remember the word that is Said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master’.  If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.  If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.  John 15:20-21

Are we heading in the right direction?   The Fivefold in all its revelation, grace and blessing for the Bride is only as good as the reception it receives.  Likewise the King of Glory grace and love is the conspiracy of the day.  The Fivefold ministers, the gifts to the church, are held out in the palm of a Father to the Saints and the world.  Their task is clear.  Bring the bride into perfection.  The Bride’s perfection and fullness in the inheritance of Jesus is holding back the wrath to come.  When the Gospel is preached in every tongue, tribe and nation on earth, then the end will come. 

“And this gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to the all nations, and then the end will come.”  Matthew 24:14

We could carry this theme of conspiracy on for a while. 
Chorazin - many miracles done in her and her sister cities but they did not repent.  They did not fully welcome the Lord of Glory.

"Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles had been performed in Tyre and Sidon which occurred in you, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 14"But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgment than for you.…Luke 10:13

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those where are sent to it!  How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under wings, and you were not willing.”  Matthew 23:37 

The words to the Hebrews ring out in the hearts of the Fivefold.
“Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things - things that belong to salvation.”   Hebrews 6:9

The promise carries us into the sufferings and the patient endurance and comforts of the Father.   We do not loose heart in the face of such a great salvation.  

So the question arises, is the Gospel limited by limited reception? 

Well lets see.
Would God the Father entrust the work of Jesus to us in such a way that it would not be accomplished without faith, hope and love and our obedient sacrifice?
Does God “work in spite of our failures” to grasp, welcome and pour out his love on the world?
Are angels doing the work of men and women?

Are we the agents of the Kingdom?  
Are we the voice that spells out the reality of the work of Jesus for the world?

Much like the free will and sovereignty arguments that cannot be resolved clearly from the Scriptures, God is initiating around the globe and expecting the servants of Jesus to carry it forth in faith.  That invitation still has to find a home.  A willing heart.  A resolute minister to carry it forward and believe it will be as he has said and preach it with bold certainty. 

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 4:16

The Lord is working all over the globe.  He is constantly entrusting his salvation mission and message to his body.  In this picture he gives some people to the church to carry manifold revelation which when imparted will call forth the glory and purpose of the Son of God in the Bride.  It’s not the whole package.  It is activated by welcome and honor and receiving.  It is stewarded grace.  It is grace received.  It is not from men or through men. (Gal 1:1)  He gave these people to bring a piece of the fullness of Christ to the Bride of Christ. 

The fivefold are active in the entire world.  All at once there is much happening in the Kingdom that cannot be reported or cataloged.  There appears to me to always be a doorway opened by the Spirit to advance the gospel, crash the gates of the enemy and proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom to the prisoners of the dominion of darkness.

Visit my page at for more teaching and blogs on this subject and more. 
Comments?  Ideas? Testimonies?  
Send those to me.  
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The dialogue is awesome.  Thank you.
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Re-Shares lov em.  Thank you!

With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---

Brother Jeff

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Jezebel Spirit - Dialogue and Stumblings - Common Misconceptions

Every day the sun is setting on the enemy's kingdom of air

Is a Jezebel Spirit real?

I've heard a number of counter arguments and thought I would put a few of them out there for discussion. 

1. Natural Supernatural?  Is the supernatural world real?  

Faith in Christ is faith rooted in a supernatural view of the universe.  We see with the natural eyes and we see with the spiritual eyes.  Jesus rose from the dead.  Supernatural.  Basic tenant of faith in Christ.  The closed universe ideas of naturalism, the traditions of the Sadducee, some current denominational understandings all have said and say "there is no supernatural realm".

This is not a new voice.  

The Voice of the Kingdom speaks a different reality. 
Jesus, the Scripture, the Apostles, believers through the age, current testimonies and grace all say something different.  Jesus is alive.  He said himself to the Sadducee's that the Father was not the God of the dead but of the living (Luke 20:37f)

"But in the account of the burning bush, even Moses showed that the dead rise, for he calls the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’b 38He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.”

Christ's Kingdom is present in signs and wonders and heavens host of angels and demons are engaged moment to moment in the salvation struggle for humanity.  

Sure, if you believe the world is a closed natural system you will see only what appears in that grid. If we engage the Gospels and the story of Jesus with even a basic understanding of Christianity we immediately see that Jesus was a living breathing man who did remarkable spiritual things.  A casual reading of the Gospel includes, angels, prophecy, the Voice of God spoken, healing, people rising from death, walking on water and so on.  Though we live in the natural world with all it's laws and patterns we also take into account the realms of the spirit and the amazingly wonderful realities of "every spiritual blessing in Christ". (Eph 1:3)

2. Is the Jezebel thing simply an expression of people who are narcissistic, spiritually wounded and full of fleshly actions?   

I see three levels of answer to this one.

1. Yes, believers can act and function in a carnal and broken state which can bring forth actions that most would deem fleshly, carnal and self motivated.  We've all seen these.  We possibly have participated in a few.   If we have been part of the family of God for any amount of time we may have been in a heart breaking story of family breakdown.  Granted we repent and clean up our mess.  We are all on the way to glory but at times fail to reflect it.
Hindu alters of Bali
Love covers a multitude of sins!  Grace is our salvation.  Salvation is for all of us.  We all share in the blood purchased forgiveness of Jesus.  Mercy saved us through grace by faith.  Hallelujah.  Americans are not that good at family in the natural (remember this is a primary qualifier for all church leadership) and called to build a family that resonates with the way, truth and life of Jesus.  We have some weaknesses.  Good solid pastoral leaders can help immensely with these things. But that is not the end of the story.

2. Yes, the one called Satan is still loose in the earth.  He builds strongholds, deceives, enslaves in any way he can.  Through fallen flesh he influences disciples to take actions that are not in keeping with the mind of Christ, the fruit of the Spirit and love and honor for the Saints.   The deceiver is a fallen angel. He has some fallen angels along with him who work in lessor degrees of impact on the whole of humanity.  They are limited in understanding of the Father's plans, in numbers with the billions on the planet and seek strategic plans and locations.   Ephesians 6: 12  When one deals with demonic realities it becomes clear that certain demons carry the stench of fallen-ness through their expertise in certain sins, temptations and streams of war.  The Jezebel spirit or fallen angel assigned to such tasks and skilled at such war may have a cohort of fallen angels along with it. They bring to a given group of people the same type of warfare and seek to develop a stronghold the same way over and over.  The Scripture gives us insight into the characteristics of such warfare.
Do people go overboard?  Do they start calling every broken, controlling personality a Jezebel?  Do we over-spiritualize?  Do we seek to act in controlling postures ourselves for what we believe are kingdom outcomes?   Do any of these actions, failures or missteps change the reality of fallen angels? Do our shortcomings and lack of discernment stop the deception and 1000's of years of skill in building into humanity fallen strongholds that enslave and destroy?   

3. The Scripture addresses this particular Kingdom battle both in the Old Testament (I Kings 16-19) and in the New Testament (Rev 2:20).  The New Testament writers regularly pulled together warnings and teaching for disciples related to the principalities and powers we confront in this spiritual Kingdom battle.  Jesus could have addressed many things in his final red letter words to the Church (Revelation) and he chose out of seven messages to address Jezebel.  There is much to say about the Jezebel attack and Kingdom warfare but the fact that Jesus addressed this topic one out of seven is to be noted.  The characteristics of the Scriptures stories and rebukes on this topic are important to grasp.  The Scripture clearly points out that Israel's leadership abdicated authority (King Ahab) and that Jezebel (Phoenician princess and idol worshiper) clearly tore down the worship of Israel.  She sought to eliminate the prophets and murdered and killed the Saints under the authority of the King.  In doing so, she brought Israel back into bondage to Baal and Asheroh, both fertility gods whose worship was intercourse with temple prostitutes.  Both of these, immorality and idol worship, are mentioned by Jesus in Revelation as the expressions of this deception.

So, if there is not a Jezebel fallen angel spirit that influenced this type of comprehensive deception in Israel and the early church, then at minimum we can place it into the realms of warfare as clearly presented in the Kingdom of God.  

Looking back at Israel's struggles and failures is encouraged in understanding the new covenant and our walk in it (I Cor 10).  We can look at the corresponding results and characteristics in Israel's walk and and see churches and groups of believers deceived and tormented by the destructive nature of a similar warfare today.  The prophets get killed or quieted.  The worship of the Saints gets polluted and distorted.  The purity of the Saints gets fouled with idols and immorality.  The authority of the Saints gets used by deceptive and destructive elements.  The revelation of the Lord gets distorted by idol worship and immorality.  This deception is a package that tears down the fabric of divine government.  This Jezebel distortion is a demonic spirit that undermines the supernatural realities and authority of the church and it's leaders. 

A quick review of the things that are shown to be torn down in this spiritual deception:
  • The destruction of the prophetic grace on the church - I Corinthians 14:1; Revelation 2; 19:7
  • The introduction of idol worship - I Thess 1:9
  • The introduction of sexual immorality - Eph 5:1-5
  • The breakdown of fellowship in aligned authority relationships of the Kingdom - leadership appointed by Jesus to shepherd the church and fivefold grace to mature her.  Hebrews 13:7; Ephesians 4:11-16

Possibly you can see much of these things active and present in the circles you run in. 

The goal is to eliminate it before it gets a foothold.   The alternative is both painful and clearly destructive to the fabric of any church, ministry or family of faith.  The larger reality in both old and New Testament references to Jezebel is worship, in its spirit and truth revelation, gets diluted and degraded.  The result is the revelation of Jesus on the earth is limited in the hearts of those who profess his name. 

In addressing this particular attack on the church, Jesus is pictured with fiery eyes and burnished bronze legs.  The image is of perfected worship in righteousness and the revelation of that perfect worship in his work as the Son of God. He is a consuming fire.  There is no unrighteousness in him.  Yet through these avenues, which should give endless life and peace to the Saints, the Jezebel usurps and distorts. 

3. Does the church really face spiritual warfare these days?  These kind of issues stem from poor communication and bad leadership?

Bali - Hindu appeasement
Yes.  The church can blunder, fall and make mistakes all in a purely natural way. We can lack grace, love and true desire to bring restoration and forgiveness.  The church can take on an overly organizational vision and leave behind the compassion and love of Christ.  Yet there are countless servants who are seeking to bring you and I into something new and redemptive that is rooted in the love of Jesus.

We have to learn family.  We have to get heaven into us in such a way that we reflect the beauty of the family of God.  This does not come easy in a society completely focused on the worship of the self-idol.   We tend to not be very good at working through conflict.  It seems we prefer divorce and the termination of relationship over the pain and time it takes to make something beautiful.  
Yes.  Sin happens.  Tragedy happens and things go wrong, but God's grace is sufficient.  Possibly we need some more courage and love to build a powerful love witness to the world (John 17:20-21) as a key priority?  This is what Jesus pointed to for the salvation of the world.   
The Scripture calls us family.  Family is forged in covenant commitment and tenacious love.   The marriage realities of the ekklesia, those ambassadors of Christ in the world, do not deeply reflect the reality of a grace filled servant love.  There is more division and broken relationship than can be imagined.  Often people head off to another church and start the cycle over.  They come in guns blazing and all pretty spiritual and go out unchanged.  On to the next foray.  Who is willing to bring the peace and order of the government of Jesus?  Who is willing to stand and serve in love at the same time?  

Mindset is everything.

Where have you developed your understanding of reality?  From Scripture?  From TV?  From your family?  From college professors?  

Some peoples understanding of demons and the supernatural comes from horror movies and Hollywood.  No wonder there is so much superstition and fear.  The reality, presented in the Scriptures, is clearly that we overcome every power through the overcoming power of Christ.  His work was perfect.  It is complete.  His work is all authority over every dominion of darkness.  In confronting such powers we may suffer in the natural, yet they will all fall before him.  Each day the Kingdom is coming into reality in and through the ekklesia, the Church. (Ephesians 3:10)

If you adopt a natural view of the world and strip Jesus of supernatural realities you will see the church through the same lens.  
Natural organization with a charitable posture toward the world....on a good day.  This is not the N.T. view of the church of Jesus Christ.  It is a cultural view shaped in American non-profit law and practice.  In my opinion this is hay, wood, precious stones and straw. 

This is not a view or perspective sufficient to hold the grace expressed in a single day through the church in the world.  So much more powerful and dynamic, she is rooted and established in the very fabric of the love of Christ. The Church is formed in the supernatural victory and boundless abundance of Jesus.  Ascended and seated at the Father's right hand, a love is lose on the world that cannot be broken or defeated.  Through his blood shed on the cross a perfect and efficacious love carried in power entered into the reality of the world through the church.   (Eph 3:10)
The ekklesia, or church of Jesus Christ, is so much more.

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With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---

Brother Jeff

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Fear of Death Grips Humanity. But the Process of Going from Death to Life is What Grips the Saints!

If we died with him...

We will rise with him in glory.

Daily we are defeating the "fear of death".

Each Day the fear of death gets a full bulldog front faced hope and love attack in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The "fear of death" is the prediction of failure and the vision of the end.
It wants us to believe in its ultimate power and final conclusion of it supposed overwhelming power.
It says to us nothing can resist it.
It says it will win in our lives.
It speaks directly against the Kingdom and our Lord.

The fear of death says to us that we will not overcome by the blood of the Lamb.
Be reminded.  Jesus defeated death.  He rose from the Grave!  

The fear of death says we will not see...
That which the Spirit so clearly spoke to us by faith, hope and love.
What we are bringing to life in Christ through the Gospel.

The Fear of Death says......we will not see......

Families and marriages restored.
A nation won in Christ through the Gospel.
The end of violence and slavery.
The defeat of sexual slavery in our cities.
The defeat of the power of pornography over our men and women.
The defeat of debilitating brokenness in the Saints.
The end of suicide among our young people.
The oppressed and demonized set free.
The sick and hurting comforted and healed. 
The end of poor provisions and lack of blessings.
The end of debilitating cycles of failure and defeat among believers.
The end of repeating sins and captivities.
The answer to our prayers.
The hope that is within us.
The reality of the Kingdom in the face of death itself. 

The fear of death is not simply the fear of an individual coming to the end of their earthly days.
The fear of death is a spiritual stronghold of immense proportions that seeks to inform and speak into every aspect of our lives.  It has permeated and invaded everything made in the flesh by humanity since the fall.  We were born into it.  We were raised by its mindset.
Now, we have a new MASTER.

Christ is not held by death, the fear of death, or anything death has to speak.  Jesus defeated death.  He defeated its power forever. 

He rose to new life through death.  He took the keys of death and Hades from the enemy.  Humanity is free through faith in Jesus.

The Old Man is enslaved to a mindset of death.
He call us to come and die that we can live!
Everything known to the "flesh" is death.
The flesh is condemned and will be resurrected to a "new body".  The flesh does not inherit eternal life.  It can add nothing to the insight, wisdom, grace and love of the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ.
The flesh is weak.
The flesh is sightless.  It cannot perceive the Kingdom of God in motion.
The flesh is faithless.  It does not value the Kingdom of God in the day to day.
It will not lay down it's life for anything of the Spirit.
The Old man is an idol unto death itself.
So let it die.
Live in Christ and live forever. 
The flesh is selfish and an idol.  It must be torn down with resolute and clear mission.
The flesh is broken.  Wounded.  Empty.
The flesh does not inherit the Kingdom.

Good NEWS!  

In Christ through the Gospel we have a hope that is founded in the Victory of the Lord Jesus.
We have an overcoming power through the Spirit that defeats the "Fear of Death" at every turn.
We have a wisdom from above that informs us.
We have a love known in the depths of our souls: the love of God in Christ unto eternal life.
We have redeeming love purchased in the power of the Blood of Jesus that overcomes every word spoken by the "Fear of Death".

The fear of death is defeated in boldness.
The fear of death is defeated by strangers, aliens and foreigners to this world, each of its cultures, and all of its enslaving principles.
The fear of death is defeated by those who already died to elemental principles and patterns of this world.

Each Day you and I are defeating the "fear of death" in a hundred ways.
Each Day, as new mercies pour into our hearts in Christ, and we see the grace of God fill our minds and souls with strength for our bodies to carry out the call of Christ.
We are winning.
Each Day death is defeated on a million fronts across the globe.
Each Day the fear of death gets a full bulldog front faced hope and love attack in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Each Day the Saints believe and walk in the Spirit, the Kingdom of God comes forth in faith, hope and love and births freedom for the planet.
Each Day the Saints welcome Jesus and his Kingdom in the face of the "Fear of Death" and choose to walk in faith, believe the Word of Scripture and the Character of Jesus Christ and Trust in the Father, is a day the "Fear of Death" looses more ground, more hearts, more people.

"Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness."

Acts 4:29  

Today is the DAY of salvation!   

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With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---

Brother Jeff

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

What is the Church? A School? A Holy Nation? An Occupying People?


Do people go to Church like they go to school?

Sit in the back, analyze, evaluate and hope to be entertained? 
Like most lectures, even good ones, there can be moments of inspiration.  And no, this is not the goal of teachers.

Has the church inherited the mindset of a poor student heading into a lecture they don't really care about?


Do the people called by His Name carry a Kingdom of love and power and then come to church in a whole different way?

Church is expectation. ??

In a school I get information, educated, and I may get some homework.
Class is on a clock and I can expect all the parameters to follow the syllabus.
Nothing extra ordinary is planned, expected, or envisioned.
The goal of educating the student and getting the required lesson accomplished is clear.  Students spend a great deal of time trying to figure out what the professor wants.  Yes, I did that as well in college and beyond.  We all want a good grade right?
So who is the professor of a church that is more like a school than an expression of the Kingdom of God?

Church is about what Jesus wants? 
He's the Head and is building it, right? 
Hebrides Revival crowd 

In a school we can bide the time.  Hang out. 
We can even sleep.  As long as we get the right info for the test we will be fine.  I'm sure we can find something much more entertaining and interesting on YouTube if we miss this one, we say to ourselves.  We only need the information for the test. Then we can let it go.  Forget about it.  If we have all the information we need, we reasons, we don't really need to be in church either. 

The church is an ambassadorial family.  People who carry a Kingdom. 

In a School I get graded on my aptitude in the knowledge handed out. 
Evaluated on my performance of the curriculum and my ability to spit back the vital information, I can engage based on my student skill set.  Just enough to make the mark I desire.
Is Jesus God?  Answer, yes.  Is Jesus the Son of God. Answer, yes.  Are you saved? Answer, yes.  Do you believe these 10 items?  Answer, yes.
Does your life reflect a vibrant faith, hope and love and the signs of the Kingdom?  Answer, uh.....

In the Church of the Kingdom I get evaluated on how I steward the grace and gifts I've been given by the Lord.   

In a school I can miss, barely participate and just get by for the grade if I have enough mental ability.  I can learn what is required and give that much.  Get an A and not even express my full potential.  It really doesn't have much to do with what I do after I finish the homework either.  It is information not vital life transformation.  

In the Church of the Kingdom my worship is in Spirit and Truth. 

Love as worship is doing the Father's will for the sake of the world.   This kind of love is easily read by all.  It is tangible and real in the world.  There is little room for just getting by.  Anyway, my evaluation of my own performance is not sufficient .  Jesus is the one who will measure my worship and stewardship at the white throne.   The test is how it played out in my life as an obedient servant.  All the information cards and lists will have no effect on that day. 

In the Kingdom of God the church is not just a school, or a beautiful field to lay down and rest in, or a place where people find Jesus, or a place where we only pray.  It is so many things at once.  The fivefold ministry reflects a manifold expression of the face of the Lord in.....

Pastoral / Shepherds
Prophets and Apostles

In a Kingdom Church I get encountered by love, worship, a life in grace and a family rooted and established in Jesus.  In a really blessed environment there will be teachers and evangelists, pastors and apostles, prophets and shepherds.  The combination and faces of the Lord can meet the needs of the Bride and encourage, strengthening and comfort with power in love.  

The Kingdom of God is activated in faith, driven forward through challenge and opposition in hope and ultimately produces the fruit of love.   We need the teacher.  But we need so much more to walk in the fulness of Jesus Christ and reflect his glory and power in a broken world. 

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With much love in Jesus

You can do this thing!  He's got you. 

Jeff Reynolds   ---

Brother Jeff